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Posts posted by a******s.m*****e

  1. (To avoid confusions in the hijacked thread about screen captures, I think we could use a miscellaneous thread that can go in any direction.

    In this case it is about trying to repair the damage done by installing Windows 7 beta as a sole OP system. )





    If your really worried just go buy another hard drive (they are cheap now a days). Install the current boot drive as the slave drive and do a fresh install. Than migrate your files from the old drive to the new drive. If you ever need back into the original windows 7 beta install. turn the computer off, swap the drives around (or easier just unplug the c drive and have the bios boot to the other drive) and away you go. You can probably use a boot loaded are have the option to boot into either system.


    Another option...


    You can use ghost14 to ghost the windows7 install and restore it to another computer as a exact image. You will have problems with drivers (especially on a laptop) as the drivers on the ghost image will be from your desktop machine. I would suspect you would probably be able to insert the windows7 beta disk and run the "repair" on the laptop once you instal the ghost to it hopefully you could get in enough to remove the desktop drivers in the device manager and install the proper drivers for the laptop.


    I would give it a try.


    Thanks Mod, I am proud I have thought of both of these possibilities, that shows I am not completely hopeless :)


    By installing a second hard drive did you mean an internal one? Because I have no desktop computer, only a few laptops, two of them with many GB empty space.


    I was thinking of installing Linux on a separate partition and copy the files from the windows to the Linux part, but that would leave me with a non-functioning Windows system and I do have software that won't work with Linux.


    I like your second possibility of copying the image of the old computer to the new one using ghost14. I was thinking of the same thing, making a new partition, because that is the only thing I know how, but I will look into the ghost14 solution.

    I am sure I can find out how to make an ISO image, although I am sure it will take many DVD's. (I must have a software to do that, I already made images of other laptops.)

    Am I right in assuming that after I copied the image I have to extract it to the same place and than copy them back to the old computer (after restoring the OS)


    Thanks again everybody:)

  2. Thanks Etasman,


    I did make recovery disks, but when I insert them nothing happens. I tried to start the computer while having the disk in the CD rom and nothing.... Anyway, this is not a problem, could be that I am doing something wrong and I can always buy recovery disks from Toshiba.


    I was wondering is it possible to migrate the whole content of the computer to another one?

    I do have another laptop with a pretty big hard drive. I could make a partition and install Windows 7 beta on it and copy the whole thing over to that one.

    It would make sure I won't forget anything and will remember all the software to reinstall.


    Then install the OP system and copy everything back.


    Might be more complicated, but this way I won't forget and erase stuff. I do have backup software and external hard drive, but it asks what you want to backup and I am afraid of forgetting something.


    For example how do I backup the system restore? And all the preferences?

  3. I understand that. I don't want something for nothing.


    What I mean by screwing us is that there is no way of upgrading from Windows 7 beta to Windows 7.


    I just read that after the beta expires it will reboot every 2 hours in an obvious attempt to force you to buy the software, BUT even if you pay for it and try to install, it does not install on top of the beta, meaning that you have to wipe the whole hard drive to reinstall the previous operation system.


    This is mean and a rip-off in my opinion. It is one thing to want us to pay for the software, but quite another to punish us for trying out the beta.


    I predict, after many millions downloaded the beta and this happened to them nobody will want to test their software in the future.

  4. Shouldn't you be able to reinstall the old OP system keeping all other files intact? You can do the other way around....




    For those who are wondering.


    Bad news is that Windows 7 beta will expire in a few months. There is no way of rolling back to the previous Operation System, and even if you buy Windows 7, there is no way of upgrading the beta. Meaning, you have to do a clean install and do a backup of everything you did.

    With other words, Microsoft screwed us again. I remember hearing about the "free" beta on TV, but nobody said it was a temporary thing.

    Many million people have downloaded the beta just like me, and many of them are just as upset, because they had no idea how it worked.


    For me, a beta is something I can try out. I have other beta software that works fine.


    Anyway, good news is that I have tried out the Linux Ubuntu Operation system on my old laptop, and it works very well, it does everything windows does and it is free. There is no need to get ripped off by Microsoft every few years.



  5. Is this question directed at us women, too? No? Doesn't matter, I'll tell you anyway ;)


    For me the non-sexual benefits of a good session are twofold.


    One is when I can tell a guy really-really needed it. Sometimes you can see the incredulous look on their faces like "is this possible that someone can touch me like this?"

    The reason could be because he is old, shy, has a handicap, or is neglected in his relationship.

    I just had one of those yesterday. A busy handyman guy, tired, I could tell he was hungry for a gentle touch and told me a few times how happy he was for having found me. He said he used to go to massage parlours and most of the time the experience was rushed or he could tell the girls didn't want to be there..... He said he picked me because of my age and he was walking on clouds when leaving. :)


    OK, enough of blowing my own horn LOL


    The other positive aspect of a session is when I have a nice conversation with the client (only if he initiates) and I learn something new about his country, his art, interesting profession or business.


    I love to learn new things and, although I never encourage talk about unrelated subjects, it is always nice when it happens.

  6. That's what I thought.... Technically it's only free while it is in beta.

    The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start.


    Nice :) They might as well hold a shotgun to your head...


    And what happens next? I had windows Vista installed before.

  7. As you stated, you are using Windows 7 beta...... "Beta" which means it's still in the experimental stage. It's only been released for people to try and give their feed back to Microsoft in order to work out the bugs before it is officially released.

    It is suggested not to be used for everyday normal use for the average person.

    Since it states that there is an audio bug for Vista, it's more than likely not going to work with Windows 7. I suggest you reinstall XP if you have it.


    Thanks sarcasticsid, but I am pretty happy with it otherwise. It starts up in a few seconds. It has also very annoying features, but I am sure a few months/years from now every software will be written for Windows 7, and I will be damned if I pay another few hundred for another junk from Microsoft.

    So, I just installed the beta so I am ahead of their game LOL

  8. I found a program call jing... http://www.jingproject.com/

    Not sure how good it is, but it was highly rated in a popular computer magazine... and it's free!


    Thanks, I downloaded it and love it. I used to have problems explaining things over the internet, now I just record it and send it to whoever. Here it is, this is the way to do it! Fantastic:)


    But when I make a video there is no sound. I am using Windows 7 beta, which is similar to Vista. I read on the Jing site that there are audio issues with the Vista operation system.


    Is here any geek type who could come up with a solution? Could this have something to do with the two different Folders for "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)"?


    What is the purpose of those anyway? I couldn't figure out. Sometimes when a program is installed automatically into the (x86) and it doesn't work I install it into the one that says "Program Files" only, and it works.


    What did Microsoft come up with again to make my life miserable ? LOL


    I like to try to dissassociate my mind and body. One technique that works well for me is to start doing math in my head (yes, I'm that much of a geek:oops: ). I will factor various numbers, depending on how long I think I want to last, factor 12 gives me about 30 seconds, factor 42 gives me about three minutes.


    Try to solve Fermat's Last Theorem. You could last forever ;)

  10. I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing. I wish they would charge me and leave me alone.


    The onslaught of the Asians and some other girls placing hundreds of ads is annoying and buries my ad within a few minutes. I would rather pay then have to compete with the Asian pimps placing the ads probably from Hong Kong or China as a fulltime job.


    They have no scruple and flag the competition like crazy, copy the ads and steal the pictures. I wish the staff would actually look at the ads. I don't think I have anything to worry about if that happens.

  11. Anita, I know I probably won't be seeing you anytime soon (based on geography), but I would have a hard time abiding by this one. I'm sorry, but if a woman is taking her clothes off in front of me, I'm going to look! When a guy looks at a naked woman, it doesn't mean he's sizing her up, it just means his eyes are open. :-D


    OK, Caveman, I understand. I don't mean looking, I mean that looking-over that guys sometimes give women in a pub, accompanied by cat calls.... Can't really explain. You can look, just don't make me feel like I am a merchandise you just bought :)

  12. Please don't look me over when I take my clothes off. It makes me feel cheap and makes me wonder if you are sizing me up to see if I am worth the money.

    And don't walk up to me and grab my ass or my tits. Yes, I am half naked and I am going to handle your cock, but please have patience and let us have a few words of polite conversation about something unrelated before I start massaging you.


    During the session you can tell me how much you like my tits - or whatever - and you can touch me, but please don't run me over when you arrive.

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