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Posts posted by Steampunk

  1. After a week with no answer, I'll take that as a no.

    Reason I was asking is I had a few items of motorcycle equipment to give away:

    Sport bike Alpine Star boots in very good shape: size 41

    Like: https://fortnine.ca/en/alpinestars-smx-s-boots?pk_cid=14215329279&pk_campaign=pla-301293093341&pk_source=google&pk_medium=paid&pk_content=126198455992&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_vfRsKry8gIVk5OzCh2aGARTEAQYASABEgLawvD_BwE#76=21&493=190


    Tank bag for non metallic tanks

    Dainese back protector,  never fell with it..

    Like: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjiu8H5qfLyAhUL_-MHHWrIB_YYABAFGgJ5bQ&ae=2&sig=AOD64_2buQDagc5aWFb26NOruMn09oYMNA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjh3rf5qfLyAhXZEVkFHW53CcUQwg96BAgBEBw&adurl=


  2.  So it's been a few days since I hijacked this thread....

    And some people who liked punk music made me think of an alternate playlist for spirited rides... i lost the playlist but some of the songs of Celtic Punk Rock








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  3. Honestly, my family is close to me so  i wouldnt have to travel very far.

    I still have a lot of things to see, even in Canada, although I've been to every province (except Sk And the territories). 

    But  I had a near-death motorcycle accident 5 yrs ago (sorry if I'm redundant and you read this before) that was a game changer. There were brain damage with a few permanent after-effects that got me thinking.

    So to answer your question: although it was and is still ok, I would make sure that my "house was in order". Ie. That my family would be able to continue to enjoy life after my death.

    Then, because of chronic fatigue, I don't travel the same way I used to. I no longer crave tourist landmarks or "Instagram opportunities". Thus I wou,d spend as much time as possible me with my loved ones.

    I would make sure that they "grief beforehand ".  In other words deal now with my future death.

    One thing I would do is but a bigger "blue water" sailboat and head to the Caribeans. 

    Also, with risks of "long-term disabiliies"  and death out of the equation, i would resume riding sport motorcycles, but on the track, Like I always liked but stopped after the accident.

    Oh, and i forgot: see as many Lyla ladies as possible! Lol 

    In a nutshell, that's it!

    • Like 3

  4. I wanted to add a reply to this earlier but I forgot! Lol.  So here it is:  first thanks to Darcy and Lydia! 

    I must say that I am surprised that some of the misconceptions are indeed  misconceptions.. 

    That said, there are same persistent myths, e.g., loose vagina,  that need to be dispeĺled .

    Also, the one about colour and size of labia: i can't believe that one of the fastest growing plastic surgery is labia reduction!


    Also great advice about  "just enjoy the journey"


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  5. I love music.   But I don’t think I am a true aficionados. I do have really eclectic tastes.   I realize that to me, music is more of a mean than an end.  My taste varies with the “purpose”.  

    for instance, in my (former) motorcyclist “career”,  I would have a playlist for “spirited” rides and another one for quiet rides, eg commuting.  

    another style for dinner background, another one for romantic etc.   So let’s begin!

  6. On 8/27/2021 at 6:28 AM, NotchJohnson said:

    Everyone is allowed their point of view...so as you and if this is how you feel then that's on you.  Just go and vote and may the best leader wins.  Don't forget that we are not voting for the federal party leader we want to run the country but the local MP.

    To be honest, i posted that after a few glasses of wine so i may have been a little harsh.. i just think it is real to have a good debate on any social media as it is too time consuming to type all the arguments.  D9nt worry,  voted in every occasion..

    As for the local mp he or she may not ve perfectly aligned with the party but at rhe end of the day, rge rifing will fully count on who wins to be governement and party lines will prevail. It is one of the weaknesses of our system

    As Churchill said: Democracy is the worst system. After all the other ones.


    • Like 1

  7. Fully vaccinated.
    Saw this on Facebook this morning and thought it was good: 

    Early morning thoughts:

    Some people say that being vaccinated against Covid is personal choice. Government is not gonna tell me what to do.
    Stopping at a red traffic light is a personal choice. Government is not gonna tell me what to do.

    But with traffic lights you endanger other innocent people. With vaccines you do not endanger vaccinated people

    Not true, you do endanger other people:

    1. People who are unvaccinated not by choice... eg health issues, every one under 12 years old.

    2. Although vaccines are highly effective they are not 100%: 92 is very high but there is still an 8% gap that could be infected and die.

    3. More unvaccinated people carry the virus, even if they have only  mild symptoms so they are not hospitalized. As such, they are the perfect envrionment to create new variants: mutations that create variants are totally random. 

    The more virus organisms presents, more mutations will occur.  Many of the will not beneficial for the virus and will disappear, not adapted for "survival". But occasionnaly some of these mutations will prove highly beneficial, ie transmission rate or reproduction interval, virulance or resistance to existant vaccines.

     4.Hospitalized non - vaccinated patients take resources in the health system and delay other people's intervention. Health system was already at capacity before covid (tax payers dont like idle resources "just in case").

    Diagnosis of some diseases, eg. Cancers has been delayed, in some cases, the disease has progressed to to a more serious stage, where it could be lethal. Treatments or surgeries has been delayed making it more complicated.

    Tests give a rearview of the status: somebody that tests positive already has the disease and spread to that point.


  8. From the Horse's mouth (so to speak):

    Why Lyla? Well, when I was setting up Lyla's List, I needed a name for it. I was sitting around one night with a bunch of other jumpers, who were helping me think. (Some alcohol might have been involved.) There were some crazy suggestions, but at the end of the night, the consensus was Lyla's List.

  9. I did have a motorcycle accident 5 yrs ago (0% resposability). Some brain damage, could be worse but enough to prevent me from doing my job as an executive. Symptoms will likely no longer improve for the rest of my life... All that to say that i did, and still, suffer not from full fledged depression but depressive symptoms. The psychologists, psychotherapists,  and trauma doctor all told me at some point that every case is different.


    And that's my whole point: every case is different and although getting ideas from everybody is good, go get professional help if this is at all possible. The therapist might no tell you what to do but get you to generate ideas that work for you.

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  10. 9 hours ago, roamingguy said:

    My alarm clock (aka Beatrix) woke me up too early this morning (just after 4am). Now I'm dragging my a$$ around.

    I need my sleep...I hate it when I'm shortchanged on sleep. Of course guess who's napping away 😹

    A tired rambling


    So are you gonna change your profile to "ramblingguy"?  , stiĺl would ge RG....

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