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Everything posted by Tammysky

  1. So with Twitter would it be a normal account, and if so can I ask how do people find each other on it sry <grin> I never had a Twitter account before <blushing> sorry for so many questions but it's best to ask then not know at all I always say ..
  2. Tammysky


    From the album: Just me

  3. Tammysky


    From the album: Just me

  4. Tammysky


    From the album: Just me

  5. Tammysky

    Just me

    some pics
  6. Just wanted to say happy thanks giving to all of you. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and enjoys their Turkey and all that goes with it.. Also I would like to say thank you for such positivity the board, The Layla community that gave me a warm welcome when Joining. Tammy ❤️
  7. Thank you for the help, still trying to figure the site out before I feel Comfortable posting a thread in announcements and schedule. Hope ur thanks giving is awesome
  8. As I was reading most of the threads that caught me eye and curiosity today in the general discussion area, I noticed a lot of sp's speaking about screening and I was wondering as a newbie to this if i can get some expert advice as to how to do this? also any good advice would be awesome. Also so i read that gents like sp's with reviews and websites but how can they find you if you are just a newbie? I know and sry about the whole rookie questions but you never know till you ask right. thanks ladys and gents :icon_redface::tongue:
  9. :icon_biggrin: Im a newbie to the site but from what i see and read cerb is a great site very positive, i really like how everyone communicates with each other. being a new gal to this site I am still trying to get a feel on how it works. So I just Thought I'd say hello :P also if anyone can help me figure out the where to goes and the do not's it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. just wanted to say hello to all the beautiful people on the site. need to learn more about the site the do's and do not's any help would be greatly apperciated thank you. how do we post threads to get the word out of a new sp?
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