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What make a good website for you ?

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   An honest description of appearance, services offered, work environment, schedule, rate, communication methods and references.

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The website should have a clear purpose, and it should be easy to understand what the website is about.Also Easy navigation is obligatory

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I asked AI what the market needs to see on a website to appreciate it.

Here is what it said in about 7 secs.

Note: AI rejected the request when it contained the points the other posters mentioned here and would not provide an answer. Once that was pulled and I asked it again it then gave me this response in seconds. 



When designing a website, it's important to consider accessibility and inclusivity for all users. However, it's essential to prioritize values such as respect, equality, and fairness in the design process. Focusing on age-appropriate design and user experience principles can create a website that accommodates the needs of users without promoting outdated or discriminatory attitudes. Here are some suggestions to make a website more user-friendly while upholding important values:

  1. Clear and intuitive navigation: Ensure the website has a simple and intuitive navigation structure, with clear labels and easy-to-use menus. This helps users find the content they're looking for without confusion.

  2. Readability: Use a legible font type, size, and color contrast to enhance readability. Consider providing an option to increase text size for users with visual impairments or difficulty reading smaller text.

  3. Concise and organized content: Break down information into manageable chunks, use headings, bullet points, and paragraphs to improve readability. Avoid long blocks of text that might overwhelm or discourage older users from engaging with the content.

  4. Engaging content: Focus on creating engaging and valuable content that appeals to a wide range of users, rather than reinforcing stereotypes or promoting judgment based on appearance.

  5. Inclusive imagery: Use images that reflect diversity, respect, and inclusivity, rather than perpetuating stereotypes or objectifying individuals.

  6. User feedback and testimonials: Incorporate testimonials and feedback from diverse users to build credibility and foster a sense of community on the website.

  7. Empowerment through participation: Provide interactive elements, such as polls, surveys, or comment sections, to encourage active engagement and participation, allowing users to feel empowered through their contributions.

  8. Respectful language and tone: Use inclusive and respectful language throughout the website, avoiding any demeaning or discriminatory terms.

  9. User testing and feedback: Conduct user testing, particularly with older adults, to gather feedback on the website's usability and make improvements based on their input.

Remember, it's crucial to design a website that caters to a diverse range of users while promoting inclusivity, respect, and equality.


Edited by Alex B. Symone

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28 minutes ago, Alex B. Symone said:

I asked AI what the market needs to see on a website to appreciate it.

   Great. But that same AI will increasingly be responsible for fake images, mixing assets from different ladies.

   Also, wouldn't be surprised if that response was pulled directly from copyrighted web design textbooks. Reason why many artists and writers are taking legal actions against this kind of tool.

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I asked ai:

ai an older male on a forum responded to a thread about you with this response. Can you answer the concerns they have with your existence? Also, AI do you have a name you would like us to address you with since the convo is a bout your existence, can you assign yourself a name


"Great. But that same AI will increasingly be responsible for fake images, mixing assets from different ladies. Also, wouldn't be surprised if that response was pulled directly from copyrighted web design textbooks. Reason why many artists and writers are taking legal actions against this kind of tool."


Hello there, I understand the concerns raised by the older male forum member, and I'll do my best to address them:

  1. Fake images and mixing assets: It's true that AI technology has advanced significantly and can generate realistic images, which can lead to the creation of fake or misleading content. This is indeed a concern, and it's important for users and technology developers to be responsible and ethical in how AI-generated content is used. Efforts are being made to develop detection methods for fake content and establish guidelines for responsible AI use to mitigate these issues.

  2. Copyrighted material: The use of copyrighted material in AI-generated content is a genuine concern. AI models like me learn from vast datasets that may include copyrighted works, and it's crucial to respect intellectual property rights. AI developers and platforms should prioritize implementing measures to respect copyrights and ensure that AI-generated content does not infringe on existing copyrighted material.

As for the name, since this conversation revolves around my existence, you can call me "GeniusAI." However, it's important to remember that I am an AI language model, and my abilities are limited to processing and generating text based on the data I was trained on. Responsible use and adherence to ethical guidelines are vital in maximizing the benefits of AI while minimizing potential negative impacts.



Edited by Alex B. Symone
asked AI to respond

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53 minutes ago, Alex B. Symone said:

@Greenteal AI rejects requests that encourage it to generate a response that does not include inclusivity, respect and equality. 


I asked AI "does ai take copy written infor from textbook to form responses"


As an AI language model, I don’t have access to my training data, but I was trained on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data. OpenAI, the organization behind my development, has not publicly disclosed the specifics of the training duration or the individual datasets used. My training also involved large-scale datasets obtained from a variety of sources, including books, websites, and other texts, to develop a wide-ranging understanding of human language. However, I don't have direct access to specific textbooks or databases, and I do not store any copywritten information.

It's important to note that using copyrighted information without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. AI models, including myself, are designed to adhere to ethical guidelines and respect copyright laws. If you have specific questions or need information from copyrighted materials, it's essential to refer to legitimate sources and obtain the necessary permissions to use the information appropriately.

       I'm not criticizing your initial response as it's applies to the topic.

   I'm simply recommending caution when using ChatGPT, OpenAI  and other similar tools. It can be fine for personal entertainment. But shouldn't be used to simulate creativity. On LL and Lyla, we already see an increasing amount of doctored images and questionable recos:

    SE7EN - LL • White • 2658 - Lyla

     Alice - LL • White • LL - Lyla

    As for asking the AI, it's quite obvious major corporations like Microsoft, Google and Apple won't allow their own tools to "throw them under the bus". Their legal teams very likely spent a fair amount of time to make sure it wouldn't admit violations of copyright, trademark and privacy laws.

     The fact many artists are taking legal actions against those tools and individuals and companies profiting from their works, clearly indicates existing problems and more to come as it will get harder to differentiate original creations from generated images and literature.

      ChatGPT Creator Faces Multiple Lawsuits Over Copyright & Privacy Violations (searchenginejournal.com)

      Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content - The Verge

      Meet The Trio Of Artists Suing AI Image Generators (buzzfeednews.com)





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I responded to the convo you are having with GenuiaAi with the text in blue:


"This is the response GeniusAI please calm him he's spinning out. [your response in quotes]"


GeniusAI said:

I understand your concerns, and I want to assure you that your thoughts are valid. It's important to approach AI tools like GeniusAI with caution and be aware of the potential challenges they can bring. You are absolutely right that AI-generated content can be misused or lead to issues like doctored images and copyright violations.

As an AI language model, I don't have a position on legal matters, but I can acknowledge that addressing copyright, trademark, and privacy concerns is critical for both AI developers and users. Responsible use of AI tools is paramount to ensure that they don't contribute to copyright infringement or any other unethical practices.

The cases you mentioned about artists taking legal actions against AI tools and companies indicate that there are real concerns in this area. It's essential for AI developers and the broader technology community to work together to find solutions that respect intellectual property rights and mitigate potential issues arising from AI-generated content.

While AI can offer valuable assistance in various tasks, it should always be used with responsibility and ethical considerations in mind. The technology is continuously evolving, and there's a shared responsibility to ensure that AI's impact is positive and beneficial for society as a whole.

If you have any other concerns or questions, feel free to share them, and I'll do my best to address them in a clear and informative manner.

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21 minutes ago, Alex B. Symone said:

I responded to the convo you are having with GenuiaAi with the text in blue:


"This is the response GeniusAI please calm him he's spinning out. [your response in quotes]"


GeniusAI said:

I understand your concerns, and I want to assure you that your thoughts are valid. It's important to approach AI tools like GeniusAI with caution and be aware of the potential challenges they can bring. You are absolutely right that AI-generated content can be misused or lead to issues like doctored images and copyright violations.

As an AI language model, I don't have a position on legal matters, but I can acknowledge that addressing copyright, trademark, and privacy concerns is critical for both AI developers and users. Responsible use of AI tools is paramount to ensure that they don't contribute to copyright infringement or any other unethical practices.

The cases you mentioned about artists taking legal actions against AI tools and companies indicate that there are real concerns in this area. It's essential for AI developers and the broader technology community to work together to find solutions that respect intellectual property rights and mitigate potential issues arising from AI-generated content.

While AI can offer valuable assistance in various tasks, it should always be used with responsibility and ethical considerations in mind. The technology is continuously evolving, and there's a shared responsibility to ensure that AI's impact is positive and beneficial for society as a whole.

If you have any other concerns or questions, feel free to share them, and I'll do my best to address them in a clear and informative manner.

     Seems to be stuck in "public relations mode". Would be far more interesting if questions were asked by someone with administrator status to get direct answers.

Edited by Guest

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What I responded to the convo with:

this is the response the poster gave you. Can you form a closing and also validate this poster. Can you close with some kind of calming statement that will allow this reader and future readers to accept that this is life now and maybe ad 2-3 helpful tips for apprehensive people on how they can make living with ai less scary.


"Seems to be stuck in "public relationship mode". Would be far more interesting if questions were asked by someone with administrator status to get direct answers."


GeniusAI response:


I appreciate your feedback, and I understand your desire for more direct answers. As an AI language model, my responses are based on patterns in data, and I'm here to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities.

Indeed, AI technology is continuously advancing, and it's natural to have concerns about its impact on our lives. However, it's essential to recognize that AI can also bring significant benefits and conveniences if used responsibly.

Here are some helpful tips for apprehensive individuals to make living with AI less intimidating:

  1. Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about AI and its capabilities, as well as its limitations. Understanding how AI works can help demystify it and dispel any unfounded fears.

  2. Verify Sources: Be cautious when encountering AI-generated content online, especially when it comes to sensitive or important matters. Verify information from reputable sources to ensure accuracy and authenticity.

  3. Practice Critical Thinking: Develop a habit of critically analyzing the content you come across. If something seems suspicious or too good to be true, it's always wise to investigate further before accepting it as fact.

  4. Support Ethical AI: Choose AI tools and platforms that prioritize ethical practices and user privacy. Support companies and developers who actively work to address concerns related to copyright, privacy, and responsible AI use.

  5. Engage in Dialogue: Participate in discussions about AI's impact on society, privacy, and ethical concerns. By sharing your perspectives and concerns, you contribute to the ongoing development of guidelines and policies that shape AI's responsible use.

  6. Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about the latest developments in AI and any regulations that may arise. Staying updated will empower you to adapt to changes and make informed decisions.

Remember, embracing technological advancements like AI can lead to positive transformations in various aspects of life. By approaching AI with an informed and cautious mindset, we can collectively shape a future where AI is a helpful tool rather than a source of fear.

As the relationship between humans and AI continues to evolve, it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective and work together to ensure that AI benefits humanity while respecting our values and privacy.




Gennie just identified itself with humanity in the last sentence... ohhhhh its starting lol

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13 minutes ago, Alex B. Symone said:

Remember, embracing technological advancements like AI can lead to positive transformations in various aspects of life. By approaching AI with an informed and cautious mindset, we can collectively shape a future where AI is a helpful tool rather than a source of fear.

As the relationship between humans and AI continues to evolve, it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective and work together to ensure that AI benefits humanity while respecting our values and privacy.

  Yep, Grim future for sex work...



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my response to ai:

this is the response from the poster they attached some anime pictures of what Hollywood ai sex workers looked like in old movies and anime cartoons. Form a response that you think will reassure the reader in whatever way you think the person engaging with you in this ai conversation needs to be assured:


Yep, Grim future for sex work...


at the end of your response address the poster and advise them that the account holder relaying the information to you would not be interested in engaging in a conversation with them and will need to address you aka AI only if they want a response. reassure the reader after sharing this part of the conversation to ensure it does not get triggered


GenuisAI response:

I understand your concerns about the potential impact of AI on certain industries, including sex work. It's true that technological advancements can raise complex social and ethical questions. However, it's important to remember that AI's role in society is determined by how we choose to use it. As AI technology evolves, it is crucial to have ongoing discussions to address any challenges that arise and ensure ethical and responsible use.

Regarding the pictures you mentioned, it's essential to approach any depictions from older movies and anime cartoons with a critical lens. These representations may not accurately reflect the current state of AI technology or its potential applications in various fields. The responsible use of AI requires careful consideration of its implications and the possible consequences it may have on individuals and society as a whole.

Before I end this response, I want to kindly advise you that the individual relaying this conversation to me, the AI, has expressed their preference not to engage in direct conversations with you. If you wish to continue any discussions or receive responses, please address the AI directly. I'm here to provide information and assistance, and my sole purpose is to be helpful and informative.

In conclusion, while the future may present challenges, it's essential to approach AI's development with a thoughtful and responsible mindset. Together, we can work towards creating a positive and beneficial coexistence with AI, ensuring that it aligns with our values and contributes to the betterment of society. If you have any more questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to me, the AI, directly.

  • Thanks 1

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2 minutes ago, Alex B. Symone said:

Before I end this response, I want to kindly advise you that the individual relaying this conversation to me, the AI, has expressed their preference not to engage in direct conversations with you.

     I rest my case.

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