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Opinion Needed: Was this a genuine "come on"?

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Maybe now that you've asked, she'll just ask a friend or two of hers that knows you...what do you think of that guy...sort of the dating version of verification if you will

Or maybe a few things occupy her life for the moment, and she isn't free until

a month from now.

Or she has to arrange a babysitter (she might have a kid)

Don't read too much into it (you really don't know at this point except she didn't say no) when you see her next time, ask her out


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I'm telling you coffee sucks! Coffee means "you're not important enough to bring you to supper"

Only the men gave you the advice to ask her for coffee.

I want a man to ask me for supper, treat me to dinner not a cheap coffee. Make me feel special enough that you want to spend more than a cup of Joe time with me. What ever happened to dinner and a movie, or something along those lines. What will you do after the coffee that takes a month to book, upgrade to an internet cafe?

If it were me and a man liked me, I would be insulted if he asked me for coffee. Just sayin

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Julia, Julia, Julia.... you know what coffee leads to.... bagels. Bagels lead to cream cheese, cream cheese leads to cheesecake and cheesecake leads to messy sex.


Only then she will stab Dr Love with the barber scissors.

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Coffee sounds less serious I guess. But I would take some one to dinner because no matter how the date part works out I can still have a great meal, a glass or two of wine and a chat.


So Win Win in my books.




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I'm telling you coffee sucks! Coffee means "you're not important enough to bring you to supper"

Only the men gave you the advice to ask her for coffee.

I want a man to ask me for supper, treat me to dinner not a cheap coffee. Make me feel special enough that you want to spend more than a cup of Joe time with me. What ever happened to dinner and a movie, or something along those lines. What will you do after the coffee that takes a month to book, upgrade to an internet cafe?

If it were me and a man liked me, I would be insulted if he asked me for coffee. Just sayin



I don't think you know how romantic a coffee at Timmies can be


So this lady goes to her doctor and explains that her husband can't get it up like he used to and their sex life is suffering. The doctor asks: "Have you heard of a new drug named Zyban?"

The lady says 'yes', but adds that her husband refuses to take pills of any kind, and certainly won't take anything that "will make him feel like less of a man."

The doctor advises the woman to slip it into his morning coffee when he isn't looking. The woman is nervous, but the doctor insists: "It will change your life within a day," so she figures she'd better try it.

A week goes by and the lady shows back up at the doctor's office and the doctor asks her how it went. The lady heaves a tremedous sigh and explains: "I snuck it into his coffee like you said. And, sure enough, within 15 minutes, he cleared off the table, threw me on it and we had the best sex we'd had in 20 years."

Perplexed, the doctor asks: "What's wrong with that?"

And the lady schakes her head and says: "I don't think i'll be able to show my face at Tim Hortons again."


Seriously, I agree with you, if it were me, I'd ask the lady out to dinner. But the way the thread went it sounds as if there is concern that a bona fide date could complicate and screw up a good hairstylist/client relationship. In this case going out for a coffee is small non committal step which can lead to dinner, movies, and more, or if there is no chemistry, they can continue as hairstylist/client

As I see it


Edited by r__m__g_uy
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Well, I can always take her out to dinner after the coffee! lol. Seriously, though, I wanted something non commital at first since I'm not sure how she feels about me. In other words, let's say worst case scenerio - she's not into me. In that case, a coffee date would be easier to sit through than "the dinner". Going out for coffee is a casual way of gauging her interest so to speak, and if there's a spark, then the sky's the limit.

I'm telling you coffee sucks! Coffee means "you're not important enough to bring you to supper"

Only the men gave you the advice to ask her for coffee.

I want a man to ask me for supper, treat me to dinner not a cheap coffee. Make me feel special enough that you want to spend more than a cup of Joe time with me. What ever happened to dinner and a movie, or something along those lines. What will you do after the coffee that takes a month to book, upgrade to an internet cafe?

If it were me and a man liked me, I would be insulted if he asked me for coffee. Just sayin

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Well, I can always take her out to dinner after the coffee! lol. Seriously, though. I wanted something non commital at first since i'm not sure how she feels about me. In other words, let's say worst case scenerio - she's not into me. In that case, a coffee date would be easier to sit through than "the dinner". Going out for coffee is a casual way of guaging her interest so to speak, and if there's a spark, then the sky's the limit.


It also leaves you one free hand to fend off the scissor attack.

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...But the way the thread went it sounds as if there is concern that a bona fide date could complicate and screw up a good hairstylist/client relationship. In this case going out for a coffee is small non committal step which can lead to dinner, movies, and more, or if there is no chemistry, they can continue as hairstylist/client

As I see it



That's exactly it.


Additional Comments:

It also leaves you one free hand to fend off the scissor attack.


Not if she cuts it off first! :eek:

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Sounds to me like you are actually more interested in Holly anyway. We all like the idea of arm candy, but if you have something real going with Holly, then go for it. You now have 3-5 weeks before you need another hair cut to see where things go. Back burner this for now.


(I should point out before taking any advice from me that my track record with reading women is ....well less than perfect. The only thing predictable about women is their unpredictability.)

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Sounds to me like you are actually more interested in Holly anyway. We all like the idea of arm candy, but if you have something real going with Holly, then go for it. You now have 3-5 weeks before you need another hair cut to see where things go. Back burner this for now.


(I should point out before taking any advice from me that my track record with reading women is ....well less than perfect. The only thing predictable about women is their unpredictability.)


Let's see Sara then Holly, then Sara then Holly, and mind you no date yet

The only thing predictable about men, well some men, is a short attention spans and being fickle.


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Here's an idea. get them to both meet you for coffee at the same time and introduce the females to each other as your friend... The idea here is territorial animal behavior coming out and thus have them fight for your attention. Just maybe they might come the conclusion that there is enough of you to go around for both of them.

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Here's an idea. get them to both meet you for coffee at the same time and introduce the females to each other as your friend... The idea here is territorial animal behavior coming out and thus have them fight for your attention. Just maybe they might come the conclusion that there is enough of you to go around for both of them.


That has a real "Dear Penthouse" type of concept to it, lol....

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