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What happens with you.......  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. What happens with you.......

    • No real plans, all of a sudden shit hits the fan, you cancel your plans and deal with it
    • You go any way and let the chips fall
    • Everything booked for long time, shit hits the fan, you cancel and deal with it
    • You go any way and let the chips fall
    • Different situation altogether.......

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Ok....I have been out of town for a while.....stop cheering that I was out of town.

And thanks for the few that say...welcome back.......


Since being back...I have tried to get organized to see some ladies.


Key word here is tried......over and over again.....


Now by no means is there any issue with the ladies...no one has been hard to reach or cancelled or booked......


The issue is circumstances in my life that prevent me getting the time to go.......I am sure alot of you have run into the same or similar situations.


Now I am more often a last minute type of person due to my profession and lack of persoanl ability to plan...hahahahah.....


The last thing I would do...and never have done...knock on wood......is book a time then cancel short notice.....it is rude...and it affects to many factors in your life and the ladies and the other guys who missed out because the lady was booked.


Let's see what people have done.....will do...and are preparred to do.


Maybe I can get some ideas of how to better grasp my life so I can get my member grasped more often.....beside doing it myself:jackoff:

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All my aptointments with both SP and MP have all been short notice. I have a list with up to 5 names on it of who would like to see and I work of that list as I drive into the city. Sometimes I get lucky and other times I have to drive back home without releasing any tension.


I cannot plan something in advance because my shedual always changes and sometimes my SO want's to come to the city with me. When that happens it cost me more money cause all she wants to due is shop.


So thats how I hobby and it works for me

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I prefer to make last minute appointments, take my chances doing it this way as I prefer not to book to much in advance as I just hate to cancel, usually it works out alright.

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99.9% of the time I book in advance, if I need to reschedule due to work issues, I always give 24hours notice if I can.


The pre-planning(booking in advance) always sets myself up for a couple of sleepless nights fantasizing, visualizing the lady, what positions we are going to try,what new toys we might play with.


The erotic thoughts are planned out, and then when the occasion happens, "it is all good".


Now failing that, (the lady might need to cancel), I will attempt to fulfill that void of tension by booking at the last minute hopefully, if not, I just wait my turn.

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I find that what works for me is to schedule, maybe a week in advance.


The trick then is to keep that time clear and not allow anyone to schedule something with me for that time. If anyone trys, they will generally accept that you are not available then and offer an alternate time.


Of course during the normal work day is easiest as it avoids the discussion with "the she who must be obeyed".

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Ideally I like to book days to week in advance. I like the comfort and security. I try to book daytime hours so when the shit happens is work related. Getting away from work so it not an issue for me. The only time I ever had to cancel is when I got sick.


That said, I've also had some great short notice or plan B dates. Met some wonderful ladies I may not have met otherwise. Cycled through my phone list and went with the 1st one to say she was available. Never been disappointed.


So I didn't vote. I don't feel the way I operate is one of the options.



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Guest S***e

During the past six months, I prebooked about four appointments a week or two in advance and had to cancel them about 2-3 days ahead of the scheduled appointment due to: a death of a friend's mother; a cycling accident where I sustained a concussion and dislocated a shoulder; and on two occasions where I was urgently called away to work out of town. I apologized profusely to the two ladies and I generally felt terrible about having to cancel. The part I didn't like was the fact that I had to cancel twice with each of them. For that reason, I now make a simple enquiry perhaps a week ahead of time as to general availability and try to followup with making an appointment the same day. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, however. I'll be glad when things are more stable for me and I can, in fact, make appointments more in advance, but things do happen and all one can do is try to be considerate and make immediate contact with the lady to explain the situation.

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Well I prefer to plan in advance. I usually know when I have time for something, and make my plans around that. It is good for everyone, and I have rarely been dissapointed in plans being changed. But changes happen, life happens, and things can get cancelled. When that happens, if it was a planned in advance thing, it can be frustrating, but you just need to suck it up and move on.


Not to say I don't like the spontaneous encounters either. I can think of a couple where I was not planning anything, and ended up having an outstanding time. Hooray for Hotwire and Priceline for those times when you absolutely, postively need to get a room.

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Guest S****tha Ott*wa

To those well planned and well thought out hobbiest. You guys are the best. We know your lives and scheduals get busy as well do ours. And you are very understanding when we are not available. We know we are in for a great time when we finally do meet up!

Just a big Thank you :grin:

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It's great when hobbyiests plan ahead, pre-book (and actually show up).


But on a lighter note, (I never had the guts to ask this before)...how do you know you're going to be horny on that day around that time?


Could it be men are always horny? Or that they can become horny with the right "anticipation".


What do you think Antlerman?

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It's great when hobbyiests plan ahead, pre-book (and actually show up).


But on a lighter note, (I never had the guts to ask this before)...how do you know you're going to be horny on that day around that time?


Could it be men are always horny? Or that they can become horny with the right "anticipation".


What do you think Antlerman?


That might be a topic that deserves its own thread!

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But on a lighter note, (I never had the guts to ask this before)...how do you know you're going to be horny on that day around that time?


Horny is a state of mind.....how that for a Sunday Zen answer!


Think of it like a lover who is away on a trip and they are arriving home on the day-time they are visiting you.

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Guest Ou**or**n
...how do you know you're going to be horny on that day around that time?


Because I am male... :-D

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...how do you know you're going to be horny on that day around that time?


Horny is a state of mind.....how that for a Sunday Zen answer!


Think of it like a lover who is away on a trip and they are arriving home on the day-time they are visiting you.

Excellent answer et! ;)



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I am a planner and because I participate when I travel I usually know 2-3 weeks in advance. I often start early trying to 'arrange' and actually get antsy if things aren't coming together well in advance.

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We should say thank you. To the clients that take the time to make appointments. Most people are very understanding. As we are only one person. To me it's quality not qwanity and my clients know this. So I'm clean, smiling and happy. To most people an excited, clean, happy woman. Is more than enough to make them well, lets say hot. If not, I could do my best to make them hot and horny. :bddog:

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My job also forces me to be unable to plan ahead most of the time. If there is a visiting SP I really want to see I will take time off work sometimes to be sure I get to see her. That's the only way I can guarantee to see someone.


This was great as my work used to allow me to work OT and take time off in return. USED TO..... Company got bought, no more time in lieu ..... so not so easy to take time off work without everyone in my life knowing about it. Sucks to burn a half day to keep junior happy but better than the alternative.....


Luckily it has worked out ok as I was able to see who I wanted without too much trouble. It's back to last minute planning and sometimes work pulls me away but not too bad lately. The rare times I had to cancel were with my regs who understand my situation so no troubles. It did keep me from seeing JT last trip (sniff sniff) but I hope to make up for that later .....

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