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About petus1256

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  1. I have asked the question before . anyone see her or is she legit . Looks to good to be true ..
  2. Anyone have any experience with this provider
  3. So good , figured I would bounce it back to the top..
  4. Anyone meet Hannah or know if she is real . She is posting in Fredericton
  5. This review may come off to some as weird as fuck simply because I am going to do a bit on myself as well . for those hobbyists like myself and I am sure there are many pretty sure you will be able to relate . I am after a sp that loves what she does. I can not play in the hobby if the sp is into it to finance a bad habit or is forced into it for other reasons. So I take my time to get to know the sp that I am potentially going to meet . Both for safety reasons, but also because I need a certain type , and that type is someone that enjoys what she does as well as the income it provides for her .. I reached out to Jade about 3 wks ago on her onlyfans. I sent her a few dm’s and she responded back to them . To prove to her that I was real and not a time waster I tipped her on only fans .. remember gentleman as much as we have to deal with fake adds and crap , the sp has to deal with time wasters . she then began to answer my texts to her posted number on Leo list . she was willing to answer all my questions and was very polite about it . So I asked her to set up a pay pal so I could tip her again to prove to her I was serious about my offer . a few days later she texts me her PayPal account newly set up . So I follow through with our agreement on a tip . I then send her multiple texts because as stated above I like to get to know my sp she replied back to every single question I had and was fast with replies . so I set up a time with some musts for her to do on my end because I have a long way to travel and need time . I hate being late because regardless of how much they love what they do it still is a career choice and their source of income. she sticks to what we agreed upon . And it’s a go . I get there and sure enough get a text on motel and room number and to come up . knock on the door and sweet Moses who opens it but exactly as her pics show only even more hot in person. I paid for 1 hr . Since I do not kiss and tell don’t bother asking me deets . But I was very very very happy with this little fire cracker .. when we wrapped it up , I went back to my vehicle and realized I was with her for 2 hrs but only paid for 1 . She never even brought that to my attention. that gentleman is a rare rare find . I was so impressed that the next day I paid her on PayPal for the other hour . She is absolutely real gentleman and wow . it was mentioned she may have a meth problem, well I know all about meth and tweekers and this girl is no meth head . she loves what she does no question. for me to take 2 hrs of her time only originally paying for 1 and never bringing it to my attention, well enough said .. I hope this clears up if she is real , and I hope it sends some business her way because this sp gentlemen is worth looking after and keeping around . treat her with respect and you will certainly be rewarded .. ( my of my )
  6. Well I finally met with baby paradise.. an absolute sweetheart. Very very real and someone here posted her pics don’t do her justice.. completely agree .. she is just a little cutie .. very easy to book with as well . for those that participate in this hobby I am sure we have all had the experience of booking and then getting to the app and poof ( disappears ) I require a text about 3 hrs before appointment because it has certainly happened to me a few times , and not being from Freddy it’s about a 2 hr drive . It was arranged I text her at 5:30 day of the app because I need that much time to make the allotted time I had made with her . she actually texted me at 5:05 to make sure the appointment was still doable on my end . That gentleman as you all know is a rare thing for the provider to text the client and even earlier than agreed to . Also added a few flirty texts as well … very very rare and absolutely very very smart on her end .. she loves what she does , because these tiny things would never happen if she didn’t . I don’t discuss the actual encounter simply because I have way way more respect for my provider than that . what I will say about the actual encounter was because she was iffy on allowing me to her in call because of my stupidity post I gave her full rate plus a 120 extra for the cost of a motel because she did agree to her incall to make it easier for me . Another real plus on her end well I sure as F**k done regret the extra 120 she was worth every bit of the extra .. again baby paradise very very sorry for that stupidity post and I hope this shows ya I meant no harm on your reputation or your business.. she is an amazing little gem , let’s all treat her with respect and kindness men because she she is a rare find ..
  7. Update on my stupidity.. I have reached out to baby paradises to apologize for my stupidity of posting my first experience and ( only ) meet with her thus far . I realize now that my post may not have done her reputation or her business any favours. ( clearly ) not my intention but I certainly will take the responsibility because I said what I said . so I reached out to her via text with a quick response from her . She remembered me and that first encounter, as her post showed . I told her I would try and get it removed as now I realize that what I thought would help her may not help her at all .. she was both very polite about the entire shit show ( my stupidity ) and all of it . She was very professional about it . we texted back and forth about the entire situation with me telling her how bad I feel about what I said and how it may potentially harm her reputation. I told her I would make it up to her with whatever she wanted as long as it was fair . I have tipped her several times on only fans , so she automatically knows I am not a cheap ass . In fact have told her I like to spoil . a day later i text her a update on my luck with trying to get the review taken down and she says if we actually meet again , which she is willing to do and I enjoy our meet that I post a positive review . that is her request of what she wants from me for my stupidity. And she had a day or 2 to think it over on what I could do to make it up to her too. well I have not had time to actually set up and appointment, but I don’t need to meet her in person because if this doesn’t show what she is like as a person nothing will . she could of easily asked for a healthy tip and she did not, she only asked for a positive review. she certainly knows I would tip her because I do that anyway and I truly love to spoil . She never asked for anything like that . as of now there are many positive reviews on her anyway , so why I thought I would post my experience with our first encounter ( over 2 years ago ) is beyond me . so this is the only positive review I can give at this time . since I can’t seem to get the thread taken down, I realize I can add to it , so as of today that’s my experience with her . She was both professional and quick to respond, and both conversations went back and forth for probably at least a hour or more, which in its own is not easy to find in this hobby She also answered any and all questions I had and I ( loved ) her answers to them .. 🥵
  8. Yes agreed I probably should . I never meant to imply she was being forced into it and sorry for the confusion. all I meant was indeed I agree to take the time to get to know them , which I do via texts etc long before I book them . Anyone dabbling in this hobby knows that’s very very hard to do because we are considered a time waister . what I meant by this thread was simply showing what I thought , which being forced into was never said nor was I implying it . I if being truly honest, was more concerned about the need to do it to fulfill bad habits . to me and maybe this type of thinking is dumb as fuck, but I would never want to be helping anyone support bad habits. so with all this said , I hope this clears up any confusion as to this thread . I tried to get to know her via text long before booking . She was quick to respond and very very polite on answering any question I had . Which I totally appreciated . This is a very rare occurrence in this hobby . what happened was the fact she didn’t seem to hold the same view once I actually met her. It’s been 2 years ago less a few months and I never posted my experience then and glad I didn’t . I posted it the other day to help her , not to hinder her . she knows the conversations we had and only her . This thread is more to help her now once she thinks back to our conversations and that actual days meet up . It will help her moving forward to spot the good guys from the assholes with the very first few texts she gets with a potential new client . I still actually support her but as of now it’s via her onlyfans account .
  9. No no that’s not what I was saying at all . She is legit , just saying that was the impression I got or walked away curious about . She was very young and shy. I am not making any allegations at all . was only posting it to show my experience with her . she explained it very well what happened and why . I was simply showing my experience and giving her a chance to explain, which she did and she even takes the time to read these reviews. you say I could be hurting her business, well if anyone else had that experience early on with her now they know why. I never said absolutely anything negative about her in fact I dropped 250 that day and had tipped her over 250 on onlyfans before we met I don’t regret any of it …
  10. Hey .. yes it was over 2 yrs ago and she ( you ) were new and very young. One of the reasons why I never want to indulge in someone forced into it . we had many texting conversations before I ever booked her ( you ) . So because she ( your new ) I hope you realize now 2 yrs later how to potentially spot the ass holes from the good guys . I had those conversations because I wanted to make very sure her ( you ) were into it because her ( you) wanted to be and just loved playing and showing off for older men . She ( you ) certainly were what I was looking for in a sp . But her ( your ) actual reason once in person was not even close to any of our conversations via text . I have thought about reaching out to her ( you ) again but every single time I go back to that first encounter and it is still hunting me on why the change in person. and no I not a over weight or gross to the point I would make anyone nervous or disgusted by the thoughts of playing with me. She was certainly easy to text with and booking was easy as well . I don’t regret the 250 either , not in the least . It was also a car date and that entire situation has to be nerve racking to an sp . I am posting this to help her ( you ) to clear up things very early on in her ( your ) past meets . Also to clear things up on my end for me and my confusions
  11. I am one of the first to ask about baby paradise. ( petus ) see thread . I asked about her a few years back . She was only doing outcall then as she had roommates . I found none that had actually seen her . So I bit the bullet and booked a car date with her for 1 hr . 250 bucks . we had texted back and forth for a few weeks and she was very polite and quick to respond to texts . A big plus for me . I want an sp that loves what they do and are not forced into it by bad situations etc etc etc She told me via texts that she loved playing with older men and showing off for them . All things I want and need . so I booked an ap and met at the Canadian tire parking lot . when she got into my pickup it was as if I was talking to a totally different person . Said she was not into older men and was not interested in playing with older men I was pretty confused because it in person was totally different than via texts . I was so sure she was being forced into it that I just gave her the 250 and told her it was very nice to meet her , but she could go with no hard feeling , so she left . On my way home I get a text saying she wants to meet again and that she is sure we could have lots of fun and she would really enjoy playing with me . I politely declined. To this day that entire situation confuses me
  12. I have not seen her , but had a text conversation with her trying to feel her out on being legit . She seems legit to me she was very accommodating with texts and seemed to give answers that made since . She can not host . I was hoping to see her this week , but unexpected business trip came into play. hopefully can make it work next week with her . So I will toftt and will certainly post if she is real and legit
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