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To ALL the Ladies/Agencies/MA's etc etc......

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A couple of days ago, and new member had signed up here on CERB using the profile name of Pistol Pete.


There is an space between Pistol and Pete, since then he has been expelled from CERB, and I have recieved private messages from ladies on here directed at me (and I do like chatting to ladies) BUT the messages did not come from ME.


They came from him. I certainly hope HE did not say anything derogotory to anyone, I already recieved a pm today from a lady that I did NOT message.


I keep a very close track of my messages, of who I send messages to and of course always respond.


So if you had recieved a message from a Pistol Pete (space between) please check it may of come from the imposter,or you respond it will come to me, and of course I will still chat to you :) because I like you all ;)


Furthermore if this gent is setting up dates with any of you, some of you already do have my contact coordinates so you should be able to tell from either my cell number or my email account who the real Pete is contacting you.


I certainly hope that you use caution when hearing from someone trying to impose as another hobbiest may it be myself ( The real PistolPete) or in that case any other gentleman on CERB that may have someone else out there using their name.


I guess this could be HIGH risk, not just for myself but for all concerned that truly play by the strict safety rules with ALL the great ladies.


The last thing I would want to hear is something bad coming out of a date, and subject to the SP section, and it was not ME. Then again a good number of ladies do know me up and close personally ;) Perhaps time to change my handle, or delete my account and start fresh?



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Please don't delete your account and start again. You are the one and only original PistolPete, everyone loves and respects you. It takes time to build trust and a reputation, why should you be the one to start over!!??



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Pete....i had something like this happen once before.....there was an Antlerman.......where I am antlerman.......no capital.....


this person got blacklisted with the ladies and in turn created allot of hassle for me....


so I understand and am glad this got worked out

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Perhaps some kind of feature could be added to screen new names to make sure they're not too similar to current names? Maybe that could prevent some problems before they start. I have no idea how the internet works though so I don't know if mod could set something like this up though.

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Perhaps some kind of feature could be added to screen new names to make sure they're not too similar to current names? Maybe that could prevent some problems before they start. I have no idea how the internet works though so I don't know if mod could set something like this up though.


I know some boards do this, perhaps this one already does. I know I have recieved thankyou messages and even a nomination from SPs I have never met. At least my doppleganger seems to be treating the ladies right. I am a little disturbed that someone may be using my handle to pass screening, or perhaps the ladies were confusing it with a similar handle, and I hope that is the case.

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