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Everything posted by whatsup

  1. Being a long time member since 06 I have not not yet achieved the 100 post mark or the long time member status - thats fine with me - soon enough though and I will feel it as an accomplishment. All is I am requesting is keeping the old rating system that recognizes all the valued contributions of CERB members and reward them as in the past, actually change it a little bit. Please do away with the new rating system on the right hand column. I also feel that if you have achieved 250 + Posts you become an exemplary member and 500 + posts this is the point that you should become an Elite member with the crown. In your best judgement and regards ( All comments welcome for this thread ) whatsup
  2. E.D. man I was going to pm you this link but you have that capability turned off. This is the Ottawa B&S forum http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=17
  3. I guess your not being conceited but you forgot Redseductress
  4. Welcome to the board FF. By becoming a member you have empowered yourself to a wealth of knowledge from a lot of knowledgeable members. Some that have very high rates of activities (Dummpy ...) and posts. Access to directly communicate with members, SPs and (MPs-the good kind like Michelle_MA) Happy Hobbying
  5. Its a pleasure(not) going to such and such hotel as instructed by an agency (with a boner as boner put it) and being told when you get there call us and we will give the room number. You try calling 5 min before, 5 min after, 10 min after and finally about 20 min later you get through and are told. Sorry our phone ran out of minutes and lady is not available now.
  6. Happy Birthday Emma To a real kind hearted sweetheart I will never forget the offer that you made to me a while back. Enjoy yourself today and always.
  7. Where did you book this SP from CL or paper etc? Any additional info would be appreciated.
  8. lmao with you and if you got to participate real fortunate
  9. Beware of anything that asks for any money. Years ago I paid a small minimal fee for a fantastic sounding trip that I had apparently won, and in the end it cost me several thousand dollars plus. Very smooth salesmen/women (yes it was a tagteam-not one I enjoyed after all). I have now put myself in a position that they can kiss my great Canadian butt and I will save some coin.
  10. Sydney Biddle Barrows Best Selling Author ? Speaker ? The Mayflower Madam The Experience Blueprint: Create a Unique and Compelling Customer Experience Consumers are now seeking to have an Experience while buying and/or using an item or service. The more memorable or meaningful an Experience you present, the more you will differentiate yourself from your competitors, the more you can charge, and the more successful you will be. Sydney Biddle Barrows is a recognized authority on the Customer Experience, the emerging economic shift to an Experience Economy, and the challenges and opportunities we face in today?s ever-changing economic climate. She assists entrepreneurs, business people and professional practices to re-imagine the way they interact with their customers in order to create unique Experiences that delight and touch them. Because those Experiences add value to the product or service because they are meaningful to the customer, there is minimal resistance to paying premium prices for them. And happy, satisfied customers are loyal customers who gladly spread the word to their friends, family and colleagues. Known to millions as the "Mayflower Madam," Sydney Biddle Barrows is a unique American success story. Sydney began her business career as a retail executive at Abraham & Straus, the May Company and a boutique resident buying office. Six years later she found herself moonlighting as a phone girl at an escort service to supplement her unemployment check after having been fired for refusing to participate in a kickback scheme. It may have been the World's Oldest Profession but it certainly was not being run very professionally, and less than a year later she decided to open up her own agency. Relatively small but very upscale, Cachet prospered for five and a half years until New York's Finest closed it down, only to later publicly concede that it was the most honest and professionally run business of its kind ever operated in New York City. The recipient of intense worldwide media coverage, her first book, Mayflower Madam, went right to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Fortune Magazine named it one of the Ten Best Business Books of the Year. This book was reprinted 28 times and translated into seven languages; business schools all across the country, including Harvard, included it in their curriculum. Sydney enjoys an extensive speaking career, guest lecturing at colleges all over the United States, including some in the Ivy League such as Brown and Columbia. Speaking engagements have taken her all over the United States and overseas; she was an extremely popular fixture at Young Presidents Organization and CEO Club events, among others, for years.
  11. PistolPete I cannot envision you as a newbie LoL
  12. Erin thank you for a very interesting read and Dummpy you could do the PR work and it would be nice to have all articles together as a sticky Mod.
  13. My first interaction with an SP was when I found out my SO was screwing round. Well I said to self my turn for some different action. First time not so enjoyable - bad choice of SP. Second time WOW - Veronica of PK a few years ago.
  14. inaluki Thats quite the video. The idiot that bothered EmmaA should of went out in the freezing cold in Halifax and tried it on a vehicle with a metal bumper lol
  15. a) Incall service offered. b) Reviews from local recommendations (especially CERB members) and other outside resources. c) Web site with pictures and description of services offered. Which GOE ( http://www.gardenofedenescorts.com/ottawaescorts/listingview.html?listingID=67 ) provides on their website and if you are on their mailing list they offer a discounted rate. Also ( http://www.originalgfe.com/ ) Take note Ottawa agency's. d) I'm a repeat customer. SPs should use their profile more to their advantage by utilizing the availability of the album feature.
  16. It has put a damper on my hobbying. Not worth the hassle of the increased traffic and finding parking. Although I did make arrangements to see my fave at a hotel just outside of the city.
  17. My preference is her place or a nice hotel preferably west side of Ottawa.
  18. Congratulations PP on achieving the Elite status with 1000 posts. Your posts have been a pleasure to read. Thanks and look forward to many more from you. To the Mod nice touch with the Elite status image very deserving.
  19. Another thing you will get from the Hill is a lot of Verbal Masturbation.
  20. Boner Better think of a good coverup to when you call out and get caught and yes it is so nice to dream.
  21. http://ca.lifestyle.yahoo.com/home-garden/articles/around/cp/home_family-it_s_not_just_sex_a_look_at_why_the_oldest_profession_is_still_flourishing
  22. TRman check out CKs website you'll find what your looking for. http://cowboysdiary.blogspot.com/
  23. Congrats Dummpy and thanks for all the information that you provide.
  24. I think that posting in the courtesan/escort discussion section about what a person is looking for, then receiving a PM from either a hobbiest or an SP/MP might lead to more shared information. This way there would be more discretion especially from an SP/MP point of view and you might get back more information for your wants.
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