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Nathalie L

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Posts posted by Nathalie L

  1. I just had this image of you without your contacts or glasses peeing on a towel.... LOL


    The perils of reading too many posts together!


    hahah! Oh my! It would be really interesting if I offered water works as a service, now wouldn't it? One would wonder if there was a connection ;)


    (fyi, for those who don't know what we're talking about, he's referring to my post on this thread)

  2. I grew up in a small town in Quebec City, and in the house I grew up in, the bathroom had an 'open-concept' cupboard. Essentially, we were too broke to have cupboard doors.


    My mother stored the towels on the bottom shelf, but she also had odds and ends (extra sheets and little towels) on the ground beneath the lowest shelf. I was a toddler, maybe 3-4 years old, and in the process of being potty trained. I was naked, and ran from the kitchen into the bathroom. I don't remember what my mother was doing at the time.


    I squatted on the blankets, with my vagina right against the towels, and peed. I remember it feeling really warm, cozy, comforting, but also very erotic (although I didn't label it as such at the time, of course). It felt really good, and that's the earliest memory I have of deriving any kind of erotic pleasure (it was unintentional, and pretty random, as these things usually are).


    When my mother found the pee, she didn't know it was me, and blamed my dog, Shadow! I felt so horrible, but I was too embarrassed to tell my mother it was me. haha

  3. Reading on the bus and having someone play some acoustic songs on their guitar beside me. The bus was pretty empty, and I found myself wanting to stay on the bus rather than get off...


    I missed my bus stop, and got off the bus when he did. I ran up after him, awkwardly and said "Thank you". He was really flabbergasted and then I told him I had to hop the 95 back in the other direction. He laughed and then I took the bus back to where I was going.


    I never regret moments like that. I didn't have anywhere important to be anyway :-)

    • Like 1

  4. I love glasses too and would wear them more often if I could. Generally speaking, I wear my contacts during encounters because glasses tend to get in the way of a heated make-out session ;)


    Upon the removal of my glasses, I can't see anything at all. I'm myopic with a vision of -4 in my right eye, and -4.5 in the left.


    I like to use all my senses when I'm with someone, and having my eyes is a big part of being able to touch someone!

  5. To see the article, click [URL="http://www.fox8live.com/news/local/story/Prostitution-crackdown-in-the-French-Quarter/Tkrlz-LRo0GcMjNGNYeM8A.cspx"]here[/URL], or read it below.

    [B]Prostitution crackdown in the French Quarter[/B] by Natasha Robin of Fox8

    New Orleans -- For two months, state, federal and local investigators worked to crackdown on a problem that they say fuels violence. They held a news conference Thursday to reveal the results of the investigation, dubbed "Project Heat."

    â??These law enforcement agencies have teamed up to combat prostitution and prostitution related crimes in the French Quarter,â? says NOPD Superintendent Ronal Serpas.

    More than a dozen officers infiltrated the French Quarter every night, looking for anyone involved in prostitution. In all, 67 people were arrested including alleged prostitutes, johns and pimps.

    â??I saw first-hand in talking to business people throughout the city. They complained that their patrons didnâ??t want to come back because they were being addressed, accosted and pulled aside constantly,â? says State Police Colonel Mike Edmunson.

    Most of those arrested were women from out of town who were staying in downtown hotels. Hotel managers began calling the NOPD to report activity involving prostitution.

    The FBI says juveniles frequently are brought into the business and become human trafficking victims.

    â??Itâ??s where pimps drag juveniles from state to state because we never know, as this task force is working, who we are going to come across,â? says Special Agent in Charge David Welker.

    The District Attorneyâ??s office is playing a major role in the crackdown effort. DA Leon Cannizzaro says he immediately noticed those arrested were spending very little time in jail.

    â??I remember the first day they engaged in this operation, they made 13 arrests. The cases were brought to Criminal District Court. Nine of the 13 were released on recognizance bonds,â? says Cannizzaro.

    The DA decided to direct the prostitution cases to Municipal Court, where 90 percent of those arrests eventually led to convictions.

    Investigators say this operation is just the beginning. The collaborative law enforcement effort will continue in hopes of putting an end to the prostitution problem in the French Quarter.

  6. Wait a minute... this sounds familiar...




    Prostitution/Client myths and misconceptions!


    Exactly! We all know sex workers, we all know queer people, and we all know people who are HIV positive too. Stigma has a lot to do with whether someone discloses to you or not.


    We need to make sure we check our tongues and create a safe space for people to genuinely talk about themselves and their experiences.

  7. Legally, if you are charged with aggravated sexual assault because you did not disclose your status (either with HIV, or now herpes) it is considered 'fraud' which negates consent. According to the law, you cannot consent if you do not have all the necessary information.


    However, it's only fradulant if the transmission of HIV/Herpes represents a significant risk of bodily harm. Usually, this significant risk is categorized as death (i.e. with HIV in the early-late 80s).


    I don't think herpes (or HIV, in our contemporary context) represents a significant risk of bodily harm (i.e. death) to entice such criminal proceedings... what a load of horse shit.

  8. Nuzzling and gentle nibbling is okay. I'm very ticklish and I find that more than that is a mood-breaker. Tongues? No thanks. There are better places for talented tongues to work their magic!


    I agree! I love gentle nibbling, and earlobe sucking. However, I dislike having a very wet tongue quite literally in my ear. There are definitely better places for tongues to work their magic, as the beautiful Samantha has said!

  9. I learned that CERB is a gigantic subculture with it's own rules, guidelines, and (thankfully) bendable social mores. It's a community of people who genuinely care about each other, their environment, and their safety.


    I love CERB, not only because it facilitates meeting patrons, but because I've made really fantastic connections through this website that I will cherish for a very long time.

  10. Very nice thread idea, Gentlemen11. Whenever I disclose to people in my surroundings that I'm a companion, these questions come up. "Isn't it emotionally draining?" they ask, usually accompanied by "how does being a companion effect your personal life?"


    As most people who have replied to this thread so far, being a companion is not my main source of income, nor is it something I do 'full-time'. I have another job, and I'm working on my thesis.


    In terms of maintaining a healthy balance between my personal life and my 'professional life', I try and dismantle that dichotomy as much as possible. My friends and family know I'm a companion, and most of my patrons know about my friends and family. I find compartmentalizing useful to a certain extent (mainly for safety reasons), but I try and avoid it as much as possible.


    Finally, considering we set our own rates, I definitely feel like I am adequately compensated for my time!

  11. I'm not sure if it's the mood per se that makes an experience really fantastic for me. I need to feel like the person I'm having sex with is *really into* what either he or she is doing to me.


    If I look at someone who is fucking me (be it with a cock, fingers, their mouth, or a strap-on) I don't want to see a vacant expression. I want to be so absorbed in the moment that time seems to escape my notice... and regardless of whether it takes me 10 minutes, or 45 minutes to cum, it doesn't matter!

    • Like 1

  12. I agree with what people have written so far.


    Another option is to offer the SP you're trying to see a reference (especially if you're reluctant to provide certain information). This can alleviate a lot of misgivings on the part of the SP/MA. This person can hopefully vouch that you aren't a bad date and/or a no show.


    If you haven't seen anyone yet, than I would suggest moving onto someone new as well. As WiT mentioned, our safety is paramount, and we all have different ways of assuring that based on our own experiences.

    • Like 3

  13. Have you tried anal sex on yourself, using a finger(s) or toys? That way you're in complete control of how fast and how deep you go. Glass toys are really good because they are non-porous and stay lubricated well. It would be a really safe way to experiment. It might be a good first step in determining if it's for you.


    I would add that it's important to start with a butt plug, something small and delicate. A great deal of people I've met (including myself) enjoy anal stimulation, but not penetration. The nerve endings around the anus are extremely sensitive, and I think everyone can enjoy that area being slightly touched and massaged if they are open minded to the experience.


    Also, make sure to use a water-based lubricant, rather than a silicone based lubricant. Most toys (apart from the lovely glass suggestion) will be made of silicone and cannot be used with silicone based lube. Also, there's never too much lube.

    • Like 2

  14. I love spoken word performance pieces by woman identified authors. Two of my favorite performance pieces that I've seen in the past two years are:


    1) "Yapping Out Loud: Thoughts of an Unrepentant Whore" by Mihra-Soleil Ross (she's a transsexual sex worker and political activist in Montreal)




    2) "Gender Martini" by Beth-Anne Fischer (available here:

    ). She performed at VerseFest here in Ottawa this past January, and I had the pleasure of flirting with her ;)
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