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Since I enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on Big Brother 14 and sharing my own, I figured that there should be a thread started for Big Brother Canada so we can all dive into the action together.


My thoughts on last night's episode:


1. The production values were pretty high quality for a Canadian produced show.

2. I think the casting directors did a terrible job in finding people of diverse spectrums of society - they're all beautiful, sheltered and inexperienced people in their 20s and 30s which I find rather boring as they all tend to homogenize in one cookie-cutter like life story.

3. I'm almost certain one of the women is going to win it and my vote is on Jillian.

4. The very gay guy Gary is hilarious.


Your thoughts?

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I had a reply all ready to go, then lost it somehow. :(


I wasnt that impressed by the first episode and the first airing of After Dark. No one seemed to be talking about anything other than food, and themselves, etc. The 2nd After Dark and episode was an improvement and personalities and game playing is starting.


In general after last night's AD, I would say that Suzette is shooting herself in the foot by actively saying she doesn't actually want to talk game, and seems to be saying she wants to drift along to have a good time in the house. I appreciate that she is unlikely to win challenges, but people are also going to wonder which way the wind blows with her and just decide to make her an easy eliminatioin if they end up being HOH and want an easy out for nominations and eviction without losing anyone else's support for the following week.


I likes the attempt at diversity, I must say I was hoping but not really expecting what they ended up doing. I thought that they would try to check off all the culture boxes with one guest, a 50 year old black (or mixed) lesbian mother of 3 from Montreal. So fairly impressed that they didn't do that, and then have 14 white guests lol.



I found it kind of Canadian that the first person to get evicted was pretty much the only person who was campaigning or trying to play the game and the others felt she was being too pushy lol.


The Have Not room looks pretty comfortable, and the hammock looks like it will be the place for strategizing for 2-3 at a time.


I liked the challenges seen so far are simple, more like BB in the early years. Only the last couple of years the challenges seem to be getting very complex and elaborate and expensive, when it isn't really necessary. we don't see the full challenge on After Dark, we only see snippets in the episodes, we appreciate them

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There's a Big Brother Canada? Man am I out of touch. More scripted "reality" TV, not really my thing anyway.

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@ jhenna, if you had watched the live feed After Dark, Kat's full house eviction still would have come out of nowhere. One thing I found with night #1 is that there were no feeds out of the HOH room, and I don't think there was any on night #2. We saw Tom and Emmet up, and then figured POV was won by Tom, and Kat went up, but no clue at all that the intent was to not break up that Tom/Emmett duo.


There seems to be growing suspicion about why Emmett and Jillian are so close, after supposedly just meeting. I figure that there is a small chance that people auditioning for the show who are from the same area are very likely to meet each other and talk. I can't say they'd hang out while waiting to see if they get picked or not, but let's say Emmett and Jillian are from the same city, it's hard to believe now that they've met that they wouldn't go for coffee in Halifax or something.


Also some of the live feeds last year I got the impression that the houseguests met up prior to getting into the house itself along with some alternates. maybe all 15 don't go for dinner in the same place, but I think it unlikely that 2-3 or more aren't going to meet up someway somehow. They seem to know who the unchosen alternates were gives me an impression that they were all in the same room or rooms shortly before hand.


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re: Talla, i didn't see that, but it sounds like she doesn't know much about the show. I noticed that BB does that as well, actually pulls people from other reality show auditions to offer them a spot on the show, even though they are not fans and do not watch it much or at all. It is possible Talla is one of those kinds of houseguests?


The episodes do edit deliberately to leave a different impression about what is really going on in the house, so that the outcome, like Kat being put up, comes as a surprise. The talk was that Gary was going up because he was annoying, then it was someone else (maybe jillian lol), and ended up being Kat just because Suzette as HOH didn't want to be bombarded by someone who actually wanted to play the game, make deals, and discuss some long term strategies.


The first HOH was a good twist idea, but I dislike the animosity and resentment of the two guys Suzette put up. What do any of them expect? All of them risk being put up at some point, and Suzette had an hour to decide., As far as I can tell, they were the only ones who actually told the house they were an alliance lol. It was probably the first smart thing any HOH could or should have done, put them both up and at least one of them goes home. Her final mistake was to not make the house do that, to vote Emmett out, and control the house vote. I don't like the fact this is what BB strategy appears to be now, but since it is, she probably should have worked with that for the final eviction vote with who she had up. She also would have been securing herself some deals with who she didn't put up for eviction.


it isn't any wonder that she probably will be the next one to go. As the house does that, over and over we will see the same mistakes, they will end up leaving behind the very people who have really good shots at the end to win. Suzette should be kept around for a very long time, because really she is unlikely to win anything ever again, unless by chance, and if she did, almost anyone will be able to get a deal with her, and if she doesn't almost anyone will be able to get her to vote their way.

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An update from After Dark last night around the 2.5 hour mark, Emmett and Jillian after lights out in the HOH room actually having sex. Kind of unmistakable and not at all just making out, since the cameras do the night vision and stayed on the two of them for 5 or 10 minutes lol.


Just kind of reinforces the idea they already know each other well

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An update from After Dark last night around the 2.5 hour mark, Emmett and Jillian after lights out in the HOH room actually having sex. Kind of unmistakable and not at all just making out, since the cameras do the night vision and stayed on the two of them for 5 or 10 minutes lol.


Just kind of reinforces the idea they already know each other well


I saw the live feed when they did it in real time. I've only seen them doing it once but I heard they've done it at least three times. Sunday, Jillian made a comment to Emmett about only 5 cameras being on after dark and the one in the HOH room isn't one of them. I don't know where she got that information from. If it's true did they forget about the 24/7 live feeds (lol).

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Yeah I think she thinks the lights are off so the cameras are off. Judging by the night vision and close ups and unwavering camera angle directly on them, she'd be wrong.


Actually what probably happened is the crew don't move the camera or then she would know that it is actually on and active.


It just seems unlikely that they would jump to sex if they only knew each other a week considering they are being filmed

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Danielle dug her own grave after offering to go up as a pawn. Rookie mistake!! In the history of BB the pawns always go home.



I don`t know if you would call it cheating but the guys all pre-planned to always go with A in the majority rules competition. Since they are the majority it was evitable that one of them would win. The production team should of changed the game when they heard them discuss this. BBUS retired the game since S7 Allstars after they overheard Janelle trying to do the same with her alliance. Some call it strategy but I don`t think it`s fair to the rest of the houseguests.

Edited by Jhena Grey

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Of course they always go home!! What a fool!!


But they are also saying it was because 'someone' says that she is saying she would go after ....., fill in blanks that alarm enough to sway the voting lol.


I'm getting tired of Tom, who is obviously on a vengeance campaign taking everything personally when on day 1, someone who doesn't know anyone in the house puts him up for eviction. Basically if I have to hear one more time how him putting Suzette up isnt personal, etc etc, uhuh. If he was playing the game, he'd realize that right now neither Suzette or Gary have any power whatsoever and he'd take out someone who does, in exchange for safety from both of them for a couple of weeks. They are the easy targets, in other words.


I didn't realize that at all about the game. I actually didn't realize until the AD yesterday that when talking about the majority they are talking about the house, and that it isn't based on an 'America votes" on a website or texting game. I always thought the answers were from the outside, not the actual houseguests and that they were trying to match what everyone else was saying.


I think after a couple of questions, the fact that A was always winning would register with someone who wasn't in the loop? I did notice that all the women were out long before any of the guys, excepting Gary. And for Tom to win based on rigging the game, that's not really cool at all.


Still waiting for the day Emmet finds out who voted him to leave (Liza) and I think he still thinks it was someone specific.



I was pretty shocked to see them actually do the Nominations during the After Dark filming. They had a commercial break during the actual key pulling and announcement, but that I've never seen before. I've only ever seen on last year's AD them being locked out of one area of the house or backyard while things are set up.

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I'm really enjoying how this season is turning out game-wise. The Shield and Quattro are two very good alliances that I think will go a very long way into the later stages of the competition.


I particularly liked how Alec planted the seed in Emmett's mind of eventually cutting Tom loose for his aggressive and hot-headed behaviour. Clearly, the Shield is laying the foundation for power moves further on down the line. One criticism I will make of them is that Peter and Alec are revealing too much about how close they are to each other. I would have suggested that they each fawn upon either Tom or Emmett, suggesting that they make a fake Final Three deal to conceal their true intentions.


Getting rid of the non-aligned floaters right now would be my other suggestion. Either get them on side or throw them overboard. It's too early to make any big moves (like taking out Andrew, Jillian or Liza) but taking care of Suzette, Talla, AJ or Aneal at this time would certainly be a wise use of votes.


I loved the quotes task that Peter was assigned. It is a great addition to the show and is entertaining to watch. I'm kinda sick of seeing showmances and bromances get air time and I'm glad the production team have included some kind of diversion that makes for good viewing.

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I ran into Emmet's dad at a meeting yesterday and we had a great chat, lol. I've know him for years and served on boards with him in the past. Once we got past BBC, we agreed we have to hit the open road this summer. You see, he's a Harley rider and is looking for inclusion into the biking fraternity. LOL (I thought you'd like that, Notch!)

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Has anyone else noticed that while in a diary room session, Peter kinda looks, acts and sounds like Coach Dan! He has Dan's mannerisms and vocal patterns. And his strategy is similar. As long as he keeps thinking with his big head he should do well.


On the other hand, a secret alliance with Liza would be a frightening thing to watch. IMHO Liza is the player to watch. She has Tom wrapped around her little finger. I think she could sleep with Tom and then cut his throat (metaphorically speaking) in the game, all without batting an eye.

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So the latest twist will make it interesting, Canada votes on who to evict. Would love to see A.J. go and see Toms reaction to getting blindsided by Big Brother.


Don't understand why Tom bothered taking Gary off the block. It's not as if Gary won't take him out first opportunity he gets.

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Has anyone else noticed that while in a diary room session, Peter kinda looks, acts and sounds like Coach Dan! He has Dan's mannerisms and vocal patterns. And his strategy is similar. As long as he keeps thinking with his big head he should do well.





My guess is that as a BB fan, Peter has decided to adopt the role of Dan for auditions and the show in order to get on, taking the advice of the books that Dan has written about how to get onto reality TV.


He is almost an exact copy in DR, but he isn't out in the house itself, imo, if you watch After Dark, he is much more animated in DR than reality.


In fact I was going to mention this exact thing today lol.



Also, if you had signed up on the big brother website you can play the game to influence the show. Right NOW the vote is for Canada to decide which one of the nominees should be saved from being on the block. I am hoping everyone who is playing votes to save Suzette, because now that would make the game change. Tom would have to replace her as a nominee, beside AJ and AJ is already the pawn to keep, so who the heck is he going to basically be sending home if the vote goes this way?


I don't think he will be able to put up Gary again as I think the power of veto used can't be undone, he won't have access to Gary again. I would like everyone to vote like i did for Suzette to be saved, because this puts Tom in the position, as Suzette was in the beginning of the show as first HOH, of having to decide at the very last minute without having time to think it thru, he'll appreciate that she had to do the same thing, which is why he ended up on the block in week one.

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After a surprise twist of Canada voting, Tom's target Suzette remains in the house.


After the HOH comp, Emmett becomes HOH,, so the assumption is now gary and suzette just get auto nominated.


Buuuutttt apparently some watching the show said emmett broke a rule, and an investigation was done, and guess what everyone ??


he lost his spot, and the 2nd place person is now HOH.


And guess who that was??





so all bets are off as to who is supposed to be up, and we'll see what gary does......


Additional Comments:

ok apparently they did a new HOH competition (not sure if emmett had to sit it out) and that is how Gary ended up HOH he won the new comp.


Then the 4 cheaters in the original Bee HOH comp became the 4 have nots.


Funny because on the AD the day before they were concerned about how the Have Not competition wojld be played with an uneven # of players. so Emmet, Jillian, Talla and Alec apparently didn't follow the challenge rules so became have nots also probably they had to step things up so wouldn't have time to do both a new HOH comp and the scheduled have nots comp, so one became the other i guess,


like suzette, gary's time as HOH a bit shorter than normal?


And wait until they find out they have a double eviction come up that same time lol, ideal timing to get out either the halves of two pairs or one entire couple.

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