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Posts posted by CarmenSantana

  1. On 3/20/2022 at 10:03 AM, Exotic Touch Danielle said:

    Right ... everyone seems to forget all of the added bs we have to go through trying to provide a service(it isn't always a walk in the park for us as well...especially when our safety is not taken serious)

    I just seen a gentlemen when I was in PEI steal money from me

    I felt extremely violated and used and yes hurt

    So when we ask for deposits it's for a reason and I thank God for those gentlemen that provide one without a problem 


    Same thing happened to me.

    Had my money stolen as well. “Violated” is an understatement. 

    • Sad 1

  2. On 2/20/2022 at 12:58 AM, Quietfun said:

    I dont care if you have a different opinion.. i honestly am so sick and tired of the scams.. all you providers expect it like its just a simple request without ever acknowledging that clients are getting screwed over sending deposits.. i am just getting over trying to have faith in SP's .. trying to find a regular is a fucking nightmare fulm of scams and rude ass women

    Wait a minute, Hold the phone honey… 

    First of all… “all you providers”??

    That’s like me saying “all you hobbyists/clients assume and, lack the knowledge and, don’t care about all the things some of us have gone though” 

    Scams and games are being played on both sides of the fence. So it seems like you’re calling the kettle black? I say this because you’re unaware, or not “acknowledging that we’re getting screwed over” 

    Most of us are aware of the scams that are going on.

    Some of us have fallen victim to the scams as well. By game players/no shows that make fake appointments and,

    waste our time. That’s the reason we request a deposit!!! 

    We don’t request with the intention to disregard, what the scammer has put you through, c’mon!!! 

    Unfortunately it’s gotten to the point where, both parties have to either chance it, or just forget about it and move on.
    It really sucks but, you can’t put the blame on all of us. 
    There are honest people and there are dishonest people, EVERYWHERE! 
    Just because you ran into a dishonest person, that doesn’t give you the right to label “us all” as “scammers and rude ass women” RESPECTFULLY💕


    • Like 2

  3. On 2/22/2022 at 6:15 PM, JessyCeleste said:

     My pleasure to help. Helping you on this helps both sides of the entire industry too. Hopefully this info will help others avoid what you've endured. 

    Oh I'm not challenging your decision. You do what's right for you.


    Unfortunately, what you say about the average is true and true for every group there is. And as others say, the more underground things are forced into the more sickos come along to exploit it. So this industry is one that suffers greatly as a result. On both sides. We all hear plenty of what SWs go through if they aren't aware of how to avoid trouble and only see good clients.  If they are scamming you for deposits, most arent actually SPs. Catfish found out an onlyfans model was a man without conscience in his 30s or 40s who would use the names & pix of an actual OF model and simply scammed money from the guys with good hearts. This was his job he said and she wasnt the only SW he was exploiting and endangering to profit from.


    Here's a link to the episode:

    part 1: 


    Part 2:


     WORST OF ALL: The show didnt even bother to blur out the SWs face! So guess what happened to her? She was exploited and screwed over even further. While she trusted her mom wouldnt go on OF and find her there, she sure as hell does watch OF ! Here's her reaction. Now she was ok in the end with her family knowing but she should not have that choice taken from her. A lot of us would be destroyed in their family life. 



    I can list a bunch of other examples. As someone here had said, no reputable SW would risk her rep to make a small sum. So I wouldn't use those people to describe most SWs anymore than I would describe someone pretending to be a client who beats, rapes and robs the worker. He's not a client, he never was. She was never a SW. But even with those posing removed, you still will find psycopaths and sociopaths more often than groups that are in the open... and even there... is the average collections agent a good person? Is the average hairdresser or stock broker? As communities like this exist, one can definitely say that the reputable SPs do conduct themselves well as does the average hobbyist. But lyla is not Leolist, LeoList is not instagram/twitter and those arent the street corner. As you can see here, many hobbyists and SPs have enjoyed many years together, some for decades, some more. 

    As I said, many SPs will wave the deposit fee if she is not just visiting and if you have references. Given how many scams you have encountered, you would have also experienced meeting with several SWs and as long as you were respectful, you should get a ref from more than one. Keep in mind, even if she wasn't necessarily someone you would see again, the point of a reference is only assured safety... so its not the same as when hobbyists review/recommend us. So don't hesitate to ask. Deposits weren't a thing until covid. It was extremely rare and when it did happen it was for far off outcalls or full day bookings. This only started because of inconsiderate behavior of many clients and bad behavior of non clients. Once it was established, ya, the vultures came out. So the fact it was only became the norm because of necessity (you can watch its progression starting from 2019 to witness the standard and then starting looking again around june/july 2020 onward... See how often it happened, see those lamenting they may have to start asking deposits... what you went through with scams, they went through except a hotel room is way more than a deposit. So to blame isnt helpful.  or defame or make stats on groups that  have little to do with each other. Just finding solutions & communicating is. 


    I wish you luck in your ventures. Please, even without sending deposits, do your due diligence because losing a deposit is not the only thing that can go wrong for a hobbyist.

    GIRL…… 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 

    that’s all!! 💕

  4. On 2/21/2022 at 8:44 PM, TakeMeToParadise said:

    I want to agree here.. i find it's becoming out of control. I have to do so much research just to try and verify if a provider is real. Leolist has become a minefield of fake ads. Twitter accounts can be faked; so can websites and even reviews. even on this site.. truly the only way is to know someone else either a client or a provider who can vouch for them. I see so many great women on this site but none in my area. so far i have found only those on tour that i would truly reccomend. I have been burned for deposit on occasion myself and it's frustating. I have hope though that if some of these women see a need or demand in the area that they will come. It helps if the quality of clients in the area are just as good as the women we want to attract but i have personally been told by providers that a lot men in my area are basically pigs so that isnt helping the cause either . I take it with a grain of salt. I try to be a good client.. clean, respectful and aplreciative of their time and just hope others do the same. 

    On behalf of The serious, REAL, respectful, classy, Intelligent and personable SP’s… 

    I’d like to say we appreciate you💕

    I’m glad you pointed out the “pigs” there are many.
    But not just pigs!
    There are game players aka no shows, that waste our time. 
    They text or call all day, everyday to make fake appointments, from 5, 10, 15 different app numbers. Idk how they have the time or patience for all this? But we certainly don’t! This is mostly why we ask for a deposit. 
    They take away from serious, potential gentlemen, like yourself.
    I personally feel that, if they’re going to waste our time, we should be compensated. 

    Time is money when you’re at work, that goes for any job, not just escorting. 
    People often say/think that escorting isn’t a real job?! Because it’s frowned upon…

     99.9% of those people could NEVER walk in our shoe/stilettos/heels.

    It’s definitely a job/career. It’s not just about sex! We wear many hats, while working. There are ups and downs! 
    Yes the money is good but, at times it can also be very dangerous, unfortunately (for both parties). 
    $20 deposit I think is mostly required often? 
    If the SP’s are scamming for $20 there’s nothing we can do but, feel sorry for them. 
    Because they’re very stupid to scam someone for $20 when they can make a whole lot more, by going through with the appointment?!

    Make it make sense somebody please?! Lmao!  It’s giving “Petty LaBelle” 

  5. On 2/21/2022 at 5:27 PM, misterdynomite30 said:


     i honestly am so sick and tired of the scams.. 

    Yup. And it seems like it's more now than ever before and no signs of

    slowing down. 


    The one thing I despise about this industry is looking for a "new" regular.

    I currently have a "regular" that i've been seeing for 3 years and I've had

    one before her that I was seeing for 10 years but she moved away just

    before Covid started. So just one left. 


    I have totally written off "online deposits" as instant 100% scams just to protect 

    myself from a nightmare situation. Even if they aren't, I'm not willing to roll the

    dice and find out anymore. I'm too old to be playing in the minefield. I'll keep 

    my current regular until she quits the biz and then it's retirement time. 


    No regrets. It's better to be safe than sorry. A clean & safe exit is a good exit.

    Just like that Kenny Rogers song said :


    "You gotta know when to hold 'em / know when to fold 'em / know when to walk away..."








    Love this reply! 
    I would also like to ad, I literally sang the song out loud, as I was reading it. 😂💕

  6. On 2/21/2022 at 12:38 PM, Phaedrus said:

    A question for the OP: could you perhaps go about this differently? The fact that you've been scammed on deposits multiple times indicates that something's up. Scammers have always been out there, but not everyone gets scammed.

    How do you go about choosing which SP to see? If you just go to LL (or wherever) when you're horny, and pick someone that the little head seems to like... well, getting some scammers is inevitable. The thing is, you have to do your research, and research takes time, and is best done when you're *not* looking for some action right now. As others have said here and elsewhere: look for a proper website. Do a reverse image search on the pics. Look for an established presence in the industry; whether that's an active and reasonably long-standing social media presence, or positive feedback from other clients. TBH the long-term presence alone is probably enough - it's all I really go on. Anyone pulling a scam simply won't last all that long before word gets around and they're forced to adopt yet another new identity, and so building up that long-term presence is almost impossible if you're just trying to make a quick buck from the next mark. I don't look at ads until I've *already* decided I might want to see someone and I'm at the point of looking at rates, screening requirements, contact methods, etc. That's what happens to work for me, and obviously YMMV... the point here is that a slower approach may serve you better than making a decision in a hurry.

    As regards looking for a regular: I get that this is the end goal for you, but again, perhaps... slow down? Providers get many, many messages from people claiming they'll be the best regular ever, and pretty much all of those are from people running a scam of their own (usually that they want a discount, I suspect). Claiming you want to be a regular before you've even met might be a red flag for some providers.

    Even on the first meeting, making it a regular thing probably isn't going to be on the agenda immediately. Think of it like a first date: do you actually *want* to see this provider regularly? No matter how well you might think you know someone from their online presence, the reality may be different. It happens, sometimes; I've met people in the past who I thought I'd get on well with, and... we just didn't really hit it off. That's not anybody's fault; it's just the way life goes, and you have to be prepared to simply accept that this time things didn't work out and it's time to pursue other opportunities.

    Finally, I'm afraid there's one thing I really must push back on:

    Hate to say it, but I think you're being unreasonable here. When you book a first appointment, you're booking that one appointment... and that's all. You met, and had fun, for the agreed length of time? You've got what you paid for. She owes you nothing more at this point. She said she's available for something regular? All that means is that she's happy for you to book again sometime; it is not a commitment to being available exactly when you demand it. The way to become a regular is simply to book again, and again, and again.... regularly. Telling her you intend to do that means very little; actually doing it is what counts.

    Please remember that the vast majority of people claiming they'll be a regular are, as I said, blowing smoke. No sane provider is going to abandon a tour for someone she's only met once, and the reason she didn't tell you about it before you met was that it's none of your business. If you *really* don't want to meet someone who doesn't tour, it's up to you to check providers' schedules and pick someone who doesn't - and if you take a long-term approach to your research then you'll probably just figure this out without explicitly looking for it, because most providers who are touring will talk about it. And if you're seeing someone regularly and you want to have a say in whether she tours or not.... well, to me that sounds less like being a regular and more like a SD/SB kind of relationship, which is an entirely different ballgame. If you want to keep her at home then you'd best be prepared to pay - in advance - for the privilege, and even then she may not agree.

    Hope all of that was of some use to you, or at least food for thought. Good luck!


    👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼

  7. So, two days ago I was working in Mississauga for the first time. 
    What a big mistake that was!

    Tbh I’ve gone through so much stress and my feelings have been hurt so bad in the past 2-3 months... idk how I’m still alive? 
    from all the no shows to, the ridiculous, life threatening texts... I haven’t slept in two days, my eyes are closing even writing this but, I need to get it off my chest. 
    This demon, can’t even say person because he is pure evil! This demon, made an appointment with me, came to my hotel, took a pic for proof cause, from my last topic I’ve learned my lesson. 
    So I gave him my room number and he said he’s coming... I said ok and then... Screenshots below) 



  8. I love when they copy and paste their introduction everyday, thinking we’ve forgotten or deleted the text thread! Day 1 “Hey what’s your rates and location?” 
    I give them my info! Day 2 “Hey what’s your rates and location?” 

    Me: The same as yesterday! 
    Them: oh sorry I deleted the text. 
    Day 3 “Hey what’s your rates and location?” 

    Me: Still the same as the last two days, are you coming this time? 

    Day 4 “Hey what’s your rates and location?” 

    Me: Block! 
    sorry for the long “play by play” lmao but it’s like... c’mon guys find something better to do with your time. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2

  9. On 10/18/2020 at 3:00 PM, lydiahardwood said:

    This week's interview is with the glamorous and intelligent @Allie Zeon. This time we are talking about managing your personal life as a worker in this industry. As always, please take your time to have a read through and help us reach more people by sharing on social media. ❤️ 

    Q: Hi Allie. Thanks for agreeing to be our next interviewee! It’s great to be able to get to know you better. Can you tell me about yourself, what type of sex work have you done and when did you start?
    A: My name is Allie Zeon (obviously is not my real name).  I am a business woman, a trader and an investor. I never dream of becoming an escort, but fate somehow leads me this way.
    I had a broken relationship with a long time partner whom i thought i would share my life with simply because i was not pretty and young enough for him any longer. It broke my heart, but i recovered quickly and started opening myself to suitors by joining dating sites shortly afterwards. What a nice surprise!! It's such deliberating to be able to choose, excuse my language, and got screwed by plenty of handsome, attractive men daily after being monogamous for so long. Sex and more sex daily...and that's it.  It's getting old after awhile. I wanted more than just sex. I wanted romance, a companion. Unfortunately, nobody took me seriously.  Silly me, getting screwed for free by these strangers. Don't you think i should just be an escort then? I still have the sex and i get paid on top of it.  

    Voila! Allie Zeon was born, end of December 2017, few days before Christmas in Toronto...and almost nobody paid attention because i blurred my face. I had only 1 guy that week. I mentioned GFE on my ad, but nobody really paid attention. But i have a better idea...

    Q: I see you use your face in your photos (and a beautiful face it is, by the way). So you haven't always done so?
    A: Blurred face was not working well for me. Too many girls....younger, very attractive with more competitive rates. I knew i had to do something besides GFE. How about offering a full body massage to start with? Showing face and more revealing pose? One of my clients was a photographer. I called and asked him to take some photos of me. He agreed. My set of photos with face shown appeared online beginning of January 2018. Business was definitely better with my face shown. Shortly afterwards, I started having reviews...and people reacted with positive and negative comments. I made a mistake by replying to negative comments, defending myself. I should have not done that,  I realized there are always haters in this competitive industry. It's better to stay calm and ignore those haters. 
    Q: Absolutely - those people are not worth the energy. Do people in your personal life know what you do for work?
    A: Some do know, some don't. At this point, I don't care. I am fully independent, free spirited and financially comfortable. At this point of my life, I don't really care too much of what people think of me any longer. I just want to be happy and live a fulfilling life.
    I have a funny story to share:
    I went to my lawyer few days ago to sign some documents for my new property that i just bought. To my surprise, he seems to know that I am an escort (and what a gentleman, he is still respectful). How did i find out that he knows? I showed him the pics of my property that i just bought. He replied  " oh....i saw them somewhere". I was giggling. The only "somewhere" of those pics are on my twitter lol. He must have seen them there. I did not comment, but I am glad he was ok with it.
    Q: So are people generally quite supportive?
    A: Unfortunately, most people are not ok with it though. Some of my neighbors stop saying hi or pretending not to see me, even though I was merely few feet away. I had a hard time to find someone to agree to work for me. And the list goes on. But as I stated earlier, I don't care. If you can't accept me the way I am, you are not worth my attention. Even though I am an escort, I have so many things to offer and to be proud of. But I don't like to brag. So i just move on and find somebody who like and appreciate me.
    Q: Have you ever experienced someone not being so supportive of your work?
    A: Daily. To the point I want to move somewhere that I don't have any neighbors around me so i don't have to see their sour face.
    Q: Have you made any new relationships since working in the industry? 
    A: Yes. I am very grateful for them. I have a few clients who have become friends. 3 have become pretty close and we do keep in touch almost daily by phones or casual visits.
    Q: You know how people say that chefs end up hate cooking at home because it just becomes a job to them… is that similar for you with intimacy?
    A: Yes and no lol.  In personal life, I am lazy in bed.  I like to be pampered. I like my partner spoils and pampers me in bed, starting from massaging me or even making me tea in bed. I am just laying relax and they will do all those works, from head to toe. As Allie, I have to work harder lol.
    Q: Haha, I get your point! Is there anything you do to make sure this doesn’t happen?
    A: I'm always vocal of what i want in sex. I think that is the key. And I genuinely like sex, intimacy and romance. So far, my bed is always warm because I truly enjoy being with men. Not necessary for penetrative sex all the time, because yes, i get sore too from time to time. But I genuinely like to cuddle with my partner in bed. kiss and being kissed.  And if my partner wants to pamper me in bed with massage.  He is always welcome for sure!
    Q: What are some areas of your personal life that have been impacted by your work, if any?
    A: All areas pretty much.  It's not easy btw. However, I believe if we truly believe in ourselves and proud and appreciate ourselves, we will get this through. I want to fight the stigma of escorts being a drug addict, thief, uneducated, unreliable, dumb and so on. We are just like other people who happen to choose sex work as our profession either full time or part time (like myself). We do still have our moral values and standards. We don't go outside naked. We dress just like normal people outside our profession.

    Some of us have dedicated our life to support our family, our children, our parents, or simply helping our spouse to pay bills. Some of us have saved enough money and go back to school, buying properties and so on. And the list of admirable things goes on. Simply put, nothing wrong being an escort and people have to accept and stop discredit us.
    Q: Has sex work benefited your personal life in any way?
    A: I was financially comfortable even before doing this, but I was a little sad and lonely. Mid life crisis. I was no longer sure about my sex appeal either. Sex work has given me the confidence that, even though i am older than most girls, some clients  still like and adore me, and prefer to see me rather than those gorgeous chicks.


    Btw, I just read a tweet about a young BBW escort in her early 20s successfully bought  a great apartment, paid in cash for herself. Bravo! She has saved some money from escorting, partly for her education, for her family and most importantly for her own future. We have some similarities here. Like me, we are both not exactly the typical "beautiful women". Although i can't label myself as "BBW" but I am definitely not "fresh, young, cute, petite and innocent" but hey...we both can prove to the world that we are just doing fine here.
    Q: Love that! What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with the impact of sex work on their personal life?
    A: "Listen to your heart and you will understand your true destiny and not to be embarrassed about it. Instead, flaunt it! You will be the happiest that way."
    Q: Thanks so much for your time. Have you got anything else you would like to add?
    A: Escorting is a profession just like any other professions. We are not criminals and we don't have to be embarrassed about it. On the contrary, we save so many marriages,  and  we have given some happiness and warm to those who need it.  Without us, there are more divorces' cases and suicidal cases. We are a hero in our way! So chin up and let's start saving, be proud of ourselves and hopefully all of us can have a better future.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  10. I’m getting bored of the same city! 
    I would like to travel around Ontario but, I don’t have much knowledge on which hotels allow guests? Due to Covid a lot of hotels are locking the lobby doors and turning guests away, which is understandable. 
    Please fill me in on the cities and info on hotels like, which ones are allowing guests, which ones have exterior doors, good Airbnb’s etc.... 


  11. On 10/15/2020 at 9:55 AM, waterat said:

    I think this covid-19 situation has exacerbated a pre-existing problem for the industry. @Allie Zeon's suggestion for tweaking your screening may help. The first time I met Allie she had recently been dealing with no-shows and requested I send her a pic with a specific hand gesture and location to confirm my bona fides. Worked fine and I always try to see her when she passes through Ottawa. win-win.

    While I recognize @newfy 's reminder that we're dealing with people I believe this industry doesn't quite parallel the automotive industry - the mechanics don't have to clean the grease off their face and a double booking doesn't mean both clients can't be served, although perhaps not in the expected timely manner. 

    I have concern for the stress having revealed a room number causes. I would discourage that. Maybe meet a client in the lobby or meet them at the bar and then escort them to the room? I'll defer to the advice of SP's who have suggestions and maybe that advice is best shared in the private SP area available on this board. A selfie, showing clothing, texted from the lobby of a hotel (or even from home hours earlier) would make a client readily identifiable for a preliminary rendezvous. I realize this doesn't eliminate the issue of having prepared for the session and possibly having turned down other suitors for that time slot - yet still a step in a better direction.

    As @NotchJohnson noted above, this problem affects both sides of this industry, though for the SP's, much more so.

    Ladies and gents: leolist is rarely our friend. Lyla usually is.          (apologies for the comma splices 🙂 )



  12. 2 hours ago, newfy said:

    After being in business in the automotive industry for the past 40 plus years, I just chalk this up to dealing with humans. I can't remember a day that I didn't have a no show. They had confirmed the day  or evening before and still don't make it. I have heard every excuse in the book and I can feel your frustration but you are still dealing with humans. It's funny because I would book more work than a day could fill but with knowing I would get No-shows it all worked out. I also understand double booking to make sure that their was always work  but I only got stuck maybe 2 or 3 times in 40 years. I would give discount or work late. I also remembered that I was not the only show in town. 

           Recently I was going to a meeting with a nice girl and it was quite foggy outside. Gps sent me to an address that I could not see any numbers. Back and forth texts became frustrating and the girl called me names for wasting her time. She sent me the wrong address.  2181 blank street instead of 1281.  I have been ghosted and double booked. Sat outside waiting for 1/2 hours.  I keep telling myself that we are dealing with humans who at best are sometimes reliable. 

          Ask your Dr. or Dentist how many times a day a patient No-shows or shows up late. Look at the recent pandemic and ask why patients make appointments at 6 different testing sites so if they go to the first they can leave and go to another if the line is too long.

           All service industries are susceptible to this behavior. I spent 15 years in partnership in the restaurant business along with the automotive industry. I will leave it to you to count the No-shows both in customers and staff. I have no answer and I feel your pain but again, you're dealing with humans. In most cases these are married men who have been undertaking extra-curricular  activities and are already hiding something

        Take care of yourself and worry about or focus on  the good clients and the No-shows will take care of themselves. . 



    I agree with what you’re saying, makes sense.
    Another issue that I have with “No shows” in this business is that they as for our room number... that’s scary!  
    So for the rest of the day or night, we’re sitting in our room wondering if someone did all that to harm us? 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2

  13. 6 hours ago, Deanna Delight said:

    That’s too bad Carmen. That can put you in a depression and doubt yourself. I’m happy you got over it though. You just have try and keep your self esteem and tell yourself that these people are all losers and missed out on the best time of their lifetime experience. 

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. 😘

  14. 13 hours ago, lydiahardwood said:

    7-8 in one day! 😱 What a nightmare, sorry this keeps happening to you!

    Thank you,

    Yes!!! 7-8 in one day is ridiculous!! 
    That just discouraged me and I stopped working for over a month.
    By me not working for over a month, I fell into depression and didn’t want to do anything with my days. It may seem a bit extreme to some but, I felt like it was something I did you know? They don’t understand how this could effect someone?! I have a daughter, she needs me at my best! These ppl are so inconsiderate, they have no idea how deep it can go. 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1

  15. 9 hours ago, roamingguy said:

    It sure sounds strange, and no it's not a funny practical joke, it's something that hurts someone's livelihood...yes this lifestyle is for companions their livelihood, their source of income to pay bills, rent, mortgage etc etc etc.  You'd have to be pretty sick to do that.  How'd you like it if the boss calls you in to your job for OT and once you get there, there isn't any work to do?  Closest analogy I can come up with

    And if it's other companions why would you do something to hurt another lady?  And yes, you'd think companions most of all would know stunts like this hurt each other.  It's malicious and short sighted to say the least

    Clients when booking, besides providing screening info can also pay the lady a deposit (or in full) in advance.  That way the lady (especially in the case of a new client) knows he's a genuine client, and not going to be a NCNS.  Bonus is the business part of the date is looked after before the date even begins (I've already paid three ladies in full for dates that have yet to be scheduled because of the current covid climate...but you'll read about those dates later in the reco forums 😉

    Clients (and possibly some companions too) need to stop playing games like this.  This lifestyle is, well can and should be a mutually beneficial lifestyle.  NCNS "games" benefit no one, not companions nor client

    A rambling over cup number one


    I would absolutely love it if I could request a deposit. It’s a very good idea but, unfortunately some of the “ladies” in the industry ruined that for us as well smh. 
    I never understood that either? Why rip someone off, a potential regular client for a little deposit? Use your brain and think about how much you’ll benefit by them trusting you and coming back. Ugh... common sense, isn’t really common anymore. LOL! 

    • Like 3

  16. 6 hours ago, Allie Zeon said:

    "they" must text you instead of calling, and it's most probably done by 1 or 2 persons, either a competitor, her pimp or her boyfriend.

    I had similar experience a while back in Richmond Hill.  But after i look so many massage parlors within few blocks away from my hotel and the closest one was simply across the street, I assumed those texts and time wasters were created by them, or at least one of them.

    This is the reason that i no longer accept texts from strangers.


    Kitchener is pretty lucrative market and i am not surprised you have this issue.

    Change the way you screen and i'm pretty sure you will be fine


    Good luck

    Thank you. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Deanna Delight said:

    The way I deal with no shows is to have them confirm our meeting 2 hours before we are to meet. It takes me about 2 hours to get ready for them and I tell them I won't get ready until I receive confirmation. That saves me my time and makeup and works most of the time but not always. If they confirm and still don't show, I block them.

    Good idea! 
    Sadly some of them don’t really care smh. 

    I always block them but, the dedicated ones just get a new text me app number and do it again. This is so frustrating!!! 

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  18. 11 hours ago, NotchJohnson said:

    I wrote something about this a year or 2 ago where a lady was visiting and because she had over 5 "no show" the day before she cancelled our date the day of our scheduled meeting.  So to the gents that do this you are not only affecting the girls but us guys as well.

    This is what I told a client the other day! These so called “clients” are ruined it for everyone. 
    We’ll never be able to make sense of this? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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  19. I’ve been wanting to discuss this for a few years now. 
    I’ve been working in kitchener/Waterloo for about a year and, idk what’s going on but recently a lot of “clients” have been playing games?! Saying they’re at my place, ask for the room number and never show up. I’m not new to this, “clients” have done it before but, when you get 7-8 in one day... it’s annoying af! 
    I be always wondered what they get out of it and, if they’re even potential “clients”? 
    people have told me some of the girls do it too? Idk? It’s just weird like, where’s the fun in that? 

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