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Posts posted by Rambler1980

  1. 3 minutes ago, Greenteal said:


        Those are not the exact words I used that day. I was simply making the point that I tried knowing what she was offering me and she was not really helpful. She pretty much determined that if it was good for her it would be the same for me, but the reality was quite different. I don't pretend to be a connaisseur on the matter. I'm simply sharing my bad experience in the hope it can be helpful for others.


    Yes, I am sure it was no fun getting suddenly buzzed way more than you wanted/expected. First times I smoked weed as an adult (vs a few times 30 years prior in school) I found it hit hard and would have taken the starch right out of me. I still generally decline joints as I find they hit harder than I'd like, plus unless someone else rolls them it's not gonna be pretty, lol. 



  2. 18 hours ago, Leviathan31 said:


    What the hell is "enhanced" weed??? 



    I have definitely never heard the phrase "natural, enhanced or mixed" used in conjunction with weed before. There's many strains and some keywords in the strain name like "Kush", "Skunk", etc usually have some connotations to them but Enhanced would seem to suggest it was grown and either during the growing or drying that something else was added to Enhance the product. Not sure if that's what he's meaning, but that simply does not happen in practice, I am sure someone has laced weed with other drugs before for their own pleasure but that would cost extra money and cannabis is the cheapest street drug out there, there's no value proposition to do that for a grower or dealer. Pesticides...well that's another topic and something you could be concerned about.


    The word "enhanced or mixed" could suggest maybe Indica vs Sativa and how they offer Hybird (mixed) strains or maybe something like a skunk strain that is high THC and no CBD and gets you high but can leave you more paranoid? Or many smokers of joints cut them with some tobacco, that could count as mixed or enhanced? I don't smoke tobacco at all so WILL ask if I'm accepting a puff from someone if it's got tobacco in it. 


    Regardless I can see why she responded "Natural" to his enquiry, she likely wasn't sure what he was driving at. I agree that different strains can have different effects on different people, so if you don't have a decent tolerance it makes sense to be-careful accepting random weed. Could be like a beer drinker downing a glass of whiskey.


    For myself I am not a huge weed smoker and leave it alone when doing sexual things mainly because 99% of the time driving is part of meeting women and I do not smoke and drive at all. The lady is free to enjoy herself, I wouldn't deny her a cigarette, a drink or a puff if that's what she likes. I don't really want to even be around crack or hard drugs so if I see that stuff going on that'll be a no-go for me, but that's my decision, to each their own. I have some lady friends that come over for the evening or night and I'll have a puff when they are here if I don't have to drive. I don't really associate it with changing my sexual performance in any way but changes my mood so I might be more or less interested in sex after weed.






  3. Would really like to hear from a client who's been with 2 woman available locally and can report a great experience with lots of girl on girl action. 

    Like mossman my experiences are 2 women means you get off 2x as fast, they don't do much with each other dispite assurances they will. I know two providers who offer duos and they both said they love duos as it's easy fast money for them. Both do duos with providers who are their pals and neither do any real girl on girl action except hug and smoosh their boobs together. 


    I've had duo experiences twice and both were underwhelming yet expensive. 4 hand massages are also over too quick and cost double. 


    Actually just remembered a 3rd duo I was a part of. Quite a few years ago, woman A was new to business and wanted woman B to be present. No problem. They ended up getting frisky while I watched which would have been wonderful but woman B was absolutely ..... not to my taste (had a full description but edited it out. She had issues). 




  4. 16 hours ago, Zachmont said:



    Lily is still advertising, this was as of three days ago. If the link dies, Google "kijiji halifax massage" and the current one will come up. Following the theme of the thread, there is a picture of an Asian lady on the ad, but I'd be shocked if it was her.

    It is not her in the picture. Shes a well established massage provider though.

  5. 1 minute ago, Greenteal said:

     Sting or not, the fake/stock pics in her ad should be a good reason to be cautious or avoid completely.


    99.9% of Asian providers use fake pictures. There's virtually no exceptions to that rule. If you want an Asian provider is just a fact you need to accept. Our own local Lily is a perfect example and she's legit and well regarded. 

  6. Highly likely you were just a victim of your own over active imagination. It might have been a sting, but I haven't heard of any in years. 

    My buddy was so paranoid; I'd rented a hotel room to see a provider and he didn't want to walk past the front desk to my room (it was going to be a threesome) in case they recognized he wasn't a guest and called security. This was a large hotel, think how silly that was that he thought the person on shift at that moment might have every guest memorized and call him out as non-guest. Your mind does strange things when you are nervous. 

    Thats my guess. 


    (after checking the ad, what are the chances the local Halifax police are going to go through the time and effort to setup a WeChat profile. WeChat is a popular Chinese chat/payment application that sees lite use outside China beyond the Chinese community or those dealing with Chinese businesses)

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Barney said:

    Does anyone have her contact info thank you , does she still have a web site


    She has an ad up on leolist now with the days she's working and she has a verified LeoList profile so she has directory listing with her contact info and website that remains up even when there's no ad. 





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  8. 2 hours ago, roamingguy said:

    This JMO of course but when looking for someone to see it takes some effort.  If you're looking for a quick and easy way (translation using minimal effort) to see someone then don't be surprised if your results are not good


    Anyhow a couple quick but long winded thoughts

    A rambling



    You quoted my post, but I think we are on different pages here.

    My impression of what the original poster wanted was to avoid all those fake ads that don't lead to ANY local person at all, they are just ads that when you go through the motions redirect you to fake sites that solicit your credit card and try to scam you. To avoid those ads my trick works pretty well (with the caveats I noted).


    Your post seems to be about finding someone who's a good potential person to have an encounter with. Totally different kettle of fish in my mind. My trick above is merely step 1 to take the list down from say 100 choices to 50 choices. Those 50 represent a mix of legit quality providers and some local scammers, some local picture thieves, some local quick buck artists, etc. Then your techniques of checking pictures, etc come into play and are totally in line with what I would recommend. 



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  9. Honestly quickest easiest way to weed out the fakes (and unfortunately weeds out a few legit providers I admit) is filter the Leolist results by ads having a 902 area code phone #. Poof all the fakes are gone.


    I know providers like Catherine-sweeter-than-Pi who uses a 506 number get weeded out, and those few providers who ONLY use email get weeded out, but ALL the fakes are gone and it's just worth it to me to get rid of all that noise to focus on providers who exist (minus the local scammers like Snow Bunny). 


    If Leolist would just off a filter that said "ads with phone #" as a criteria I'd be happy.



  10. I've visited many cities and I've seen providers in Toronto (although not in a couple years so maybe things have changed). My experience is 90% of them allow DATY so if you are finding the opposite I suspect it reflects on you slightly (sorry). Make sure you're super clean, dress decently and brush your teeth, freshen your breath, don't book a quickie session. Try to make sure you have good chemistry like Greenteal said. 


    As to them liking it. That's a lot to ask, I enjoy DATY myself and have have heard everything from compliments to being told I am doing it too hard, not hard enough, too fast, too slow, I do move around too much, I don't move around enough. I basically now I start with what I like, move to some different ones if not getting a response. If I get positive feedback I use that as a guide, if I get no feedback I use the style I like best until I've had my fill. 


    • Thanks 1

  11. 11 hours ago, Katherine said:

    It’s always good to get what you expect . 😊


    I re-read my post and it feels a little like a backhanded compliment since it's kinda lackluster and that doesn't represent my experience with JJ. 

    To expand on it a bit. A while ago I booked an appointment with JJ, her price was very affordable and that day I was looking for a very simple set of services and a fairly brief appointment. On meeting her she was friendly and attractive, she warned me when I booked that she had a delivery coming and might need to run to the front door. That was fine with me, she told me that all before I booked. During the appointment she provided a nice relaxing massage, she seemed to welcome being touched by me and we had a great chat. VERY near the end she had to leave me hanging briefly to deal with her delivery but she came back and we worked our way back to the exciting conclusion.

    I would for sure recommend her. If you want someone who is quiet or does the GFE experience you should discuss that with her up front, it's not what I requested and I enjoyed the chat. 

    She's perhaps not your typical provider, she's unique but I think in an entirely good way, she's got a confidence about her that I liked.

    She carried on a good conversation via text messaging that made me feel comfortable seeing her for the first time and I felt the appointment exceeded what I expected. 




    • Thanks 3

  12. I've seen her and enjoyed my time with JJ. She was chatty and wasnt particularly restrictive. I live near her so I expect I'll see her again when I can't see those I regularly see. 


    Was it GFE no. But I didn't expect it to be.



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  13. 34 minutes ago, Mikeyboy said:

    Not getting any hits on the images either. Well written ad copy too. (I'm a sucker for that. Maybe I'm just weird) I'd be curious too if anyone has any experience. 


    I agree, I believe well written ads will always appeal to me more than a brief, chopped up ad. I think if we look at the providers discussed and/or participating here we'll see that the stars, those with high reviews and/or who've been in the business a while have better written ads, better pictures and they keep their pictures fresh. These ladies know their business doesn't start when the client arrives, it starts long before. 





    • Thanks 2

  14. 8 minutes ago, Greenteal said:

     I DON'T CARE!

    I'm not here to climb a virtual echelon that doesn't really provide any perks.

    As long I can openly communicate with other members, learn useful information and have a great time going so, the rest is irrelevant.

    If you feel cheated by the system, talk to the mod about it. But please don't get me involved in this.


    Easy there, just something I noticed. As to you "not caring" you've posted on this thread more than I have. There's nothing to get you "involved" with, it's just a interesting thread in General Discussion.

    • Like 1

  15. 10 hours ago, Katherine said:


    Guys I just saw this on Kijji. She is Asian and trained in relaxation. So not an RMT.



    That's Lily, she's been mentioned here before I think. I think she's a known happy ending provider but difficult to getting a booking with (other's may correct me on that). 


    Still props for posting your find! 🙂



  16. I think I'll just let it sit and assume it's magic. Suffix to say as people like my posts I see it increase, I'll be happy enough with that. 


    My new quirky observation is: 

    Greenteal at the time of writing this, his little avatar has "General Member" above and "Senior Member (100+ Posts)" below but mine has the "Senior Member (100+ Posts)" above and below. Strange


    Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 12.01.31 PM.png

  17. 51 minutes ago, Greenteal said:


      For something that doesn't bother you, it's certainly keeping you busy.



    For sure, I am totally fascinated with how they compute the numbers. Doesn't bother me that my number is higher/lower than others but there's some way it's calculated and it's the kind of thing that I find interesting. 


    Just looking at your profile, I would think yours should be WAY higher than it is, you've had boatloads of Likes from other users. 

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