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About Drazden2323

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  1. I've seen her a while back and she was fun. But it's a lot of work to try and book time with her. She can be a bit flaky. Maybe she has a lot going on personally I don't know but she is hard to book sometimes. When you do get her, she doesn't watch the clock and you'll probably enjoy yourself. But this was almost 2yrs ago. Hope that helps
  2. Sooooo....... As this is my first post, I wanted to meet someone who would be worthy of a glowing review. This fine young lady was exceptional! I will forgo the details but I will say this..... The words that came out of my mouth after she seductively coaxed round two out of me was...."I feel like I'm 18 again!!" Not that I'm progressed in years, far from it but I just wanted to keep going. She is so much fun to be with. Small stature, sexy and tight little body in all the ways you're picturing right now, vocal, aggressive, attentive.... and wonderfully rambunctious! The lists can keep going. Someone mentioned she's the energizer bunny of SP's.....believe me.... she loves to keep going. In short.... outstanding!! I will be visiting as often as possible!!
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