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Nathalie L

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Posts posted by Nathalie L

  1. There is one downtown hotel in our Nation's Capital which I cannot use anymore as I had an awful time with itching there. I did think it was the sheets at the time (Christmas past), but maybe now it was many-legged company!?






    I hope not, for your sake! I've also never had an encounter with bedbugs, which is surprising considering when I was younger I stayed at many youth-hostels in Europe. It seems pretty rampant in those sorts of places.

  2. Sophia, you've already mentioned a lot of the lovely gentlemen who participate on the board! In addition to those you've already mentioned, I would like to give thanks to

    • mrnice2
    • phaedrus
    • mrgreen760

    whose contributions on the board I always pay special attention to.


    I would also like to give thanks to

    • areez
    • Mr.Goldfinger

    for making me laugh in chat!

    • Like 3

  3. I believe "A Single Man" is an underrated film. Despite a rating of 7.3 on Rotten Tomatoes, I believe it deserves much more praise.




    Set in the early 1960's during the McCarthy period, this gay university professor suffers the loss of his long-term partner in a car crash. The director explores themes such as grief, health, fear of the 'unknown', love, friendship, and art. The filming technique is different, and I love the meaning garnered from how the director, Tom Ford, plays with light and colour. It is a slow paced, but incredibly beautiful movie.


    To enjoy this film, you must be willing to genuinely see, hear, and imagine!

    • Like 1

  4. "Love as thou wilt" from the trilogy Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. It's my CERB signature, and also on my website. To me, it represents the ability to love unconditionally, and regardless of societal pressures.


    I love this quote so much, that I actually have it tattooed on my hip.

  5. While I was in Quebec City this weekend there was a lot of reports about this exhibition. In Quebec they think the public outcry is a moral panic about youth exposure to sexuality and sexual expression. Most youth (note they aren't necessarily children) have access to all this information via porn, websites, etc. I agree with Quebec when they say museums might as well make this information accessible in a public forum where it is (at least) somewhat accurate! There are also people who can answers questions openly and honestly, which you can't necessarily say about the internet.


    I can't wait to see it later this week. I hear there's a button you can press to demonstrate a penis from flaccid to erect. Wouldn't it be great if it were that easy? (Mind you, sometimes it is!)

  6. Sometimes we as individuals do not realize or are never made aware of just how important a little personal gesture can be in making someone feel better or even how that simple gesture might turn a persons life around for the better.


    I love how this applies not only to CERB, but life more generally. It only takes a moment to make a difference in someone's life. A passing hello, a "how are you?", a "do you need help carrying your groceries?". Sometimes it's recognizing a person's vulnerability, or giving them back their dignity when someone is being disrespectful.


    It's those little moments that are so important, and they are apparent on CERB (and in our lives) everyday. When we're rushed we have a tendency to forget how a moment can change someone's life. We're so impatient as a society, and I try as best as I can to take my time and be mindful of those around me.

    • Like 3

  7. When I was younger I told my grandmother I wanted to be a lawyer.


    "They are all bunch of fucking cheats and liars" she exclaimed loudly. "Why don't you become a doctor?" she asked. I was 10 years old at the time, but I still want to be a lawyer and perhaps one day work in the library of the Supreme Court of Canada. We should always dream big!

  8. As a yoga instructor, Thai masseuse, and avid yoga practitioner, I find this article particularly interesting. Thanks for posting it, WiT!


    If I may speak about my personal experiences, yoga has definitely helped my sex life. However, it hasn't helped me strengthen my kegel muscles and achieve 'better' orgasms, although this is one of the side effects of a rigorous practice. Rather, and I would argue more importantly, yoga has taught me to breathe, and be fully present during all my experiences.


    It's interesting, because the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (the pre-cursor to Hatha and Astanga yoga mentioned in the article) discuss the importance of sexual abstinence. Something not even mentioned in the article itself!


    Let's just say it's a good thing I'm not that far along my practice ;)


    (oh, and P.S., did you all know that most women go commando in their lululemon shorts?)

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