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Posts posted by TorontoMelanieJolliet

  1. As a person new to this site and new to the hobby what advice can be given to "newbies" to help avoid giving away to much personal information? I want to maintain as much privacy and discretion as possible. I realize the need for providers to do screenings and verify when possible. However, there must be a way to satisfy both sides and keep everyone happy and safe. Must not there be? Love to hear from both sides what works best when preparing to meet for the first time.



    Both sides have made it clear, collectively and individually, what is acceptable to them(selves). So a one-size fits all, satisfy both sides thing is really not a thing at all. Each girl decides what they are comfortable with and you would have to take that up with them as an individual. Not try to come up with some method that you can use and expect to work across the board. These girls have done trial and error to decide what they have settled on works for them.



    You can request that members here tell you what info to give but to try and counter that with what can you do make that ok with all/any girl is quite an undertaking...so you can only do you. Don't try to be no trailblazer. You will not succeed ;)





    I appreciate the feedback. I'm sure some may have good intentions but there is so much risk in just sending out personal info into cyberspace. Trusting the total stranger is legit. One would do well to think twice. Would love to dip my toe in the waters. Just need to take my time and figure out all the do's and don't's. ;)



    Now pretend you are SW and repeat after me: Trusting a total stranger is legit. One would do well to think twice.



    Yes take your time. One well worded post is not going to answer all your questions. (But it's creates one for me: How new are you exactly and why do you sound like you have much experience? *need upside down happy face emoji here*


    Additional Comments:

    Any amended laws do not mean cops will be beating the door of every SW and snatching their phones. Manpower, Budgets and actual Will are limitations to such a thing. And amended laws don't happen without some discussion/warning.


    On the other hand to carry out that kind of action where it will net the biggest catch, it would be easier to go to someone who has access to a lot of SW. And, like "The League Of Gentlemen" case in Seattle, it still takes a lot of time and investment from law officials..and THAT was a investigation started based on community complaints from neighbours who noticed things out of the ordinary for their area. Not some hunch or surveillance on the part of beat cops.


    #metoo: is for women who have experienced sexual coercion to get and maintain their jobs. It's not for someone who has chosen to do SW for a living. Two totally different things. And if you don't see the difference, that is because you are a man. Us women totally know the difference and we're the ones that matter on that front. And we are reasonable women, so trying to stretch that #metoo movement to what we do is ridiculous.


    If your area is SW-scarce you don't have to try to convince others to change for you. There are no laws in place to make sure your area is serviced by SW at all. Either travel to next area/city/town or go the extra mile to see the hard-to-see girls. But trying to make changes because of a scarcity problem is not a pressing issue for anyone but the one feeling it.


    "Time and Companionship". The new American laws (not that the old ones didn't imply the same thing) will not allow the blatant advertising of sexual services because it is illegal to sell them! The new laws have far reach now in that websites have to conform to the laws, and this includes websites we have access to, or be prosecuted and seized by US officials for breaking their laws.


    You/we have to conform to the new laws. Not the other way around.

    • Like 2

  2. I haven't read through all the responses yet, I will when I finish this though.



    Like I said in another post I don't trust anyone who wants to use the backpage name in another advertising website. It puts a target square on their back.



    They have followed me on Twitter. I followed them back. The tweets that come through are of women and what seem to be ads..which is strange since they are not up yet. The commentary is also strange. It feels very pimpish. The promoting of favs and commenting on physical attributes. Backpage never did that. Backpage was strictly the vehicle not the pusher. According to the new laws any site that knowingly allows advertising for sexual services can be taken down and prosecuted. They obviously knowingly are prepared to be a advertiser of SW. They have completely opened themselves up to prosecution and they are not even up yet!



    If they are hosting anywhere within the reach of US laws then they can be seized and taken down and maybe have to give any info they have on advertisers to law officials.



    Right now it seems the number of sign-ups are important and they have goals. Which is weird. I can't explain why I find that weird but I do.



    I have not signed up and am thinking about unfollowing etc. But sometimes its better to have an eye on things instead of things happening behind your back...so you can protect yourself. I will make my decision soon as to if i totally block them from any contact or viewing their posts on twitter


    Additional Comments:

    A very user friendly site...free escort ads .... clean uncluttered.... i am posting....better alternative to the old tierd worn out BACKPAGE.... TRY it u will like it....just needs to get to Google's first page....katarina



    Could this be why they need sign-ups? For SEO purposes? One post, new member hmm Also what advertiser has ever used the term 'uncluttered' as a descriptive for a site?


    Additional Comments:

    I have been reading their twitter feed and it is suspect.




    tracking down ads and creeping agencies/spas and commenting that there are new girls but they are not sure because agency is not following them. "But they will".




    Telling readers that a girl is available, let the photos do the talking, "I'm sure she would love to see you. So what are you waiting for get over there"



    "This lady should have not time to be alone"



    And they would love to tell you who the new ladies are at a spa or whatever but since they don't follow them then b p canada cannot say.



    Okay I have made a decision lol. Thats a BIG Nope!!

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  3. Not offended. I was smh because the crossover is not always a sign of skills. There are threads on here and elsewhere where clients have been looking for an actual stripclub-type dance and found that not just anyone they ask can do it. It's a skill.



    I was stripper so I have some experience in that and I know that there are 2 different skills sets needed for the 2 different professions. So not offended so much as I think distinctions should be made. But you may not disappointed after all. Strippers won't generally do stags any more as there is no money in it. I guess SW will. (again, there are threads here)

  4. ...


    If all these men stopped seeing these "b&s" (hmm?) providers and solely visited established professionals, I very much doubt there would be enough to go around. We also need to consider that this isn't often a long term career, established providers tend toward an early retirement, further reducing availability of local providers.






    Again it really is up to you to figure things out, and I'm not going to pretend that you don't deal with your fair share of "the stupid and insipid" with unrealistic expectations of you, but the market for verified providers isn't going away, any more than the market for potentially unsafe services is going away. We can allow ourselves to be frustrated that our chosen profession doesn't offer a market full of perfectly polite and generous clients, with only our safety and well being in mind, or we can accept the reality that we are going to be faced with choices that may be unpleasant.




    Can I ask: are you a client or a provider?

  5. I read all the policies on Leolist before barging in there. And I followed them on Twitter. I got a feel for it, did some research (although I knew they were big out west). I got the impression that it wasn't so much the photos that were verified (they are but..) but the actual girl. Not being coerced and being a real, individual girl.



    That is how I decided that it was worth it for me. I had already advertised on there before verification, did the @Leolistcc hashtag etc and that was some recognized interaction and verifying was a snap when I submitted my pics. I felt as though they were actually verifying my independence and existence more that the photos. After all, they allow a link to my website, my email, phone number and put me in the directory. It seems like as good a system as it can be to verifying authenticity.

    • Like 3

  6. Google is your friend. Find out what the letters in the new law stand for. Be aware that any website who allows anyone to sell 'it' on their website is held liable and this is retroactive.


    All the ladies are not required to have websites... and many are without them now because of the liability of the host of that website. Some ladies have made it through okay because they marketed differently. It's very much like how this site has operated (keeping their liability down to zero) since apparently c-36. Basically, don't shout it from the rooftops!


    There has been all kinds of pointing done on this site since that website was seized. Lots of discussion. Gleen from that. The girls are in transition now too. The same research sites still exist then as now. Still in Google search etc. The ad venues have changed though. And so have the language of ads. The girls on here were already experts at that (language). Others have to change their language.


    Healthy discussions of different views.. That depends on what you are talking about. Since these forums exist for only one reason..that is what I am talking about.


    Why would I notice if you "expressed an idea that is inherently dangerous". I have only read this thread and I don't even know your forum name. What you see on a variety of ad sites and boards is where the liability to the host/owner is going to come into play. You are free to do whatever you want. You and what you say are not my problem. But it seems none of you are aware of the laws and what it actually means. How we have to watch overlap and association and who incriminates us. Also how we overlap and associate and how we incriminate the people who host our 'stuff'.

  7. While we do our part to spread the word to use Lyla, I think it would also be beneficial to all if the ladies also referred to Lyla in their ads, perhaps by pointing towards their splendid reviews. It will help quickly filter out the fake ads, promote Lyla to those that aren't members (providers and hobbyists), and aid the hobbyist in finding the reviews to see if the lady in question might be a good fit. The latter point may also help filter out some of the calls the ladies receive from hobbyists that would not be a good match.


    Meanwhile, even though I may peruse Leo List out of curiosity, I will continue to use Lyla as my primary source to meet wonderful ladies.



    I recall reading that reviews are not allowed on Leolist and neither are links to reviews/review sites. This makes perfect sense as they cannot control the content on other sites and they cannot be held responsible for exactly what Fosta/sesta says they will be held responsible for. You (collective you) can no longer expect overlap with easy to follow links etc any more due to the new laws (that, by the way, affect us too). That is why girls create websites. They control the content and decide what can be overlapped and what can be saved for more private, personal contact with an individual (not plastered all over the place but private contact/inquiries). So you will have to look at websites and trust that she has given you all the information you need at the moment. You will have to trust that she is more educated and aware of what she needs to do to keep herself safe from the new laws and still continue to provide you with a great companion experience.



    I think it would be called 'self-preservation' and the new laws are bigger than anyone here and need to be heeded. Clients who are used to doing things one way (always suggesting how things should be done...for the good of the hobby) will also have to adjust to the new way of doing things. The new laws have kind of put your 'job' in jeopardy and making public your opinions/suggestions will have to stop as they put many girls in danger of being 'found out' simply by association. You (collective you) need to find a new way to communicate when you are speaking 'in public'.


    Additional Comments:


    LeoList has an option for ads and pics to be verified but why are so few using this option? PackPages did not have such an option. Even the vast majority of the well known Providers from Lyla aren't using the verified option on LeoList. ...

    It would seem to me that if all known and reputable Providers would have their ads and pics verified it would leave all the fake ads exposed as these ads and pics would not be verified. Just looking for some feedback from Providers who could help me understand why this verified option is next to not being utilized. Perhaps I'm missing something but it would likely help legit Providers with more clients, help save clients from having to filter through non verified ads and leave us to focus on those who deserve our attention and business.





    Verifying pics...it's okay but to someone trying to control their brand/image it is a bit of ...let's say 'bother'. First, with this style of verification, it kind of is like a pic of ransomed kidnap victim with a newspaper held up for proof of life. Also, with some girls who are old school, like me, you have to be ready to take pics. You have to feel it. You need the time, the look, the ideas and the head space. Of course, millennial's have no issues like this as they live in the selfie-taking world already.



    Also, I'm sure with everything being new, girls are not committed yet as they are trying different venues until they find something they like. They don't easily sign up for anything in no time flat and research it later. They want to get the feel for it first. Especially if they are happy they are verified enough already, you mustn't force them because it seems to be the right thing to do. It isn't always the right thing to do, and any amount of encouragement by listing what can be perceived as Pros (vs cons) doesn't trump a girls instinct about herself and about her business. And you admitted yourself... the only reason you want these pics verified is so you have less work to do ;) lol... Enjoy your day :)

    • Like 1

  8. I, personally, am leery of anything that wants to use the name backpage at all. I mean it just puts a big target on their back.


    I received this text msg that says: Hi we are largest adult ad agency of backpage.com, since backpage is offline for unknow reason, we are moving forward to the new classifieds website adlist24.com, feel free to checkout the most update adult service on adlist24.com. we programmers are working hard to rebuild the backpage now.


    That is the text word for word. It's fishy because of the grammar but also because it says bp is down for 'unknow'n reasons. We KNOW why they're down. It's just another in long list of opportunists. I think it's time to choose a site or two and stick to them and make them work instead of trying to chase down the next best thing, we have to CREATE the next best thing :) !!!

    • Like 3


    When we thrive and flourish, in health and safety, it shows them up for how wrong they are. Can't have that.


    Yes cuz we spend our money too. It's the circle of ... money ;). And it also helps to keep an economy strong. We have to eat and pay for accommodations, electricity and gas, taxi, food, clothes, nails, hair... it all goes into the pockets of other people who make a living. And the government gets their share. Rinse and repeat. :)


    Dummies, they think they got it all figured out

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  10. I just put an ad for Tuesday arrival. Here and on Leolist.


    Hint: look for the ads with the 'verified' black checkmark inside a red circle that is in ad listing. I've noticed some try to put a checkmark (not the correct one) in their title so you think they are verified but they are not. It has to be the Leolist verified checkmark/circle.


    There is also a directory on Leolist. Its like a catalogue that contains all the verified girls. The thing is you have to look in their home base city to find it (at least I think that is how it is). Perhaps to get verified girls to visit you can contact them, and give them strong incentive by pre-booking appts or providing a reasonable deposit (that is refundable if she decides she doesn't have enough bookings to make her trip worth it.


    Just inviting them is not enough I'm afraid. And be sure to tell her where you saw her ad so she knows where advertise for her visit and reach the most people.


    Enjoy your long weekend :)

    • Like 2

  11. You like sexy with a bit of sass. You want to feel good. Meeting me is like meeting a stranger who isn't a stranger at all. I will make all your cares float away.

    Have you ever wondered "What would it be like to plan, anticipate and be relaxed on arrival", when visiting with a new acquaintance. Let me show you. Let's enjoy some unrushed time and turn up the heat :)

    I will be in Belleville Tuesday and Wednesday and I am accepting pre-booked appts now for the duration of my stay.

    Same Day appts also available. As well as Short Notice appts (with minimum 1 hours advance notice). Last Minute appts are not available.

    Email me: [email protected]

    Or Text: 647-237-6578

    You are welcome to visit my website and look around. Or visit my Social Media. Please do your research because I want you to be comfortable with me and I want you to look forward to and anticipate my visit.

    Twitter: @TorontoMelanieJ

  12. Question - do you believe review boards are the source of the problem or they merely a reflection of something deeper?


    Hi :) I love this question! I started this smack in the middle of the year of anarchy (when old laws were suspended and new laws yet to be made)


    Of course review boards are the source of the problem!! The boards have a wide reach, they can influence the readers and since the alphas on the boards demand respect, many readers will do everything they can to appease so they can accepted. The problem comes when readers cannot think on their own and buy into the long held (sometimes erroneous) beliefs that these boards have propagated, all in the name of saving some poor soul from some bad girl. Even lots SW have bought into it.


    The original reason/excuse for the existence of reviews boards has morphed into a place were males (only males who are willing to be part of this world) can partake in locker room talk, share their methods on how to get the girl, and trash talk their last 'mate' with no consequences. Geez it may not even be true, but for males it is what they are socialized to do. It's a night out with guys at the strip club. Men being boys ;)


    When a group gets together in real life, and trades barbs and 'bull' stories, it stays within the group. Whether everyone in group believes it to be fact or fiction remains to be seen but they can leave and don't basically stay to be 'brainwashed' to think what everyone else in the group is thinking.


    When a large group gets together on the internet, and trades barbs and 'bull' stories, it stays around for less knowledgeable people to believe. And can influence them and their thought process and beliefs. Also males can compartmentalize this industry as it not real life for them but just a portion that can be turned on and off as it fits or doesn't fit into their lives. And the females (etc) for them, truly do not exist outside of their thoughts. So because of the atmosphere of review boards, it brings out the side of males that females usually don't want to see or know about.


    That side can show itself when meeting a SW and depending on the person (client) can manifest itself in any number of ways. That side can be present when males want to be part of a group.


    So, yes, they are the source of the problem. If they didn't exist then males would not be confident asking for things they shouldn't be asking for all because they read about it, a million times, from many anonymous men on the internet. It has set a norm and has created pressure because if a girl doesn't do what males on a review board have decided what should be included, then she will feel it from not getting enough business (that tells guys to punish the word "will" by not patronizing her)... or my favourite : "She shouldn't be in this industry and should find another career." That it just laughable.

    • Like 5

  13. The process to review on that site are you just give a username you are going to use. (although I read something recently about an email so maybe they changed something?) But in order to read reviews you have to write a review.


    If you are a analytical person you can see the danger in that. But that doesn't mean that most of the reviews are not real. So it's a mix. Some will say bad things to get access, some will say good things and some will be real. You can decipher the lack of 'realness' by the choice of words. Are they words you can read anywhere (consisting of generic phrases) or do they seem to come from the 'heart' for lack of a better term. I know exactly who saw me and who didn't by the reviews there. lol one is so lacking in any kind of emotion I know I can tell the person never saw me. He said nice things I guess, but it was not real. At least he didn't say nasty things.


    Grain of salt and some knowledge about human nature should help to sort out fact from fiction

  14. :( not hard 2 tell which ads are fake...look @ the low prices & scroll 2 the bottom of ad & it will show "other ads posted also"...I see another site has changed...no ads under "rants&raves or casual encounters etc"


    I just want to clarify here. Scrolling to bottom of an ad and seeing 'other ads posted' means other ads posted by the same account. If the other ads are of the same girl then no need to dismiss it as fake or pimped or whatever as it is the same girl who has multiple ads from days past too.


    If you check the other ads that are posted from same account, are they of a different girl? Same number different, different girl. Different number, diff girl? Agency? collective? Ask the questions and use your intuition...assuming will only make you use the same brush to paint everyone the same colour ... and you could be missing out.


    Additional Comments:

    Whats pissing me off in Toronto is that after 30 minutes im off the first page. Its getting bloody expensive and even more than BP, since some people havent made the switch to it yet


    This is the same refrain from when BP became rife with spam too. Same ***t different day lol ;)


    Hang in there girl, things will get better :)


    Additional Comments:

    Funny you mentioned this! I was thinking the exact same thing. So we need to start using the report button. .gents u too! Or I am gonna have to raise my rates to afford to bump lol. REALS!


    But if you use the report button to report all the ads that are the reason for numerous 'bumps', and if it seems that they are expensive because they are not making enough money yet (maybe because more girls need to find it and advertise), then you would be taking away part of their income and therefore, seemingly, making it even more expensive. *scratching my head*


    Additional Comments:

    holy cow, 3 different posts put into one. Ima stop talking now :) lol

  15. I also heard from a SP that tours in Kingston that hotels are making things difficult for SP to book hotels in Ontario. Seems like it started in Ottawa and now it started to happen in Kingston. If this cntinie to spread, it will reduce the SPs ofdering incall services in hotels and either force SP to get a private residence or do outcalls.


    ...and until then OW (welfare) offices will be busy with new applications and shelters/outreach/social workers will see an increase in their workload, and all the taxpayers will have even more incentive to complain ... without actually looking at cause/effect of how that happened.


    Additional Comments:

    The police are working with local hotels to educate security, front desk and other staff on how to identify escort and potential human trafficking activities and report it to law enforcement.


    I mentioned this earlier; regardless of what the law states, politicians, law enforcement and the general population see no distinction between independent escorts vs prostitution and human trafficking activities.


    There is always a news story or wave of hotel staff education as to how to ferret out escorts vs females just staying there (and to the staff they are basically all the same, any female traveling alone is shot first and asked questions later). Nothing worth noting there.


    And how can a hotel stop females from staying in their hotel? Unless she is checking in with some corporate rate or in a group, then how much of that business will be lost if they just turn down any female who travels alone?


    And we are well aware of the stigma attached to our business. There are threads on it all over the internet ;) ^_^

  16. I have arrived in Windsor and I am looking forward to meeting some new friends. I won't be able to see anyone new on Wednesday as my dance card is full, but I would love to meet you for the duration of my stay.


    Here is my email for initial contact: [email protected]




    You are welcome to visit my website and look around. Or visit my Social Media, for example twitter. Please do your research because I want you to be comfortable with me and I want you to look forward to and anticipate my visit. Enjoy your day, handsome :)

  17. I am having an issue with this site. I was trying to set up acct there but it says its an 'insecure connection'. There is no https address to use.


    With the way things are I don't want to risk giving out info that might be intercepted. Or password etc.


    I was going to try it again..I had signed up a couple years ago. It let me sign up, but no verification email or anything. Then when I went to sign in after waiting for days for verification it said 'email address is already in use' or whatever it said. I never bothered with it after that.


    But I figured whatever that bug was would be fixed by now. I am trying to keep my security in mind and not ignore warnings that might comprise my internet safety so I won't make a move on that as I'm not sure about the security of signing in without a secure connection

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  18. I am Melanie and I will be visiting from Toronto. I offer companionship as an escort/entertainer. I am arriving in Windsor tomorrow (Tuesday) and accepting bookings now!

    I will be available 6pm to 12pm tomorrow and 11am-11pm the rest of my stay. Please allow at least 2 hours advance notice of booking.

    If you are looking for a classy, clean, friendly, woman to spend some time with you have found her. Take advantage of my ability to make you feel comfortable and welcome... and to make you FEEL!

    Email me @ : [email protected]

    I have an ad on LeoList as well as a Directory Listing. You are also welcome to visit my website and look around. Or visit my Social Media (text for links if you like). Please do your research because I want you to be comfortable with me and I want you to look forward to and anticipate my visit

  19. Visiting an escort has nothing to do with human trafficking . Visit with confidence , own yourself and you have no worries ever.


    While that is a fact :) it doesn't stop poe poe from doing their own thing ;) Good to keep in mind if you are a 'special' guest and want to continue to mind your own business and continue to carry on your life with some privacy. (we need emojis ... lol ... should we start a petition? )

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  20. To add: I think that you're pulling out of lot after seeing that is more suspicious then if you had stayed and carried on. They notice things like that. And they wouldn't bother you but could probably guess you were there to see someone 'special' and your actions would only confirm their suspicions that 'special' people are staying there.


    As long as you are not entering a room from the outside why the paranoia? Your hostess may have been busy when she was first replying to you (so not 'normal' banter) and caused you, in hindsight, to think something was up...after taking off from the parking lot.


    Sometimes stopping what you are doing is more suspicious then just carrying on :)

  21. This is my introduction ad on Lyla. I am Melanie. I am based in Toronto but I travel in Ontario. I am on social media and have a website (that I created myself, although I am usually proud of it, it is a bit of a mess at the current moment...I promise to get to it when I have time...insert winky emoji here)


    If you are looking for a classy, clean, friendly, woman to spend some time with you have found her. Take advantage of my ability to make you feel comfortable and welcome... and to make you FEEL!


    You just need to contact me and see if meeting is a possibility. Or to get links to my social media or website.


    Email me at: [email protected] ...it's a good place to start


    I hope you enjoy your day as I plan on enjoying mine to the fullest :))




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