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Posts posted by a******s.m*****e

  1. I agree with Annessa, and please when you phone try to be polite and introduce yourself before you bark things at me like "where are you located?" This is not a big company's customer service and I am not the receptionist.


    When you start out like that, it won't matter to you where I am located, because I will just hang up.


    And don't try to ask me about my measurements before you read my ad or asked me what services I provide. First of all, I won't tell you. I am a masseuse, you saw the pic, if you like it fine, if you don't that's fine, too, but every time someone asks me questions like this, he was too lazy to read my ad and is looking for full service.


    It aggravates me when I get a few of those calls in a row. And please, don't ask me how many girls I have, because I don't have any:)

    And when I tell you the approximate area I am in, don't insist on asking where exactly, because the answer is "I'll tell you when you make an appointment"

    And don't ask me if what I am doing is legal or if the building is "safe". Do you think if it wasn't I would tell you? Think again.


    And don't ask me if the picture is mine, because that implies that I am a liar. And the last thing I want is a rude moron come to see me, so if you don't believe the picture is mine, don't bother to call.

  2. I really don't care about the clothing as long as you are clean. If you are coming from work you can always take a shower.


    But neglected, old shoes scare me. They can mean that the guy has a bad case of foot fungus, and I will have to wash everything he touches with bleach and spray the carpet after he left.

    It costs a fortune to get rid of fungus, and I owe a safe environment to my customers.


    Please guys, do yourself a favour and don't wear the same shoes for years, even if you live alone and nobody sees you:)

  3. I am sold on Linux.


    It is time to strip Microsoft of its monopoly position.


    I find it outrageous that the Linux people can produce the same software for free, while all Microsoft is doing is finding new ways to squeeze more money out of you, hijack your computer and decide what you are allowed to do and what you are not, while providing a software that needs fixing all the time. :(

  4. I tried it in the beginning but it turned out to be a bad idea in every case.


    I tried to trade massages. I found a guy who was very good at it, but he was never available when I needed him. He came when he was horny.


    In the beginning I gave a massage to a guy for taking my pictures. He was very nice, I didn't have the heart to tell him that the pictures were useless....


    Had two auto mechanics as clients. Both times when I asked them to take a look at my car, offering them free massages, they came, took a look, promised to fix it and I never saw them again. Lost TWO regular customers that way.


    Guys who say they want to do housework: Stay away! They come here, do practically nothing, and keep asking for spanking, or want you to watch them while they mess up your bathroom more.


    I would even be careful asking for advise or opinion on anything. They give you an advise and never come again.


    Somehow, men can't mix business with pleasure. This is my conclusion, and I will never try it again. Not to mention that having been in an intimate situation, like masturbating someone changes the dynamics of the relationship. You can never regain that casual, matter-of-fact attitude that is needed to get things done.


    Not a good idea, unless you are prepared to get frustrated. :(

  5. Oh, I didn't know you were new, I would have been a little less blunt :)


    I guess every one of us has to experience the dark sides of this business sometime, and as Emma pointed out, we learn from our mistakes.


    I just want you to remember that you are not paid to be someone's psychiatrist and if you forget this, you will burn out pretty soon....


    Not to mention that some people will try to take advantage of your good heart.


    Take care! You did nothing wrong:)

  6. Hi Mandalay,


    You are a very compassionate human being and I agree with you. I would have felt sorry for the wife and children, but not for the guy. He must know what effect alcohol has on him. I am sure this is not the first time he got drunk.


    "I know you are a good man deep down inside."


    How did you get to that conclusion? I personally find it bad taste to see an escort and show the picture of his family. Even if he is looking for something he doesn't get at home, his family should be sacred for him, he should leave them out of his escapades.


    I know it will sound cruel, but instead of beating about the bush, someone has to tell him what a creep he is when he gets drunk. Believe me, this is the only way to wake up a drunk. Unless he is forced to face his problem head-on, he will continue to be an irresponsible jerk, and will end up bringing home something like genital warts that might cause cancer in his wife and kill her eventually.


    Sorry, no compassion here on my part. :(


    My advise to you: please save your tears for worthy causes.

  7. Funny thing is, you are so right.


    There are days when I am getting the same kind of calls over and over. Like all day long people who ask the same questions, or are all jerks, or all of them the same nationality, or every single person who makes an appointment cancels.


    This can't be a coincidence.

  8. when money is involved, everyone asks you if you are worried clients might hurt you, when it is virtually the same situation, except that one person is getting paid.


    True, but look at the bright side.


    Because of the many prejudices, this profession will never be too popular amongst women and therefore will always remain lucrative.

    Don't smarten up people, especially if they resent it. Does it hurt me what they think? Not in the least as long as they can't physically harm me....

  9. I agree. Interfering with the natural sexual development of a child is a sin in my opinion. It is just as bad as forbidding him anything sexual.

    What if the kid would grow up to be a person who is happiest in a monogamous relationship? Everybody is different.

    Not to mention that a 14 year old is a child. If he was 24 and still a virgin I would say he tried to help. But the way it happened, seems like he wanted to force the kid to follow his footsteps. (he's been arrested for picking up prostitutes before, looks like this was his lifestyle)


    I would have given him more than just a slap on the wrist. As far as his "excellent character" is concerned, the judge is an idiot. Somebody, whose biggest concern is his 14 year old child's virginity is a creep.

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