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Posts posted by WriteOn

  1. As long as the reasons that brought you here remain, I don't think retirement will be weighing on your mind. Maybe guilt or finances could cause one to retire, or contemplate it, but if the reasons remain, you will likely drift back.

    Hopefully one day you will be able to simply say "it's time".



    Retirement = stop seeing escorts?


    It seems like you are saying that seeing escorts is a bad thing.


    To say guilt or finances could cause someone to stop seeing escorts implies that it is a bad thing to see an escort.


    "Hopefully one day you will be able to simply say "it's time""


    This statement says it all. I don't agree, I don't think I need to stop seeing escorts, I don't think it is a problem that I see escorts.


    Additional Comments:

    Dude, "against" is entirely your own insertion there. Huh. It's almost as if we just did our own little Rorschach test, but with my words instead of pictures!


    I don't see the division as remotely adversarial, it just reflects two different conceptual spaces.



    You are entitled to your own reality, it does not make it right, no matter how popular it is.

  2. It's been over a year and a half since I started this thread and have had met many more woman over the year. I have met women from very young to middle age. They offer different experiences, not because of the age, but because of their experience. Some of the young girls have had many experiences, but not life experiences. Older women have been through many life experiences, many loves, marriages children. They know what to expect from life and know that us older men want more then physical sex, we need to be held, and kissed and cuddled. With most young girls, it is just physical, and some do it just for the money. But sometimes you meet a young girl, that has had many life experiences, and they know how to please a man. In general women around 30 seem to be the most fun, still young and horny but experienced. But as always, YMMV, each girl is different and you will always be surprised. :)


    Your posts/threads are very suspect. You've made many general points in your post, I'm not sure any are of a result of experience though.

  3. If I were to find a "civilian" ;) that fulfilled my sexual desires and need for affection I would likely retire as well. Until such a time (if it ever comes), body and bank account willing, I will seek what I require here.


    Keep your bank account stoked. You will be here a long time. What you seek can only be bought.


    Additional Comments:



    It's not community in the sense of "we're special and others keep out!", but rather "knows and gets it" vs. "doesn't know and doesn't get it".





    It is a community in the sense that it is us against them. You can differentiate the parties as you will.

  4. CERB is a funny place, in many cases it seems some members here have the us against the world mentality. When I saw a thread about retirement I assumed it was about someone who was retiring after long life of employment. Not so.

    I read members on CERB talking about people who do not hire escorts as "civilians"... like you're in the military? Here on CERB that statement makes sense only because it gives you a sense of "community". THEY, don't understand us.


    Curiosm7 please don't take this personal, I've read your posts and you seem like a great guy, I'm glad you and your SO have come to a mutual understanding regarding your interaction with a/some MP's.


    Just giving some thoughts from an "outsider".

  5. I think you're out of luck. It seems you like the Asian ladies since you keep trying with so little success so I'm wondering what it is that you're disappointed with in your encounters? I've only seen a couple ladies from VIPOTG but in both cases they were young, attractive and I enjoyed myself.


    I really miss Jasmin Thai :sad:


    The most beautiful SP I have ever been with.

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    Good, so no body should complain then when the provider turn the TV to sports channel to watch the hockey game. It is time for money.


    Well actually guys do complain about this, but what can a client do? A client has a couple of options, leave and get nothing out of the encounter or accept it and get what you can out of the encounter.


    This is called gambling and we are not licensed by the government to run private casinos.


    It is somewhat of a gamble, for both parties, with an encounter. That's why I always suggest to newbies to do as much research as possible before an encounter. There is no guarantee when you see a provider that it will be a mutually satisfying situation, hence, it is a gamble.

  7. The one you elude too and I'll quote you again here (copy/pasted)


    "I always thought that the general consensus was that all men were dogs and would do what ever they needed to to get laid"


    For me and other gentlemen seeing companions is much more than just about sex. It is the emotional connection, conversation, sharing time together, sometimes even friendships developed. This lifestyle is about mutual respect and mutually beneficial. For me it has nothing to do with being a dog or doing whatever to get laid.

    But your posts I'm guessing are reflective of what society's stereotype of a client are. Frankly it's hard to destigmatize clients when there is one hobbiest here through his posts perpetuating that same stigma.

    And frankly I resent being painted by the same brush


    It's interesting that you need to use my words to describe your version of the "stigmatized stereotype of a client".


    The statement that "all men are dogs" was not originated by me. It is a statement that is commonly used by women (and not denied by many men). I'm surprised by your reaction to it, I really am.


    I understand individuals saying that people who are close to them would be surprised that they see escorts, but I do not believe in this day and age that people stereotype the type of man who see escorts, they realize that men of all types see escorts. Rich, poor, beautiful, ugly, married, single, gay, straight.


    There isn't a stereotype of a man that sees escorts, I think you are underestimating the general public.

  8. I think the thing I'd say to try to address the stigma is EXACTLY what Nathalie did so wisely in her first post: "these are the very same guys you know in your own life, and there's nothing wrong with them. It's not the clients (or SPs) that are faulty; it's your own ideas about sex and sex work."



    I don't have any data to support my opinion, it's just that, my opinion. I believe that today, people in general have a broader view of the type of man that visits sex workers, ie, the everyman.


    Yes there will always be people who sterotype (or are naive) but I honestly believe that most people realize that the type of man that visits prostitutes is your neighbor, your co-worker, your brother.

  9. That consensus you elude too is part of the reason there is stigmatization. While sex is part of an encounter, for many gentlemen, we appreciate and value the connection, companionship, escape and sometimes friendships the ladies provide. Professional companions are much more than providers of sex, which is why the ladies are so special



    If sex is part of the encounter then I don't know how you can say "men wanting to get laid" is part of the reason for the stigmatization. Sex is part of the encounter.


    I realize there are many people who's view of a "client" is a fat sweaty guy driving down a dimly lit street looking for a prostitute, all I'm saying is that with all the media coverage of celebrities, politicians and athletes private lives there is a broader view of the type of man that hires an escort.

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