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Posts posted by WriteOn

  1. Argo. I was way too young when this was actually happening but as far as historical accounts (OMG can't believe that "historical" can be something in my lifetime lol) it was very interesting and has sent me on a google frenzy!



    Unfortunately Argo was historically inaccurate, according to Jimmy Carter, the President of the United States at the time. Also, Ken Taylor the Canadian Ambassador to Iran was offended by the movie.


    It was a great movie, I personally loved it, but historically speaking, it was offensive.

    • Like 1

  2. I'm going to respond to this respectful post, and I promise (last time I didn't promise) I will not respond to any other posts.


    I just think there is a disconnect from what you think is going on versus what the sps are telling you is going on. You do have a lot of experience, which to me means you are not as familiar as we are with what the typical newbie is going to be doing or asking about.


    I respectfully disagree. I don't know what it's like to be in business with a website full of information and have potential clients day after day ask the same stupid questions. I can try to imagine what it's like but I haven't lived through it. I have no doubt it is one of many issues SP's deal with.



    The other issue seems to be that you don't want anyone, mostly sps, telling you any of that. And that is your issue. You can either become reactionary whenever anyone disagrees with you, or even just tries to explain their own POV and experiences, and LEARN from that, or you can continue to repeat your own points, to the exclusion of all others.


    Again, I respectfully disagree.


    I'm not going to get into the details of each post here but what started the anger towards me was I was defending a client's "stupid" question. All I was trying to say was there could be another reason other than pure stupidity or laziness as to why a client could ask certain questions. I tried to show a different side to the issue and that angered many people. If you are of the opinion there is only one side to this issue then you are entitled to your opinion, but so am I and taking a different side to an issue doesn't, imo, imply I am not able to listen or learn.


    I didn't question it was an issue SP's deal with (along with many others). I don't know what it's like to do your job and I haven't claimed to.


    I believe if you read the thread you will see I have not been disrespectful to members (unless you count disagreeing as disrespectful). I haven't taken personal attacks on members, I haven't posted mean spirited comments, period. I HAVE taken personal attacks, there is clear and obvious anger in posts directed at me and I have responded to these attacks.


    I'm glad to have your post to respond to, no emotion, no anger, just valid points.

  3. Dude. You dug yourself this hole.


    Reread your posts. What FilmGeek said to you was SPOT ON.


    Oh Hello Berlin and welcome to "Bashfest WriteOn" 2013. So you want to pile on? Ok.


    I am running a business; my website is written to answer as many common questions as possible. I still get a billion "what are you rates" or "where is your incall" questions when all of that wonderful info is provided on my website AND in my ads.


    Ok, you are running a business with a website full of information and still get a billion stupid questions?


    What about this makes you angry with me, what I have said, specifically, that has made you angry at me?


    Please, not the rules thing, that was clearly taken out of context, I wasn't suggesting a client not follow a SP's directions for an encounter. I was saying when I contact a provider I don't follow a script. I don't have a 3 message rule, etc.


    Please not the joke thing, I'm sorry to you and all others it offended but it was a joke. To suggest any man takes pride in paying women for sex is ridiculous. I'm not proud of the fact that I pay women for sex and I'm not ashamed of it, I thought the absurdity of saying I've paid for more sex then most guys would be taken as self deprecating, it wasn't. I've never heard of a man bragging about paying for sex in my life.


    So in the end, except for the fact I am clearly disliked, what is it that I've said that offended you Berlin? Why do you think such a personal,nasty attack by FilmGeek was warranted?

  4. This post tells me all I need to know about you. Bottom line is this, you're neither polite nor respectful, because people who are polite and respectful don't feel the need to announce to the world how polite and respectful they are.


    Ok, so a gentleman would never say in a post that he is a gentleman? That would be arrogant, why if he was a gentleman would he have to announce it? If I am following your logic correctly.


    Anyone who publicly states in a post they are respectful to the ladies clearly is not? Hmm....



    You don't follow the rules, because of the reason most people don't. Arrogance, conceit, narcissism, rules are for other people to follow, not you, because, in your mind, you're think you're something special. Well, guess what, you're not.


    You and others are taking my comments of of context and because I have no friends here it is easy to pile on. Clearly my comments were not to suggest not following rules, it was to suggest a non-robotic communication with women I contact.



    I don't know you, this is the first post I've read from you. How you could be so rude and disrespectful tells me one thing about YOU, you like to be a member of the popular group, you've read the thread, talked to your friends and see that the popular thing to do is to attack me. It worked for you the "popular kids" agree with you and showed their support.



    Well it got you nominations and popular points so good on you.

  5. WriteOn,


    if you look back at the first sentence of my post you will see that it states "I understand your point". To be clear, yes, I see what you are trying to say. Inexperienced hobbyists can and do have the right to ask questions that others may think are painfully obvious. You have articulated your point. You have been heard.


    Not sure I agree with you since it has generated so much venom.



    What you don't seem to want to consider is how this person may be perceived by the lady he is contacting. As you are "experienced" and have "paid for more sex than most guys here" you must have an excellent understanding of the industry in general and realize how every provider's work situation is different. Clearly you are aware that whether they are part time or full time, mothers or students they have other demands on their time aside from this business.


    Again the "paid for more sex than most guys" was meant as a self deprecating joke, clearly it was funny in my mind only.


    Yes, I do understand that every provider has unique circumstances but this is a business and I would think generating more business would be important.

    I think you are getting the wrong idea here, I'm not saying there aren't Time Wasters out there, I'm not suggesting SP's should spend 50% of their day educating potential customers. All I'm trying to say is not everyone has the experience and knowledge of the members her on CERB and I do think if you are in the business it is part of your job to try and help those who want to do business with you. I don't think you should sacrifice your personal life,your family life, your education, I think this discussion is way too deep.

    You're going to get some stupid questions from potential clients, unless they're being rude, disrespectful or purposely trying to annoy you then I think it goes with the territory.

    Does that make me a bad person, honestly this is getting out control.


    With a limited amount of time to screen, prepare for, and see clients many ladies just aren't able to help or guide new clients. And if this client is asking for information that has already been clearly presented on the ladies website why should she take the time to guide him? If he isn't willing to read a single webpage why should she go out of her way to spoon feed him the information?


    I'm not saying that if you ask a stupid question you are doomed to a life of masturbatory isolation. Many ladies will take the time to help a fellow along. But surely, after all this, you must be able to see that from a certain point of view a guy who hasn't done the slightest bit of homework might get labelled as a little too time consuming for some of the ladies to deal with?


    Of course I understand that SP's getting the same question over and over is annoying. Yes I understand that.

    I'm still nervous when meeting new SP's and I have done it many times (not bragging) so I can easily identify with someone without experience contacting a SP.


    In the end the SP is an independent business woman, although services provided are unique, dealing with the public is like many other businesses. I feel like stating that makes people think I am a cold-hearted soulless person and I don't know why.

  6. Yet you refuse to follow rules see your own first post. I bet this is not your first handle here champion just saying.


    I got that thingelylily up my butt telling me you were somebody else on this board..

    That feeling isnt a feature in my ass



    "I bet I've paid for sex more than most guys here :)."...lol yet You dont Want To follow any rules..you go boy like you really did paid more than anyone on this board...your silly or had to much to drink as big spender don't demonstrate they acted....they do t need to brag o. How much.


    Saying I've paid for lots of sex is not bragging, it's definitely not something you sit around the bar and talk about with your buddies. It was a joke, actually a self deprecating joke.


    I've never said people shouldn't follow rules, never.


    If you want to attack me because I take a position you don't agree with go ahead.

  7. Well shit I tried to stay away, even though I realize no matter what I say I will be jumped on I will take 1 last stab at it.

    I have to take some responsibility as I clearly am unable articulate my position, which is simply inexperienced clients can ask what experienced SP's and clients think should be painfully obvious.



    I don't think you're being rude or disrespectful and I understand your point but it isn't really the job of the provider to educate the client no matter how green they are.


    Really? A professional SP shouldn't have to educate a potential customer? Well, wouldn't she want to? Unless she has an established clientele and doesn't need new customers I would think she would welcome helping out new clients, guiding them, helping them to become more knowledgeable in the business which benefits him, her and any future ladies that he will communicate with.



    Writeon I do not wish to attack you but in your first post you mentioned not following rules ladies...now you say that you have experience...Yet present the situation of the unknown business...


    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. All I've been trying to say in all of my posts is that inexperienced people can ask what experienced people think are stupid.

    I've never advocated not following rules and yes I am "experienced", I bet I've paid for sex more than most guys here :)

  8. As for my website, it is clearly written. Again, just read.



    Your website does not state who books the room. I do read, maybe my comprehension level isn't what yours is but I do read.


    I'm not going in circles defending my position like I did in a previous thread.


    I will just state for the final time, if you're an inexperienced person in this business, everything that seems logical and common sense to you may not to the inexperienced person.


    That's all I'm saying, I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful.

  9. To be blunt, and sorry for butting in however - if you the gentleman want an OUTCALL (an outcall means I come to YOU, not YOU come to ME) then you must provide the location as how else is it going to be an outcall to a hotel? If I was asked this question over and over, I too would not be impressed, and even if it was listed on any of our websites, the gentlemen who need to read that tidbit of info - rarely if ever do. Please do not take this as an attack WriteOn, as that was not my intention.



    I will just say this. If I were to introduce you to a person who was a professional and you didn't have any experience in his or her field I bet you would ask questions that he or she had been asked before and sounded stupid to them. What seems like common sense to someone who has been in the business for years is not common sense to some nervous guy looking to book an encounter.

    Again I can understand how annoying it would be answering the same questions over and over, I'm just trying to give a different perspective.

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  10. Well, I finally heard back from this lovely sp. She said she felt really bad, and had a feeling she forgot something. And that's it..... Oh well , maybe I'm too sensitive, but I will not be re-booking with her.



    That's it? She had the feeling she forgot something? I dunno, something just doesn't feel right about this whole thing.

  11. Just for fun I posted her ad on a review board out west ;). Take this info for what it's worth, it was one response.


    She used to go by the name Callie Cane, had her own website at one time. The only other thing that was mentioned was that they don't remember seeing any outstanding reviews (although negative reviews were not mentioned either).

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  12. First I've heard of this, learn something new everyday.


    As far as being safe from my limited research on what cock sounding is, I gotta believe you want to do it with someone you trust and someone who has a lot of experience.

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