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Everything posted by hornplayer62

  1. Anyone have any idea if Jewel is still dancing and where? Thx
  2. I had seen Juliana there a couple of times over the fall of 2015, grand fun. Tons of personality. I have track with her unfortunately. Anyone know where she is working now?
  3. Thanks for this Emily. A number of streets in the Ottawa market area that are now one way have been made so as a consequence of similar thinking on the part of the Ottawa police service and city counsel. Just came across an article on CBC that shows similarly dumb behaviour on the part of law enforcement, fortunately on the other side of the border. http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2014/05/police-plan-to-live-tweet-prostitution-sting.html Regards, Hornplayer
  4. An insightful article, thank you Emily. The next twelve - actually 10 or so - months are going to be interesting. Peter MacKay is not a particularly bright bulb. The current conservative government is becoming increasingly viewed as legitimacy impaired. Conservative political ideology would speak of a prohibition/criminal solution. That said, there has been a move toward the centre and a weakening of the appeal of conservative ideology both north and south of the border. Harper has always had a keen eye toward votes over ideology. Here's hoping saner heads will prevail.
  5. Thanks Anna for this insightful post. In a Canadian political environment that is becoming increasingly dominated and trivialized by wedge issue politics, it is a challenge to image the kind of sensitive and intelligent legislation required to bring about meaningful change. I hope that there will be a wholesale repudiation of the Harper (and Rove) style of politics that has dominated Canada for the past 9 years and a return to a more thoughtful style of politics focused on advancing the public good. There are occasional glimmers - yesterday's ruling by the speaker on the independence of member being one.
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