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Question for SPs: service breakdown

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As we all know, SPs perform a variety of Services, many of which are erotic, but not all.


I was curious, as a newbie, to know from SPs, what % breakdown in a typical week that their appointments are sexual vs non-sexual (eg Pure conversation, dinner, etc) in nature.k

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Like LoraLee, my appointments are a combination of both. I can't put a percentage on it because after much thought it really varies depending on the guests visiting for that week. A little bit of both is ideal for me tho...


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Guest W***ledi*Time

The answer of course will vary -- depending on the individual lady, her preferences, and how she markets herself.


A few perspectives on this have been expressed in the following thread, which discusses the article "Five Myths About Prostitution" by Sudhir Venkatesh:



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For me, it runs a 60-40 split sexual/social

Thats why I like a two hour session normally. Time to get aquainted with the lady, then time for the sex side

Now there is a grey area, lying in bed cuddling and talking, or in a jacuzzi talking over drinks...is that sexual or social, or both


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For me, it runs a 60-40 split sexual/social

Thats why I like a two hour session normally. Time to get aquainted with the lady, then time for the sex side

Now there is a grey area, lying in bed cuddling and talking, or in a jacuzzi talking over drinks...is that sexual or social, or both



Well our dear Roaming......I would say if I had a Jacuzzi, or any other water jet immersion system, i would call it FANTASTIK, but oh my!!! look at the ideas you get.....I can't wait to let the reins free!!!!


I think the invaluable experience, class and charisma of Cat, could answer this better than me....as long as she is not savouring a Martini in her Jacuzzi, you will hear from her.....

Hugs handsome!


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While I would never begrudge anyone the naughty pleasures of a wham bam thank you ma'am encouter, I prefer some chit chat, cuddling and laughter be involved at the appropriate moments!

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The answer of course will vary -- depending on the individual lady, her preferences, and how she markets herself.


A few perspectives on this have been expressed in the following thread, which discusses the article "Five Myths About Prostitution" by Sudhir Venkatesh:




I agree, each individual will have very different experiences here and for the ladies to answer based on our experiences you'll find the % will vary greatly based on her business model.


A lady that advertises sexual services, ie. lists a menu with price descriptions and a breakdown or price increase based on various services is going to attract a clientele that is interested in sexual services. A lady that focuses the majority of her advertising on 15-30min dates, or specific sexual services $100 BBBJ or $80 for CBJ will attract a large (if not all) client base that is looking for sexual services.


There are also a number of ladies that advertise engagements, mid or long term (daily, weekly, monthy, annual) and don't charge by the hour. These ladies are not focused on sexual services but rather on companionship and the date, they are more like girlfriends and mistresses but they often have a set commitment and for many having set terms of an arrangement has benefits that they do not find in a usual dating arrangement. For these ladies sex may be a part of the arrangement but it is not a large portion of the time spent so they typically do not consider it to be a huge percentage of their engagement. I know a few ladies in this type of arrangement, they do not consider themselves mistresses or 'girlfriends' as they are professional companions, they have websites, have other men they see but these are their primary arrangements and they are mainly companionship based.


The most common type of companion would be a blend of the two, ladies with sexual and companionship services. I would guess you will also find the most variance in how the ladies divide their time in this area as well, some ladies prefer short one hour dates where the majority of their clients would seek them for sexual services with some conversation and companionship but there would be little "outside" activity, while other ladies focus more on longer dates (going out) where there is the added pleasure of enjoying each others company back at the hotel after dinner or whatever activity you choose. In the first scenario the sexual service is the primary focus of the date and enjoying the companionship and personality of your date is secondary (but will make a good date exceptional) but in the latter the date is the focus, companionship is important and having the right chemistry is primary just like on any other date one might go on, enjoying each other physically is secondary (but will make a good date extraordinary).


If I answer for myself I've seen a huge change in the % of dates that focus on sexual services vs. companionship since going independent and handling my own advertising. In the past I would say that almost all my dates contacted me, or more accurately the agency on my behalf, seeking sexual services and a small percentage would I see for more than that, however as mentioned since going independent that has changed so I would say it is more like a 60/40 split.

I have met a few people that are not comfortable with seeing an escort for sexual services but they do like the idea of seeing someone for dating, flirting, going out, more often than not I refer them to my "Charity Date" as an icebreaker so they can consider if they want a strictly social dating arrangement. I have also met men that are for whatever reason not able to perform in bed anymore (medications, stress, etc.) but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy companionship, we go out, we kiss, we flirt, we have fun, it's no pressure and we have a good time. I know their situation in advance and I'm okay with it. We have fun and sometimes it leads to different types of sexual encounters and sometimes it just ends up with us naked in the bed drinking wine and laughing as we watch Monty Python movies.

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Thanks for the replies so far, especially from SPs.

With this question, I really meant what % of visits do not result in actual sex. These are the two extremes: all talk no sex vs no talk all sex. Understood that visits are typically a combination of both, however, that's not my question.

Could anyone shed some light on frequency of the extreme cases? Thanks.

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As we all know, SPs perform a variety of Services, many of which are erotic, but not all.


I was curious, as a newbie, to know from SPs, what % breakdown in a typical week that their appointments are sexual vs non-sexual (eg Pure conversation, dinner, etc) in nature.k

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Given the nature of your question and your posting history BB9800, I am wondering why you are asking?


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Thanks for the replies so far, especially from SPs.

With this question, I really meant what % of visits do not result in actual sex. These are the two extremes: all talk no sex vs no talk all sex. Understood that visits are typically a combination of both, however, that's not my question.

Could anyone shed some light on frequency of the extreme cases? Thanks.


I don’t mean to be too flippant here, but. what is “sex”?


If we strictly limit the definition to genital activity and exclude the kinds of caresses one can easily do in public, the characters of the people involved, their ages, their abilities and their intentions when they’re together, well then, there are times when about 25% of my engagements are not sexual. But I don’t think my clients would agree.


As WrinkledInTime has noted, how the SP markets herself may make a difference. That’s certainly the case with me. I'm a mature companion and I prefer to entertain men in their 50s and 60s. I rarely see anyone under 40, and those in their early 30s, frankly, tend to bore me both in and out of bed.


I offer “social” dates, but I wouldn’t say that they are strictly non-sexual. The client knows that I am a prostitute and that’s why he’s contacted me in the first place. If he just wanted someone to talk to and nothing more it would be much cheaper for him to see a therapist for a couple of hours. An important difference between seeing me and seeing a talk-therapist is that, even if we don’t end up in bed during or after that social engagement, the potential that we will at some point in the near future is always there. I think that adds a certain frisson to the date, for him.


For myself, when I’m on a date with a client, I rarely look at him, touch him or behave in quite the same way I would if I were, for example, having lunch with someone from my church. The client wants an alluring woman. He wants to feel attractive and attracted. He wants a date that is laden with possibility even if we have expressly agreed that we will not be going to bed later that afternoon or evening. Others nearby may not pick up on all the nuanced cues and gestures, but if I want him to, he will. I will encourage him to touch me, to look into my eyes, and to begin to create the private language that always exists between two lovers.


Let’s suppose that, sometime later, this client sees me in private. There could be many reasons why we don’t have ‘traditional’ sex. Men in their 60s and 70s--and sometimes much younger men, too--are susceptible to erectile difficulties because of health issues and medications. A considerable amount of pleasure, including orgasm, is still possible for most of them, but, sadly, they may not know it or may have decided that they don’t want to risk a failure to perform. They do still want intimacy, touching, close connections.


I have a client who loves to touch and play with me but will not let me do more than hug him, kiss him and cuddle against him. I’ve never touched his penis with my hands, my mouth or my genitals. But he has explored my body’s every nook and cranny, orifice and nerve ending and has given me many powerful and prolonged orgasms while remaining completely clothed himself. Is that sex? I think it is.


Another client sees me periodically to discharge pent-up tensions and frustrations in his life. He could hire a professional submissive for all the same things that he does to me, but he prefers to have the option for sex available to him. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t.


One of my clients is very affectionate with me. He likes to take me out for lunch. We flirt and talk intimately; lunch is often erotically charged, but he has never had explicitly sexual contact with me. Instead, he also schedules private meetings where he brings a friend with him and watches me have sex with that man. Is this a sexual encounter, even if he scarcely touches me? I think it is and I’m sure his wife would think so, too.


About three or four times a year, I may have a non-sexual date with a client who wants a companion for a party or event. My dates have been well-known musicians, artists and public figures who prefer to engage a paid companion so that they won’t be pressured into having sex with anyone. Nothing sexual or erotic is expected or occurs. We have a pleasant time and it’s over.


Clients see me to have experiences that are not available to them in their regular, daily lives, whether that’s torrid flirting, missionary sex, something much kinkier, or a complete lack of pressure to do anything but be pleasant and polite. From my point of view, and in my experience, none of the examples I’ve given are “extremes.” Except when the client requests nothing more than my company, I’m not sure that the extreme “all talk, no sex” really occurs, or is even what the client desires.

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All of this makes two things jump into my head:


A) President Clinton?s definition of sex

B) Charlie Harper?s (Sheen?s) definition of the "Girlfriend experience" with an SP - "You read a magazine ignoring me while I watch sports center"

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