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antlerman rant time!!!!

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hey folks...it has been a while since I ranted...let alone since I did a little rutting also....but that is another story....


My favorite topics......






trying to negotiate prices......


This time they go hand in hand....so to speak.


I am in chat often...and I like to chat and get to know people and the ladies.....it is fun but also frustrating.


You see when in chat, you often see people pop in and out so fast you wonder why do they bother.....I was in one day and saw 12 people pop in and out in less than 1/2 hour.


I know why they bother.


they are looking for the ladies...they want to ask them mostly stupid questions.

  • so are you available?
  • are you actually a woman...you look like a TS?
  • instead of $200/hr.....would you like 2 hours at $300?
  • will you turn on your cam for me?
  • can I turn on my cam for you so you can watch? (this was not me)

Then there are those that just plain ignore any one unless they are female...then they start....with all the questions....or they just chat in private and do not participate with the public chat.


It is amazig how many of the "chat lurkers" I see have zero posts...nothing....not a word for months......or ever.......


What alot of peole do not understand that once you get to know people on chat or in the forums by, the posts you read or what they post.....you get alot more information back.


It is true.....gain a bit of a reputation...even if it is 4 posts on ladies you have seen.....it is better than nothing......and if you are known a bit in chat....the same applies.



and for God sakes...do not try and negotiate prices........grow up.......the prices stated are the pices to be paid.....if you can not afford it...move on.......save up a little play money.


I have to hobby when I can...as money dick-tates (yes I did that on purpose)...I wold hobby all the time...but I save my money for the times and ladies that fir my requirements.


I know...same old...same old from me......

Edited by antlerman
added a few more comments
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I'm terrible with negotiation on price of any thing. With beautiful girls I'm worse. I read rates posted, if a lady is to my liking, I respect how she price her time. I go for the girl, not for the rate.


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I agree with Antlerman, although I have never used the Cerb chat room I would find everything he mentioned very annoying! As for the ladies rates they are what they are...set! It is just innapropriate to try and negotiate! As he (Antlerman) said, set money aside and hobby when you can! Keep in mind when you are deciding to see a lady not all things are equal. What I mean is if you are deciding between two ladies who charge the same maybe "lady A" offers more services than "lady B." This too may help in the decision making process as sort of a tie breaker if money is tight.

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I agree with Antlerman, although I have never used the Cerb chat room I would find everything he mentioned very annoying! As for the ladies rates they are what they are...set! It is just innapropriate to try and negotiate! As he (Antlerman) said, set money aside and hobby when you can! Keep in mind when you are deciding to see a lady not all things are equal. What I mean is if you are deciding between two ladies who charge the same maybe "lady A" offers more services than "lady B." This too may help in the decision making process as sort of a tie breaker if money is tight.


thanks....by the way......my name is not spelled with a capital.........


There have been problems from other places when my name is spelled with a capital........


It is small ....a.....at least that is what I hear all the time.

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You actually make sense antlerman (this time lol) I have not been in chat since last year for that simple reason.



do not flatter me.......it will get you no where....hahahaha


as for chat...you are just plain scared...hehehehe

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I went to chat room once only to see how it worked. Sort of scared me off as I don't type very fast. Just too slow I guess... hell, sometimes it takes me an hour just to c..!! there is some good in that though..... Just like the real time video games, I'm more comfortable with the turn based ones.

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Guest s******ecan****

I love a good ole "ant-rant". Usually very informative. I think I'll check out the chat room a bit. Is there a sticky for chat room rules and ettiquette?

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I love a good ole "ant-rant". Usually very informative. I think I'll check out the chat room a bit. Is there a sticky for chat room rules and ettiquette?


1. have fun

2. do not piss me off

3. be polite

4. do not piss me off

5. get involved

6. do not piss me off




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i've seen that alot in and out and yes why even bother going in if your not going to stay i guess there looking for something that's not there and i don't know where they are going to find it stay awhile and maybe you will

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The problem is that there's often a lot of down time in chat, with no one really chatting, or no or very slow responses. I tend to drop in, look around, and try to get a conversation going, but it doesn't always happen.

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Feeling kinda guilty about this lol and decided to use this as my first post on the site


Welcome to the forums........not to worry...you have been a member only this month...not like some lurkers who have been around for many months...and do nothing but ask questions by PM....or do nothing at all...


So welcome to the little world well call CERB

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I went to chat room once only to see how it worked. Sort of scared me off as I don't type very fast. Just too slow I guess... hell, sometimes it takes me an hour just to c..!! there is some good in that though..... Just like the real time video games, I'm more comfortable with the turn based ones.


when i first started going to chat i was the same...lol...i used to tell everyone to stop typing so i could catch up...lmao...and they did! :-D Everyone was so nice.





PS don't forget to donate to the Red Cross everyone

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I find chat a little bit scary. Sometime I pop in just to see who there. Sometimes I stick around for a while if I'm comfortable chatting with the people in the room.

I'm not going into chat looking to make a date althought I get the feeling that is what some ladies expect or hoping for.


To sum up , if I am in chat I'm just killing time getting to know some of the cerb personalities better and hopefully having a few laughs.



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when i first started going to chat i was the same...lol...i used to tell everyone to stop typing so i could catch up...lmao...and they did! :-D Everyone was so nice.





PS don't forget to donate to the Red Cross everyone




I hear you Emma on this as my fingers suffer from tortoise nervosa. :lol:

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Guest S**a*Q

Antlerman's Rant...


Would that not make him Rantlerman?




Sorry, super cheesy I know.

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Antlerman's Rant...


Would that not make him Rantlerman?




Sorry, super cheesy I know.



cute...very cute.....

I like it.....but it would also have ot be spelled with a small first letter....



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I'm usually in chat just to chat. Not really intending to set up anything with an SP...not to say that I haven't before.


With chat, I usually sign on...see a long list of people with the Away icon next to their name, and check the time of the last response...and it's usually 30-60 minutes old. So I just sign on and sign off. But if there is a conversation going on, I try to join in. I don't know any Cerbians personally, but that doesn't stop me from trying to get to know them online. :wink:

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