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An Angel and an Airplane

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I am so terrified of flying! I do not like the way it goes so fast to take off and the feeling of my stomach falling to my toes as it takes off! YIKES! My first time on an aircraft was last January and I am not ashamed to say that I cried the whole hour and a half it took to fly to Ottawa, and then again as I flew home.


Today I am going on this bus in the sky again and Im scared haha silly I know, but it is a fear I cannot control.


What are your fears/phobias?

What do you do to calm your nerves?

Edited by **cely***r***ne
spelling error

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Guest 9**A*****

A good cardio workout calms my nerves. A couple hours out on my bike and I forget the rest of the world. When I am done I feel so relaxed I don't care any more.


Good luck on your flight home Angel; Ottawa was very lucky to have someone like you overcome her fear in order to visit a few days here.

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I'm terrified of certain bugs. I deal with it by either A) squishing them, or B) running away....but since you can't squish or run away from the plane...that probably doesn't help...errr.....maybe some intense, strenuous, activity to wear you out just before your flight so you sleep the whole way? ;)

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Guest **cely***r***ne

Yes! That sounds like a great idea! Hmmm...what kind of strenuous activity could I possibly indulge in....

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How to calm your nerves.


Just think about how the airline crew also want to get home as well, they'll be doing everything to get themselves home safe and sound.

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Yes! That sounds like a great idea! Hmmm...what kind of strenuous activity could I possibly indulge in....


me!me!me!ME! I'll bring the strap-on?


I am terrified to death of worms....but I do have a reason, when i was 4 years old, my cousin did put around 150 worms in my bed during the summer and I jump into it without looking...and it was wiggling under me. Terrified to death...now when it's raining, you will often see me change sidewalk or walk really strangely, I avoid passing over them, I am scared that they may jump on me

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Yes! That sounds like a great idea! Hmmm...what kind of strenuous activity could I possibly indulge in....


Oh I got a few ideas....I'll tell you later ;)


Additional Comments:

me!me!me!ME! I'll bring the strap-on?


That works too, ;)

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A good workout can certainly help, but you might also try Valerian. It is an over-the-counter herbal remedy, a mild sedative that can quell anxieties. Its nickname is "dirty socks", you'll know why when you open the bottle :icon_wink:

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My main phobia is Rats....ever since I walked into one of our old barns we use for storage and three of the little pricks jumped on my neck and back. Never knew I could run that fast. Where there is one rat there is a thousand so they say.


To calm my nerves in this case was a lawn chair, a cooler of beer and a shotgun. Shot every damn rat I could see until I ran out of shells.


Of course a date with an Angel Starr would be a much better way to calm my nerves relieve stress :icon_wink: Didn't have that option at the time...haha

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Sorry about your fear of flying.

It won't help you now, but maybe in the future, try train travel if you hate flying.

I know one person who's fear of flying was from hearing the noises, and seeing things like the wings flexing (btw completely normal, if they didn't flex, then you got worries). She also got upset when these things popped out of the back of the wings (flaps, completely normal btw) and a thing popped out of the front of the engine on landing (thrust reversers, also normal)

I know it can be hard, but sit back and relax (maybe get an aisle seat, not window) and look forward that in a couple hours you'll be home safe and sound (and I'll say a little prayer for you that you have a safe and uneventful flight)

Take care


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So I guess Angel that means that I can't take you flying? I do have my private pilots liscence and it is the most incredible feeling.


For you today, a gravol makes one sleepy and that might help. Try bringing a good book, follow your trip on the onscreen flight map, and a movie might make you laugh.


You are safer than when you go to the beach by car.


I also know your ability to take control of your destiny, so this is your next challenge.:) You can do anything that you put your mind to.


ENJOY your flight. It is pretty amazing to be able to be there and then home so quickly.

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I am not afraid of planes but any time I feel nervous/anxious music and candy do it or me :) A movie or a book/magazine are also good ideas and if you think none of that would work I guess taking the advice of those who suggested sedatives is a good idea. Have a safe trip!

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Guest W***ledi*Time
... What are your fears/phobias? ...


I'm afraid of life; I'm afraid of death.

I'm afraid of people; I'm afraid of being alone.


(Other than that, I'm alright ...)


BEDBUGS and the undead.


I find that sometimes the best strategy is to pit one phobia against another:



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Guest 9**A*****
BEDBUGS and the undead.


You have nothing to fear from the undead...just read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks and then you will be saying bring it on brain suckers!


Not sure how to handle the bed bugs though...

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In the center of both hands, there is a pressue point. it is used to help rest, repair and clam nerves. Press with firm pressure, pump 3 times each hand. Lavendar is good to calm you down as well. Good luck, I myself LOVE to fly, I think it is such a thrill, so I feel bad for you that this is not as fun for you:( Good luck,xoxo

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I am also deathly afraid of airplanes. The funny part is I am not afraid of heights. I have been on a couple of planes on the ground. As a kid my aunt worked on the air base here, and I was ok as long as the plane was grounded and the engine off, but as soon as they started the engine I was on the tarmac waving! haha


I have NEVER been on a plane that has left the ground, nor will I ever be. It is my only fear in life, and it is one that will probably never change.


I have been on many of trains, buses, automobiles, and boats. But planes scare the crap out of me.


I wish I could offer you comfort, but I fear I will not be any help.


I wish you a safe flight home, and all I can say is you are braver then me.

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Well this is probably too late in coming for today (finally found something on the web not selling help) but for future flights, this might help




As for taking the train option, here are some links for you







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Oh sweetie, I am glad to hear you made it home safe! :)


My fears would have to be death ( not of me, but losing people I care about) and driving to fast. I got in a bad car accident a few years ago and the fear stuck with me.

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Guest **cely***r***ne
Oh sweetie, I am glad to hear you made it home safe! :)


My fears would have to be death ( not of me, but losing people I care about) and driving to fast. I got in a bad car accident a few years ago and the fear stuck with me.



I was in a car accident as well. It has stuck with me too. I flinch and close my eyes everytime a Transport truck drives by me.


Its weird though, when I am driving I am ok, it only bothers me when I am a passenger.

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Hi Angel,


Having flown airplanes for over 35 years, I can assure you it is the safest form of transportation......but that is probably not what you really want to hear.


There are many things you can do to get over the initial fear of flying, quite a bit of web sites devoted to this subject, which shows you are certainly not alone.


I find that if people with a fear of flying, tell the crew before boarding that they are uncomfortable with flying, the crew will be quite attentive and very helpful during the entire flight...... I think this will go a long way towards easing your fears before and during the flight.


Also, rather than worry about what MIGHT happen during the flight, why not marvel at the wonder of flight, look out the window and see sights that we rarely get a chance to see and enjoy the ability to soar in the skies.......


if none of that works.....a good shot of scotch prior to boarding never hurt...... ;-)

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