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Posts posted by Rambler1980

  1. 4 hours ago, roamingguy said:

    Flashbacks to the good old days when if you got your post nominated you got a great big checkmark beside the post✔️✔️✔️



    The reputation isn't really important but is a point of curiosity for me. 


    6 hours ago, Greenteal said:

    I won't pretend I got answers on the large point gap. But I suppose the fact he collected those stats in half the time you did likely contributed to the disparity.

    Could be, it's certainly one of the differences in our accounts. Just an interesting question to me. 

    • Like 2

  2. 19 hours ago, Greenteal said:

      I always ask and normally get straight answers on the type of massage given. Most bodyslide I received were on a normal bed with an old sheet or large towel on it and it was full body to body with massage oil. It was borderline fs with both oiled bodies sliding on each other.



    My experience with body slides we were body to body both prone. Nuru included that but had her sitting on me at some point with our junk touching but no penetration, she worked me into quite a state before dismounting. 



  3. Have tried both and I prefer the Nuru, but the city I was in it was I think £100 vs £40 cost difference which of course was a lot more, but as I was deciding my buddy with me mentioned no tip was needed with nuru so I jumped for it. The tip was a big question mark for me as my buddy had paid quite varied tip prices and taking the ambiguity out of it was welcome. I ended up having a couple nuru massages while visiting that city. In other cities I have had body slides before, the nuru was waaaay more thick and gel like, made the body sliding part great. I'm a bigger guy and body slides don't always work well for me, but the nuru was fun and during the massage she worked her fingers into every nook and cranny (which I liked but some might not). For one of the visits I worked my fingers into her nooks and cranny's and she was very obliging even putting some gel on herself to make it easier for me, that would not hold true at every place of course (not even every person at that place). 

    The finish at the place I was at was her grinding on me for quite a while then switching to hand action for the conclusion, probably could have tipped for something more but wasn't inclined and she didn't suggest plus I was covered in goop. We started the massage with a table shower and sauna (with other dudes in the sauna so that was weird) and finished with each having a shower in a little stall in the rooms. I think the sauna was mainly a holding pen as sometimes I was in and out quick and other times it was like 15 minutes and getting over heated. 

    The place I visited used a regular massage table with a plastic cover and then a couple bath towels to make it more comfy to lay on. I've not experienced the air mattress variety. 

  4. 20 hours ago, peacectryguy said:

    I think whether the guy was a client, driver, bodyguard, or whatever, it just is bad form to be out in the hall when a client is leaving. A client shouldn't even get a room number until after you are long gone. I have never been texted a room number until the lady is fully ready.

    Good point. Same about never been texted a room number until she's ready. Still anyone seeing a lady at her apartment and is at regular will know the apartment number.

    In all scenarios when I've been a client or had some sort of role to play with a provider I've been well out of sight until my precense was requested. 

    I disagree with the 30min between though, 15 min is plenty for a shower, quick room tidy and even a fast couple puffs depending on the hotel layout.

    Something I think goes unmentioned is regular STI tests. Two of the providers I was friends with did routine checks, others I'd count as having some friendship with do not. Makes me concerned for them and for me.

    That said the two that get checked regular said they haven't ever had anything come back.

  5. Yep correct etiquette to me is always to stay well clear of the door/location until given the signal to approach. 


    As to cleanliness, I would say the few providers I've been fortunate enough to be friends with allowed 15min or more between appointments to cleanup and reset. BUT thinking of a particular friend, I know some regulars were marked in her contact list as speedy with an "(S)" beside their name and would be in and out in 10-15 minutes and in those scenarios appointments could be booked more tightly as she would be confident they wouldn't use the full half hour.  The providers I know ALWAYS had a shower before clients not just a quick wipe, the shower might be brief but it was complete.


    I recall one time my friend and I were hanging out in her room just watching a movie and she had an outcall at a specific time to a regular who lived like 2km away, I stayed behind and kept watching the movie, she was gone I kid you not 15min end-to-end and was back barely missing any of the movie. 



  6. 19 hours ago, OTRE said:

    Not saying she is real or not, but why would you say she's fake because she only communicates by email? Lots of very respected ladies prefer first contact by email.



    I know there are some but they will have to work hard to not get weeded out as fakes. I'm sorry but if you collect all the fakes on LeoList there's a pattern of no phone # being associated with the fake ads. It's just statistics. 

    My recommendation is if you are a provider and advertising without a phone # then you should do some things like:

    1) Refer to a Lyla profile you setup

    2) Get verified by LeoList

    3) In your description drop some local references. Mention "Halifax" or "Dartmouth" or your area "Clayton Park", etc. Heck even mention "Go Mooseheads!", I'll know then you aren't a fake.

    4) Use the leolist map option to show your approximate area

    Do something to establish you are not a fake, but a legit local provider.




    • Thanks 1

  7. 3 hours ago, harboursmoke said:

    You know I am big fan of yours Melanie, but you are the exception to my own rules.  I have a a few bad experiences in my time doing this and I have found they are concentrated 3 areas, the Bedford Hwy motels, Spryfield and North Dartmouth/Highfield Park.  

    Those are my almost 100% no go areas now.  But I do have exceptions, think an established provider like yourself.  Having said that, I would be slightly uncomfortable being in any of those areas at night as they do seem to have a penchant for crime at the worst or undo drama in the least. 

    Anyways just my 2 cents.  No ill intent intended. 


    I'd say there's no area of town I haven't had hit-or-miss encounters but that's not like what I really am worried about, Carrie was a outright robbery and possible beating situation. Other than Pinecrest/Jackson/Albro Lake kinda area I've never had anything where I felt in danger or outright lost my money.

    In Spryfield I've encountered an underage provider (left and posted here). I've had a provider I know well fall into hard drug use and I first witnessed that in a Bedford hotel.





  8. 53 minutes ago, harboursmoke said:

    Why not just post a recommendation ? 


    I'm guessing because he hasn't seen her so a recommendation might not be a sure thing. A PM can also contain more detail. But a recommendation would be great should it be appropriate.

  9. 1) Go to the forum you'd like to search

    2) Click the search in the upper right of the screen

    3) A popup will appear below the search. Click "This Forum"

    4) Enter your search terms

    5) Click the magnifying glass beside the search box


    See screenshot. My pet peeve is I cannot seem to preview posts before I submit them. 



    • Thanks 2

  10. 15 hours ago, Barney said:

    The Lady can set her price , I think most SP'S have a good idea how and why they set their prices some see less clients some see more ,  its up to the client what he or she  is willing to pay .


    Agreed anyone who's been in this game for a while has struck that balance of # of clients vs price.

  11. 9 hours ago, Katherine said:

    So this can be contentious  issue with  many ladies . Mostly I would say no to this . Now this summer I was gifted with a client from a well known lady whom I have a lot of respect for.

    In spite if some issues I may not have explored before , my friend assured me if my comfort level was there it would be AOK.  

    I'm so happy to have sister that allowed me  the confidence to walk on unfamiliar ground . It all turned out magnificently well and now I  have a regular where trust will ever be an issue.


    Thank you to a wonderful lady  who was up front and honest  with me . xo


    I think developing some trust is why all the ladies I've asked have said yes. All the photos and videos I've taken have been shared with the ladies and in some cases they've used them for their ads. I've never violated their trust, all the pictures are kept private and password protected and as a rule I don't keep anything on my phone, one person didn't want them saved anywhere in the cloud which I've also respected. 


    I do enjoy the picture taking process and the pictures keep me coming back to see them. They are great for reminding me of especially fun times. 





  12. 9 minutes ago, Kitten said:

    This makes me wonder if I should still tour out that way when Im exploring the maritimes... Its a vacation for me really, but if I can find some company while there, that would make my experiance much better.  Thank you for sharing this and i am incredily sorry to hear you have had your time wasted lovely. This almost changed my travel plans but I really want to check out the ocean from that point of the island. Halifax excites me as well!


    I don't think it's specific to Sydney as it happens in Halifax too (see my post above). BUT I will say that my provider friends say they get a few no-shows day-to-day but only once in a while get a wave of no-shows like I describe in my example. When that wave hits it makes it very suspect that there's some underlying "thing" going on that they are a target of. 


    I also would like to caution people NOT to discuss other providers when you are with someone. My suspicion is if you say "I usually see Trixie but she's not available so I decided to try you" then if they are that sort of person, you've just given them a reason to make Trixie's life miserable to maybe get them out of the game and/or steal clients. (P.S. Picked Trixie because I don't believe anyone local uses that cliche name)





  13. I know a few providers well enough to count them as friends. They've all universally said the biggest pain of being a provider is the time wasters.

    For example not that long ago I had a provider friend who was very much depending on a series of calls to finish out her day and get the money she needed for her rent and some bills. All of them flaked on her (or cancelled last minute), she was in tears at the loss of what should have been several hundred dollars in the appointments, she'd turned down other appointments and basically wasted from about 4pm to 11pm on no-shows. (In this case it ended "ok" for her, I helped her pay her bills that were due and she repaid me after working again later in the week. Still lost revenue and wasted time for her. )


    I'd love to know what percentage of time wasters are random men who get some pleasure from it vs ex-clients with a grudge vs other providers hurting the competition. 


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  14. 7 hours ago, MelanieMys said:

    I know you had a terrible experience in a certain area and I'm sorry to hear, but at the same time, I wouldn't paint everybody who lives in one area with the same brush.


    Hi Melanie, 

    Just responding to your comment, I hope it doesn't come across as confrontational, it's not meant as such, it's meant to advance the discussion and explain my thinking.


    It's not geography, race, color, gender, age or otherwise that characterizes these scammers, BUT they will almost always share the trait that they need more money than they have, either to pay rent, feed their family or get their fix. They've opted to go with scamming people likely from desperation and the need for quick cash, they opted not to work a 9-5 job or an escort job for reasons I can't predict. 


    While scams could happen in the South End or Clayton park, etc. I've personally only experienced them in that area of town. I think it's well understood that the cheapest rents, with little or no credit checks are in that area, that's what draws people to those buildings both the good and the bad. The scammers will always favor areas with cheap rents and you will be less likely to experience them in up-market areas simply because those who are so desperate can't afford to live in those areas. 


    To your point about defending the area, I can understand if you live in that area you are not wanting to be painted with the brush I just used, but I think until the area becomes more gentrified you're going to run into it over and over. From my perspective, if I continue to visit providers in that area, and I'm scammed again and again and again, when is it ok to stereotype the area? I've had 3 problems in that area over the years vs about 3 successful 1st encounters. Why risk 50/50 odds vs 100% success in other areas? (Success defined as NOT robbed, have had so-so encounters, but not of the robbery variety). As a client we are often working with a few pictures, what the SP texts us and an address, I'm not prepared to toss out the address as a piece of the puzzle. Now someone is about to tell me to ONLY see providers with recommendations, BUT if everyone followed that rule to the letter, no new providers could ever enter the business because no one would take a chance on them. I tend to stick to providers I have built a relationship with, but when they are all busy or not working I eventually have to try someone new, TOFTT as it were. 🙂


    Unfortunately just in the news this morning at the exact block where "Carrie" is working her scam. I hope she was involved and has been arrested. 



    P.S. You are an established provider, with a reputation and active here on Lyla. I've never visited you but you'd clearly be an exception to my rule regarding that area. I'd have no worries seeing you. 


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