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Posts posted by WriteOn

  1. US Border often ask if I have ever been fingerprinted. If you have that opens a big can of worms. Even if you are aquitted or pardoned you are still in that system!


    Re the Registry, I believe it is up to a judge to enter your name, not the police. Fortunately.



    I thought if you were pardoned then you can answer the question "have you ever been arrested" as no.

  2. Should I clarify? LE already thinks that clients are pervs, at least the ones who see the street workers. So a bill telling them that they are supposed to see them as perverts isn't going to change the fact that they already do think that. :)


    Here is what I was responding to.


    but LE doesn't see the clients and sps as any different. A new bill isn't going to have them seeing you as any more or less the perv they currently view clients.


    My point was with the new law john's are the target, not the sex worker. John's will be prosecuted, they will have the record. So the new bill will affect how we are treated.


    As far as how LE "perceives" me, I don't give a fuck.

  3. I for one will immediately end my hobbying if this becomes law. Too much BS and risk involved. Hopefully there will be changes to the proposed legislation.



    I don't believe that for a second, as many times as people say prostitution is legal in Canada and of course technically it is, there are laws that are being broke on a daily basis by hobbyists, et al.

  4. I was not suggesting or recommending the practice just answering a question.


    That said when we participate in this hobby we gave to manage the inherent risks as intelligently as we can.


    Just my opinion


    I wasn't trying to imply you were suggesting anything, just relaying a personal experience based on the discussion.

  5. I respectfully disagree, and I say... this matter has been settled and currently has not challenged in a higher court.


    Could you be a little more specific. You're saying that it is legal to get a nude hand job in a massage parlor now?


    I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I would really like to know what the statement above specifically means.

  6. I don't see any reason to bring this issue up with the owner, what will it achieve except possibly the lady losing her job. You were offered more than you expected, which personally I don't see as an issue :) , and you declined.


    Personally, and I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone, you're naive if you think the only thing that happens in massage parlours is a HJ.

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