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Posts posted by TorontoMelanieJolliet

  1. Since hearing about this I have wondered if some/alot of inquiries that I (possibly 'we') have received over time have been these incel/misogynists.


    They always let you know something about themselves whether it is age or actual pic or whatever. Then sit back and wait for the rejection, then go on a rant with anger and hate. It helps to justify their feelings about such things and allows them to continue to carry on with their misogynist thoughts/feelings/ways.


    Their is so much hate these days and seems to be because of the ability to form groups that have the same views, and sit around and commiserate with allows for reinforcement of those held beliefs...and they never have to change their views. They chose to surround themselves with that community to the detriment of all others.


    The internet is not a place of freedom and information. It is a place to let fester, old and out-dated, close-minded, isolating thoughts that make people not very nice and obviously powers some to believe that they can be heroes for acting out in a way that pleases and uplifts a community that wouldn't exist if there was no internet...it happens with all kinds of people who come together after finding something in common, first to relate and share personal experiences and turns into some kind of movement with an aim to 'fix' things. And some of those people will always take it step farther, and will look for encouragement (from the community) to act when they announce their plans to 'fix' things in the manner they see fit. And they are never disappointed as there is always an instigator ready to push others to see what they will do.


    Why are we going backwards instead of forward?


    And the comment in the article about sending incel to service providers are words that can be taken two ways. Those commenters saw it as incel being able to take their anger out on service providers. I saw it as a service provider allowing incel a private refuge to be what he sees as unattainable...an ability to be 'loved' for a short time.


    But what do I know :)


    Additional Comments:

    omg read the comments too if you want to learn more this 'incel' community


    It goes way deeper than I thought and reaches over many issues and their thoughts of proper solutions. It's really a very 'depraved' thought process

    • Like 2

  2. i'm in toronto ..... and i worry about my own business. unless i should send them to winnipeg? hmmm done here. know who? c'mon.


    Additional Comments:

    I'm not sure 'nice' would be the word I would choose hehe but certainly, if there are people contacting you for things you do not provide.. how is it a 'bad' thing for you to let them know of others who might... or...

    ..once you get to know a few of us, that is <grin> worst case scenario at least they leave you alone ;)


    perrrrhaps best idea.. simply giving the name of a site (lyla, cerb, perb... bp hehe)... To each their own though .......<shrug>


    read it again, and the implication. and the judgment behind it

  3. and if you really want to be nice you could refer them to someone else (or to an agency)


    I once tried to push someone onto a foot fetish service (because they want cheap) for the 40$ he was offering. (One day I searched one because of all the requests I was getting.) And then I had to deal with his texts all day about how there was a door fee, b&s and this and that. Only to find out he only wanted to pay 40$ to someone who would take it (not a professional foot fetish provider) even though he knew it was a ridiculous request and he was aware he was taking advantage. So no thank you to recommending. It's just another way to waste my time.


    PS: I don't know a soul in this business. I work alone and have never been with an agency. I was a stripper for most of my adult life. This is new. And besides, do I really want to direct someone who I find not so appealing onto some other random girl? That's not very nice

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  4. I have been reminded of the 'curse' that is this board. I completely and totally understand the girl referred to in original post. Once again, I am fully aware of her need to avoid certain persons.


    Discretion is an issue there. That's obvious by the explicit reviews (as discretion apparently is not practiced there, and that seems to be a common consensus). But the discretion i am talking about is keeping the girls' location on the downlow. It seems in their zealousness to be in the loop, and on the top of the info, they talk too much about the specifics of locations and processes that a girl might have. I know this because it has happened yet again. They are using the same landmarks and points that I use to get people here, to my location. I am more than ticked off at this. Email will not be answered and post cannot be changed so there is the info for all the world to see. As a result I had to change info on my website in an attempt to minimize the damage. Don't know if it will help though.


    But their choice to chat about me when they apparently saw me when I first started (practically 2yrs ago) and haven't seen me since, makes me wonder why they brought me up in the first place. It was unnecessary. Also this little stunt with bringing me up again has resulted in some 'difficulties' that I had after the original post was made. Deja vu going back to when they originally mentioned me (practically 2 yrs ago) and none of it is good.


    I am mad and disheartened. This could explain the abusive calls i was getting long weekend. Taunting and challenging from what sounded like grown men. The exact same thing happened the first time. It was not fun. So I have my mind made up about that people on that board too. I don't blame her


    Additional Comments:

    Note: Since my last post, I have realized there is at least 2 really nice (and helpful and concerned) members on that board.

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  5. That seems like it might be easy but that is not the way it works. That is why I am asking.


    Blocking doesn't solve the text coming in. It doesn't stop the calls either as they network and inundate me with calls from friends they have communicated with. They call private caller or change their number (app) and try again. That is the drama, not the initial call.


    And this is part of the reason I prefer not to see under 28's. So how do I handle it diplomatically the first time to stop the after-effects?

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  6. I just tell them-sorry i don't see anyone under 35.


    I do. :) Although my cut off is 28. Because to raise it to 35 would negate a lot a good and decent guys. Also, I do see alot of more youngers than I do olders. But under 28's come in waves (and it's summer so I'm riding that wave now)


    I get a responses like 'but Whhhhhyyyyyy?'. 'Can you just tell me....puleeeeze'. And I'm trying to end (text) conversations civilly now, and/or not just hang up on them when they call/text.


    They announce their age like they are waiting for something. And I am wondering what that something is.

  7. Question: How do I tell young men that I prefer not to see them?


    Their view of the world seems to be rooted not so much in the realities of life, but more like from the movies. So they try to impose their perceptions on me. (of course, there is the whole stigma thing too). It makes it hard to impose boundaries and such.


    What are their expectations when they announce their age to me? How do they expect me to react? How do I tell them when they inquire without a long explanation, and without messing with their sense of self? What would you want to hear if you had to be told your age was a problem?


    Perhaps it would help if you would tell us your ideal greeting would be... how would you prefer people contact you. What would you ideal client introducing himself conversation go like.


    See, I don't really know. I would love a text that lets me know important info like time (range) but that will never happen. People decide for themselves what is their most important 'issue' and address that first before they go ahead and get specific. Can be a curse or a blessing.

  9. I am beginning to think there is no way around this. I was just tired of using avoidance as a way to screen. Like i try to keep this from happening (again) because of this method used by inquirer. Or keep that from happening (again) because of the inquirer's choice of words (which I read or listen to very carefully by the way).


    I am such a loser. :X


    Thank you for help. You can now return to your regularly scheduled programming. ;)

    • Like 2

  10. Just need a bit more feedback please because I started this in this thread and I figure it can be anwered here.


    As to the first question, if you are interested in attempting to follow up, you could just respond with a simple "?" If you dealing with someone who is just a bit shy that might elicit more of an inquiry once they know you are paying attention.


    K I tried this. (on one. I threw out all the rest. daunting task answering all) Looking for a lower rate or short timed special. But he said hey gorgeous. Does that make a difference? That doesnt seem shy to me.


    I have only ever had 2 actual clients from this method. Both young, and one took 10 min shower before and both took 15 min showers after. They had half hour appts. Time spent at my place: almost an hour for both.


    But I think you ladies should just acknowledge him by saying "whats up". Just my opinion.


    That is assuming there is only one guy doing it. Usually there is flurry of them after ad goes up.(most of them 'hey', 'available', 'rates' 'how much and what do you do').


    So does everybody expect a response no matter how they inquire? Just a note: I won't do auto response as I don't want to continue contact with ppl who I shouldnt be. There are some scary ones. And my phone will not distinguish when it comes to incoming texts

  11. I must respectfully disagree on this one. I am not quite sure if people in North America really conceptualized what happened in UK. More troubling is the whole misconception about the EU, let alone the lack of understanding of its basic rules of governance, where democracy is assassinated in stealth by some bureaucrats in Brussels.


    I believe you are right. I didn't even hear of Brexit until it was practically the day of the vote (maybe a week or two before). And I first heard of it from late night satirists (the ones who satire news and politics instead of celebs) who also recognized that it wasn't even on our radar.


    But they must have known that somethings were going to become standard across the EU. It would have been kind of like forming the USA. A bunch of states, under one country. I have no understanding of why it (brexit) came about. Or what it means.


    But the UK did it on their own before why wouldn't they do it again.

  12. i think he is a respected leader in the business world and frankly anyone who watched even a few episodes of The Apprentice will recognize that many of the points he raises in that show are truisms in business and life. I respectfully assert that's not a bad thing and many people will identify with those. I think its fair to say his public persona does not reflect the person he is and that he is very much a people person. Also he is an effective communicator whether you like his message or not.



    I watched The Apprentice. Every season. He was condescending, patronizing and it was very obvious.


    Every time a woman wanted to raise a point he would interrupt her with how she looked that night. Or how pretty, comment on her dress or her trying to be serious, or something that would say "shut up now and just look pretty. I don't want to hear about that." He always did that. And he was patronizing to Dennis Rodman, and Arsenio all the time. And other black men who where on the show. 'I love this guy' he would say. He is a misogynist and a condescending racist.


    Maybe truisms in business, but life? uh uh. Unless you are a big phoney who really only sees others as a tool in your toolbox.


    Can't convince me otherwise. And just because he knows how to run a business doesn't mean he can run a country. 2 different things. (and he hasn't run his business without mistakes, like bankruptcy. And he has his hand in so many cookie jars as to be desperate. Bottled water to hotels. Like all celebrities looking to stay relevent) And he is just simply too old. His mindset and beliefs have gone the way of the dinosaur, doesn't matter how many people 'support' him. It's a re-run. In black and white, with a grainy image

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  13. lol thank you Mikeyboy. That's kind of what I thought but wasn't sure.


    I like the response I should use next time, opensdoors. Will have to try that.


    conquistador, I thought so too. I looked but couldn't find it. But I think older things are cleared away pretty quick here. There was only 20 pages for general discussion.


    Another question: when you put cologne on are you aware of the kind of you are using or do you really not know?

  14. I was wondering if its ok to ask questions here to hobbyists. And if you are not familiar with the situation being addressed in the question I would hope enough people would be able to hazard a guess, because you may have insight.


    I would like to know: What does 'hey' really mean when contacting a sp? And what is the expected response?


    Does anyone know?


    Thank you

  15. I understand that some people think their name and phone number will show up on a 'never before called' cell phone.


    I have never had that happen. I heard about that being provided many years ago, but I have never experienced it. I have been with Fido in the past and Bell now. When someone who is not in my contacts calls, only the phone number is displayed to me. Not their personal name.


    My contact list consists of the numbers of people I have met, but I have created the names for them.


    And with some girls asking for references that include a name, why would they ask if that name is already displayed for them when they receive a call? It just doesn't make any sense.


    Does anyone have that service where the it shows the name of the person who calls from a cell? Maybe that is only from a landline that the name shows up, provided the cell company has that service?

  16. this is ONLY about making informed choices. Nothing less nothing more.

    Q should hobbiests who enjoy the company of tgirls and those SPs who see them disclose the fact or is due diligence (read the threads and reviews) the way to go?


    That would have to mean that clients disclose to their sps. And I really can't see that happening. How could you possibly do due diligence? How would you find out if an sp saw a client who saw a tgirl? A client would have to disclose that to an sp, and the sp would have to disclose that to you. Kind of a major indiscretion. And impossible also as sometimes sps can't even be presented with a legit phone number to feel somewhat safe, nevermind a true history of every man she meets.


    If you are concerned about your health only because of this specific connection that may have taken place, then you aren't concerned enough for your health to begin with. You should be concerned just because there are no guarantees in life. You can't rest on your laurels because you have one tiny bit of information that you think holds the key. If you only worry if a certain type of connection may have occurred, and everything else is ok, then you should re-think your decisions and actions. Maybe a different conclusion is suitable for you.


    Your due diligence begins with your own decisions to protect yourself, and any partners you may have. Educate yourself and develop an honest relationship with your doctor. And an informed decision includes not having intimate knowledge of everybody you may encounter and taking it from there.

  17. Okay, apparently I still have questions...


    I'd like to know how common it is for ladies in this business to "fake it".

    Please don't feel that you have to answer for yourself because that might be too revealing, but you can speculate based on what you know.


    ...and part two... would a person be able to tell?


    You are asking a very sensitive question. And no one can answer for anybody else except themselves.


    If you believe it is real, then enjoy it!!

    If you think she is faking, try harder or just sit back and enjoy yourself :)

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