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When someone calls or emails me and says...so and so just canceled on me i'm wondering if you are free...lol....lmao

yea i'm free alright...not. Always great to know your second choice...hahaha



LOL! C'mon Emma, I'm sure you're never anyone's second choice ;). From what I've read around the board, you seem to be a DEFINITE favourite and therefore a FIRST choice to many :grin:.


Just throwing this in for fun:


When someone asks if I'm free, I respond with, "I'm never FREE, but I'm available if you'd like to see me". Kinda silly, I know...but hey, it's true! Lol!


Ava xoxox

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When someone calls or emails me and says...so and so just canceled on me i'm wondering if you are free...lol....lmao

yea i'm free alright...not. Always great to know your second choice...hahaha



So I just had a cancilation, you available?:-D

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Apex.. I'm a girl who's always been fine with a first name and a phone number and the first name has often been 'John'.. even it if it's not :) Not all girls need a full name or id.. now in the States where all aspects of hobbying are illegal the smarter girls do need to do this to be safe. The girls still don't offer their id or real names though. They have their reps and reviews online to prove they're not cops. The reason a girl needs the id/full name is to verify him to the previous escort.. because if she didn't also use that procedure a cop or bad client could sneak through the system.

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LOL! C'mon Emma, I'm sure you're never anyone's second choice ;). From what I've read around the board, you seem to be a DEFINITE favourite and therefore a FIRST choice to many :grin:.


Just throwing this in for fun:


When someone asks if I'm free, I respond with, "I'm never FREE, but I'm available if you'd like to see me". Kinda silly, I know...but hey, it's true! Lol!


Ava xoxox


haha...well here's a funny one...some dude PMed a client on here and asked how much he charges? (thinking he was an Sp) then emailed me shortly after...lol...{isn't that second choice?}lmao


new thread: read profiles b4 sending Pm's


So I just had a cancilation, you available?:-D


why you little FRench Bastard!:-x

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Many of my pet peeves regarding questions have already been discussed.


Don't ask me my real name. Don't ask me to bareback. Yes, my breasts are real. Yes, I wax all my pubes. Yes, I really need glasses. Yes, I'm really 26.


In terms of guys messaging me, if your PM sounds like you are cold-calling every SP on CERB, chances are I'm not going to reply. I prefer to see clients who genuinely want to see me, not ones just looking for the best deal.

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Never ask if you can have a better deal!


Never say "Can I book with you incase my other meeting doesn't work out?"


Never ask if you can do the roomate! (Oh waith that's when I was daiting!)


Never ask if you are better the her other clients! (it may hurt!)


Never ask if you are the biggest she has ever had!


Never ask about her family! (Unless SHE BRING IT UP)


Never ask What's behind door number two! lol



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I agree! I would give my first name, my cell, and follow up by phoning you at a designated time to ba able to ask for info and the address!


Never my complete name!





When you use your home phone or cell phone your full name shows up on the display unless you block it and in this case sp's don't answer:roll:

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o ya thats last post was to a reply on miss cloe


WoW!!! thats alot of reading but most if not all of my questions have been answered already. But lets say you stick with just the one sp for a while and really get to know all about her (as in as much as she'll tell you with out spilling anything too personal) and wanting to see her out side of her work (also in my last reply to miss cloe) what then? would it be appropiate to ask them out to.....say a dinner to get to know them, no as the sp but as just a person you would just meet.(if this makes any sence) i know i'm going off my own topic but its still connected to main question. I know i'm blabbering if this doesn't make any sence relp on this and i'll try to reword it as best as i can

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Guest i***k***
o ya thats last post was to a reply on miss cloe


WoW!!! thats alot of reading but most if not all of my questions have been answered already. But lets say you stick with just the one sp for a while and really get to know all about her (as in as much as she'll tell you with out spilling anything too personal) and wanting to see her out side of her work (also in my last reply to miss cloe) what then? would it be appropiate to ask them out to.....say a dinner to get to know them, no as the sp but as just a person you would just meet.(if this makes any sence) i know i'm going off my own topic but its still connected to main question. I know i'm blabbering if this doesn't make any sence relp on this and i'll try to reword it as best as i can


It can't hurt to ask but don't be crushed if she says she'd rather not. It can be a very uncomfortable conversation for both parties.

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I'm not saying not to do it, but you may scare off some good wealthy clients in high politica positions if your screening process is to invasive. But I understand TOTALY your point of view also and I agree with you! Just keep that in mind!


Not necessarily, Apex. Those men screen the SP as much, or more, than we screen them. Phone conversations, e-mail conversations that are more than just three or four notes back and forth. They know she'll probably recognize them when they meet. They want to be sure that the SP is likely to be socially compatible before the meeting, that is, that she has a genuine understanding of confidentiality and privacy. For many of these men, using a well-known agency or an agent is one good way for them to be sure that the SP is sane, sober, not on drugs, and generally stable. They also refer each other to escorts whom they trust. Older escorts are often more appealing to these men for many of these reasons, particularly if the men are looking for an ongoing engagement. They're also very likely to ask for "social" meetings the first time or two that they meet the SP. Whether they can have sex with the escort isn't a question: that's a sure thing. Whether they can trust her is what counts.


As for questions not to ask, I don't appreciate being asked how much I earn or whether I know Mr. X. I'll tell another SP that I know Mr. X and that he's okay. I never tell a client or a prospective client whether I know anyone, anywhere, at all.

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Not necessarily, Apex. Those men screen the SP as much, or more, than we screen them. Phone conversations, e-mail conversations that are more than just three or four notes back and forth. They know she'll probably recognize them when they meet. They want to be sure that the SP is likely to be socially compatible before the meeting, that is, that she has a genuine understanding of confidentiality and privacy. For many of these men, using a well-known agency or an agent is one good way for them to be sure that the SP is sane, sober, not on drugs, and generally stable. They also refer each other to escorts whom they trust. Older escorts are often more appealing to these men for many of these reasons, particularly if the men are looking for an ongoing engagement. They're also very likely to ask for "social" meetings the first time or two that they meet the SP. Whether they can have sex with the escort isn't a question: that's a sure thing. Whether they can trust her is what counts.


As for questions not to ask, I don't appreciate being asked how much I earn or whether I know Mr. X. I'll tell another SP that I know Mr. X and that he's okay. I never tell a client or a prospective client whether I know anyone, anywhere, at all.

Love your post!

Thank you Samantha!



Edited by M***c***
spelling mistake

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Is that a shot at me Etasman?


strangely it was a shot at myself :neutral:


the guilty parties know who they are....


and, Frenchie, I would never shoot at a fellow Emmarite :grin:

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I never go off on a rant - but this one might be worthy - perhaps I've been inspired by Antlerman



Sample of what not to ask:


What's your real name, age, postal code, social insurance number and inmate id.


Have you filed a tax return for all this cash you're raking in?


Are you looking for a male bodyguard?



Sample of what not to do:


Do not tell her you work for Revenue Canada and can help process her tax return.


Do not ask her to play cops and robbers and suggest she be the robber.


Do not ask, request or demand she cut you a deal otherwise you'll give her a bad rep on a review/recommendation board.


Do not show up under influence of any substance.


Do not discuss other provider nor clients, after all, she is your girl and no one elses. ;-)




Show on time, be respectful, hygienic, courteous, bring the appropriate donation, respect her policy of business before pleasure.


Be yourself and let the event unfold.


And Finally:

If you strike the right cord and the lady wishes to share any personal info about ANY topic please, please, please be discrete about what you share and post on any public forum.


I did say it was a rant, but I decided part way to use sarcasm, humor and the direct approach to convey this message. I guess I need to work on my ranting skills.

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1. "is that picture really you that you have on your website/ad?"


2. "I know you said this fell into your 'restrictions" but what would it cost ME extra to do that...since we seem to be getting along so well?"



3. So where do you usually hang out when you go out on the town?


4. "why is a pretty and intelligent girl doing what you're doing...you're so much better than this" (seriously you think we're victims to your demands and the industry....NEVER ask this while thinking its a compliment, guys. NEVER!)


5. " i want to be your ONLY call tonight for 'obvious reasons'...and I'd only like to book you for only an hour... I hope thats ok?"


6. "how is 'business'?...you must be busy these days eh?"/ "how many more calls do you have tonight"/ "how many have you had before me?"


7. on a lighter note: ......"can I have MSOG and can I book you for 15 mins?"




as for the subject on clients providing a name...I ask for a name, why? to know who I'm addressing. I tell my clients who dont want to give a name (at all) that its for their own benefit..... should knock on the wrong apartment door, it would be terrible if someone else got the call they were supposed to get ;-) usually I have a name provided pretty easily that way...real or not, my driver knows where I'm going and I never service motels or any other hotels that dont take credit card or valid ID

Edited by Annessa
typos, lol
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i just remembered something that made me laugh from last week...


when I told a hobbiest calling my line my hourly donation he said (exact words).....

"hmmmm...yikes, umm..do you have anything cheaper?"



I'm not even sure what thats supposed to mean, LOL LOL LOL!!!

I should have told him he could have a whole 30 mins of 'dinner at the Y' for $200 ;-) hehe

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i just remembered something that made me laugh from last week...


when I told a hobbiest calling my line my hourly donation he said (exact words).....

"hmmmm...yikes, umm..do you have anything cheaper?"



I'm not even sure what thats supposed to mean, LOL LOL LOL!!!

I should have told him he could have a whole 30 mins of 'dinner at the Y' for $200 ;-) hehe



Why or why do they do that?lol

I think the problem is that some guys don't get the difference between hookers and escorts....

I find it insulting when someone asks "how much for just a bj?" or something similar. I tell them your paying for my time...so if you just want a bj well check my website fro my hourly rate.lol

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Not necessarily, Apex. Those men screen the SP as much, or more, than we screen them. Phone conversations, e-mail conversations that are more than just three or four notes back and forth. They know she'll probably recognize them when they meet. They want to be sure that the SP is likely to be socially compatible before the meeting, that is, that she has a genuine understanding of confidentiality and privacy. For many of these men, using a well-known agency or an agent is one good way for them to be sure that the SP is sane, sober, not on drugs, and generally stable. They also refer each other to escorts whom they trust. Older escorts are often more appealing to these men for many of these reasons, particularly if the men are looking for an ongoing engagement. They're also very likely to ask for "social" meetings the first time or two that they meet the SP. Whether they can have sex with the escort isn't a question: that's a sure thing. Whether they can trust her is what counts.


As for questions not to ask, I don't appreciate being asked how much I earn or whether I know Mr. X. I'll tell another SP that I know Mr. X and that he's okay. I never tell a client or a prospective client whether I know anyone, anywhere, at all.



I agree with you if you are a member of this site or other like it. 100%, but when I first started, I was on a website and looking at a list of SP's and tryed one that I thought was spectacular on her site! So I called her gave her my number and set up an apointment and She WAS NOT what I expected! He pic were of her, but of her like ten years ago. And when I got to the door, I notice that her room mate was in the "living room" and I did not feel comfortable at all! So I did not go through with it! (Gaver her half of the donations before leaving!)


I'm glade she did not have my full name! She tryed calling me for about a week after!



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strangely it was a shot at myself :neutral:


the guilty parties know who they are....


and, Frenchie, I would never shoot at a fellow Emmarite :grin:



I know i was just kidding! I got your back too!



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I know i was just kidding! I got your back too!




thats right! Your backside is mine!

ps the smiely i used is for you know where...evil smile..ahahahah

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I'm so shy when I meet an sp that I let her do all the talking. I have a hard time to say my name without stuttering it's like I say TTTTTTTTT'stttttoooorrm and I don't want you to laugh at me so I won't ask any questions unless you ask me first. But I french very well.

tttthhhaaannk yyyou.:oops:

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