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Posts posted by masterowls

  1. I was just wondering if anybody out there has any connections as far as housing in the Calgary area. I am having a heck of a time finding anything even close to what I need, and I would really like to be in Calgary by Aug. 1st. My current situation is a little bit tense, so if you can help I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

  2. The question I get asked most often, and the one I hate answering the most as is sexually active disabled man is, "can you get it up?" I have two standard answers. The answer I use most often is, "let's go find out shall we?" The other answer I use when I'm feeling particularly nasty is, "I am in a wheelchair, not dead, of course I can get it up"

    Each of those seem to have the desired effect. To be honest though I think people are just legitimately curious because it is a rather unique situation for most people. I just wish they would come up with a less crass way of asking the question.

  3. Dear Cleo, the only indiscreet thing that happened in the encounter you describe is the way the former client reacted to the situation. In my view, there are two ways one could handle it properly. The first and probably least awkward way would be to simply keep walking. After all, it's not in the best interest of an escort to expose their clients in public. If, however, you're comfortable with it, the other alternative is simply to go for coffee and laugh about the whole thing. Your client overreacted extremely badly. That is, however only my opinion such as it is.

  4. It has actually happened to me twice. Although the first time, it should not have counted :-) I only knew her by reputation at the time. The first time I was going down the elevator in my building, and a beautiful girl in a short skirt happened to notice that I had dropped a bag of potato chips, and pick them up for me. I introduced myself to her thinking that I might see her around the building again, and actually had hoped to ask her for coffee. When she told me her name was Jasmin, I couldn't believe it! I was friends with a number of her regular clients, but I couldn't get them to give me her phone number for fear of having her mad at them. I said to her, "so I finally get to meet the legend herself." She laughed and asked what I meant, so I told her about my friends, and the rave reviews I'd been hearing. She left me her phone number, and two weeks later took my virginity. And yes it was worth every dime!

    The second time I was walking/Wheeling in downtown Vancouver near the sea wall, when a lady I saw every six weeks regularly for close to three years saw me and invited me for coffee, which I thought was really kind of her.

  5. Dezarai


    It's probably the best-kept secret in Lethbridge. There actually is an independent escort worth spending time with! She's a little hard to find, but definitely worth the effort! Right now she only accepts booking by e-mail through her website which I listed in this recommendation. I had a two hour date with her last night at a very reasonable rate. The photos on the website are accurate, so if you like them you'll love her in person. She left me physically exhausted last night! I will definitely be seeing her again. In fact when I told her I was going to write this review, I said I wasn't sure I wanted to let people know, because once word got out, I wouldn't be able to guarantee a booking in the future. LOL

  6. My opinion regarding breasts is that they should be proportionate to the size of the rest of a woman's body. Breasts that are too large to be natural looking (even when they're not natural) are actually extremely unattractive to . They just look like overinflated water balloons. Besides, in experience over enlarged breasts are cold to the touch, which actually isnot that big of a turn on for me personally.

  7. Newton,

    I agree with you, most Canadian citizens do follow just laws. I don't think asking a prostitute to obtain a business license, like any other independent business person is required to do is particularly unjust or unfair. However as we all know, there are always a few who choose to ignore the rules. What I am saying, is that we need rules that carry penalties that are stiff enough to deter people who might otherwise choose to take their chances without a license.

    When the law is just and reasonable, citizens follow it voluntarily and out of moral conviction. When the law is unjust and unreasonable, citizens follow it because of fear of punishment. I think we should search for laws that are just and reasonable, instead of implementing laws that instill fear and resentment.

  8. I have a question, I assume, that we are talking about how to best enforce compliance with any licensing program that the government may institute. Since in the example, we are speaking of the girl already having been issued a fine for not complying with regulations, exactly how would you suggest we make her comply with the conditions of her fine, since she has obviously chosen to disregard authority anyway? This is why I recommend mandatory jail terms. I'm not trying to necessarily criminalize the women, I'm trying to physically remove the ability for her to make money for a period of time to be determined by whatever authority the government chooses to put in place to oversee licensing. I agree the best way to enforce compliance is to make it too expensive not to comply. The problem is as I've said, figuring out some way to motivate compliance. I don't think fines will work, because if she's been fined, she has obviously already chosen not to comply.

    Typically, places that have escort licenses as part of city bylaws, issue fines. I think you will find that a hefty fine, and interrupting the sps ability to work that evening, or week, can be more of a deterrant than an unlikely jail sentence for the same offense.


    You always want to hit people where it really hurts: in their wallets.


    In Edmonton, the independent escort license is say $2000. The typical fine when the bylaws run a sting to catch unlicensed sps is about $2000. Hit her once, and she will think twice about not just paying for a a license.:mad: right. The license # is supposed to be in their ads, so it is pretty easy to find the unlicensed ones.

    • Like 1

  9. Angela, 10 years would be the maximum, and only applied to repeat offenders. Yes it seems harsh, but the idea is to make it so prohibitively expensive, both in time, and in monetary terms, that no sane provider would work without a license. (Can you imagine 10 years of lost income) under previous laws, if a girl was arrested for the first time, she would often be out before the ink was dry on her paperwork. If we don't impose strict penalties for unlicensed sex workers, what incentive would there be for them to apply to become licensed? I'm not a monster, I'm just saying, we need to ensure that if Canada chooses this route, the penalties are stiff enough to make sure almost everyone complies with the rules, so that 10 years down the road the government can't say, "the licensing program doesn't work, let's re-criminalize prostitution as a whole."

    That's a little harsh, don't you think? 10 years? C'mon, I could rob a bank and get less time.


    I'm not saying licensing isn't a bad thing, but what kind of "requirements" would one have to meet to get said license. Would there be training, a test, would it be a municipal or provincial responsibility?


    Mandatory licensing is not going to prevent the underground economy of prostitution any more than it prevents other underground economies such as private driving services (as opposed to taxis), Selling meat out the back of a truck (as opposed to grocers), etc. etc.


    I'm not sure what the answer is, but whatever it is, the issue of those who think they can set up shop outside my window, or procure/force people to work as prostitutes and make a profit off same based on their own greed, still needs to be addressed.

  10. Here is my idea for prostitution laws in Canada.1 license prostitutes. Any prostitute without a license should be subject to a lengthy prison term. Up to 10 years. This would make it unprofitable not to get proper licensing. 2. In order to prevent human trafficking, trafficking in women, make it impossible to get a license without proof of either immigration or citizenship for at least two years. This would make it difficult for traffickers to support the women long enough, so that it would become difficult to make any money and they would go into more lucrative business. I also support the establishment of red light districts within any major city along the model of Amsterdam, where if you are in that district it's assumed, that you are either selling, or looking for sex, so nobody is particularly offended by the fact that it is prevalent. This would make it much easier for the police to look after public order, and check licenses. It would also almost eliminate pimps, because the main function of a pimp, is to ensure the smooth operation, and safety of his girls, if the roles filled by the pimps are no longer required, they would very quickly become a dying breed.

  11. Unfortunately, I do get a lot of resistance from family members regarding my hobby expenses. However, my attitude is that they don't live in my body, or fully understand what it feels like to me to need companionship and not have it. My standard response is to say, "I'll stop, if and when you can provide me with a way to meet somebody who will be willing to take care of my needs, in the meantime, it's really not up for debate." That argument tends to keep them quiet. None of my family like the idea, however none of them have been able to overcome my logic either. LOL

  12. I believe strongly that the only way the stigma around the industry, both for the clients and for the ladies is going to go away, is for us to do what gay people have done. I think we should have a sex work pride parade. We need to stop acting as if we have something to hide. Ladies, you need to think about the message you're sending when you don't show your face in your pictures. Gentleman, while you might not want to advertise the fact that you see ladies, if the subject comes up, you may want to explain why you hobby, instead of trying to deny it. If the subject came up, you're probably already busted, so why not use the opportunity to educate people. If we all do our part, eventually, most if not all of the stigma will by virtue of the fact that nobody is ashamed of what they're doing, disappear. This may seem a radical approach, but I believe it will work in the long run.

    All sorts of myths exist about clients. Loser, pathetic, cannot get it unless he pays for it.


    I am seeing such inaccurate descriptions in comments on news sites. This is not at all my experience of my clients. My clients are affluent, educated, accomplished men who for a variety of reasons seek out an arrangement for intimate pleasure.


    Yes, some are lonely - often lonely within a marriage. Just a reflection of how challenging a long term marriage can be.


    Yes, some have better social skills then others. Some clients are quite shy in general, but especially about sex, romance and intimacy and have difficulty negotiating this terrain outside of an arrangement with an escort.


    Yes, some have a very high sex drive, seek variety and don't want to risk their current positions with an affair with a stranger, colleague or friend.


    None of this is pathetic to me. Just a reflection of the grey that exists in what some wish was a black and white world.


    How do we change the misconceptions?


    I think it will be useful - especially if we do not want to go towards a Swedish model of law reform where clients are criminalized.

  13. This is not meant to be rude or malicious in anyway.


    If you book an appointment with me, please do me the favour of calling if you are not going to show up. It takes time and effort to look this good:boobies:


    When you book with me i take time and effort to make myself beautiful for you.

    I put fresh sheets out, light candles and incense and sit back ready to give 100% to you.


    Not to mention i have others i have to turn down to see you.


    Contrary to popular belief we do not sit around with rollers in our hair waiting to see someone. We are real people with lives and things to do. Nothing is more frustrating than leaving class early or cutting short social time with friends then rushing like a mad woman to make myself perfect, only not to have you show up.


    Please respect me and call when are not going to show.Some people might have the logic that if they change their mind and call I will be angry. Quite the opposite. I understand we all have these things called lives and things come up:)


    However nothing irritates me more than when someone takes my time just to disrespect me and not show up without any word whatsoever, when i could see a gentleman who wants to see me and i could spend quality time with.


    I would give you the coutesey of a phonecall if something came up as i respect you and your time. All i ask is the same.


    Thank you all and have a Luxielicious day!!!!:D:D:D

    I cannot believe, that this subject has come up yet again! Gentlemen, recently I did have a lady no show on me. I was absolutely furious because I'd taken the time to make the environment as nice as I possibly could. It turns out, she actually got to my building, and then got a panicked call from her baby sitter. The next morning I got up and there was an e-mail explaining the situation, and asking to rebook. Of course I did wind up booking again, and the first thing she asked was if I was angry at her for last night. I told her, that until I had gotten her e-mail, I was furious, however, since she had obviously made an attempt to cancel in a respectful manner, and I understood that family considerations come before work, I really had no reason to be angry with her. Simple communication really does work guys, let's start giving these ladies the same simple respect we expect from them. Luxie, speaking for all the respectful men here, I'm sorry for the actions of this disrespectful idiot.

  14. ... it's an argument every time. I can only assume they must have explicit instructions to not clog up the health-care system with common-sense preventative measures. Don't accept "no" for an answer -- and always double-check that the authorization for testing is properly filled out before you leave -- that's another cute, and seemingly standard, trick for limiting access to this important service.

    What I find annoying is, on the 1 have we have the government, aids/std folks sayinfg in PSAs, "be responsible, If you're going to engage in anything that may elevate your risk, get tested regUarly" Then we have dpctors ddeciding we don't need tests.

  15. Why men deny sex?

    By: Sruthi Appu











    World has a feeling that men are hungry for sex but it's not true. There are times when men too deny sex and the reasons for that could be many. Here are some of those reasons why a man would deny sex.


    1.If a man is taking either antidepressants or blood pressure medication then his interest towards sex would be very low. Also these medicines can affect his sound sexual function.




    2.People think that men during their twenties or teens are more inclined towards sex but studies prove that it's wrong. A man during this age tend to have inclination towards a sound sleep rather have sex.


    3.Identity is another issue to have a lower sexual interest. If man has a confusion or the feeling that he is not been identified for what he is, he will lose interest in sex. Even depression can be one of the reasons.


    4.Man wants his partner to have the same sexual interests like his, although they don't talk to their partner about this, deep inside a man long for a woman with similar sexual interest. If he feels that his partner is not of his kind, he usually withdraw from having sex. Also men experience lack of interest due to the things what his partner does during sex or how he experiences her body.


    5.Men deny sex when they are undergoing any interpersonal issues. They deny it as a punishment for their partner.


    6.Stress can be another reason for their lack of interest. This can come in any form like challenges at work, financial difficulties, personal issues etc.


    7.These days masturbation is a serious threat to partnered sex. Men have started finding masturbation more interesting than partnered sex.


    8.Men who face sexual dysfunction, like issues in erection, early or late ejaculation avoids sex.


    9.Another interesting reason for lack of sexual interest is, some men hunt for a best place to have sex, unless they find the suitable place or circumstance, they stay away from sex.:confused:

    To be honest, reason 4 is true for me, altho I'm usually quite vocal about what does and doesn't work. For instance I don't mind being soft and gentle in foreplay, but when it comes to sex, I like a partner to take over and just pound me, I mean I'm disabled, not made of glass, if it's too gentle I get bored, if you bore me there really is no point. I think that's part of why I tend to like older ladies. They tend to have found a balance between soft enough to be cuddly and sexually aggressive enough to be exciting when the time's right.

  16. I[ believe in testing, but believe it or not, I have to argue with the doctors most times. The typical reaction I get when asking for tests is, "But you're in a wheelchair, why do you need a test? " To whit my response is, "Because my sexlife, and yes, I do have one involves sex with multiple women, some of whom I don't know too well, and I'm trying to be responsible and safe here, nows, would you please order the damn tests? sheesh." lol Even doctors stereotype disabled men as asexual... it's no wonder women outside the hobby have issues .



    uote=scottthecanuck;164336]Whatever you want to call this, a hobby, a business, a professional service etc, the fact is most of us enjoy it immensely.


    Certainly the clients do because hard earned cash is freely exchanged for the pleasure of spending time with a professional SP.


    I have also read many comments over the years by SP's who say they love their business and the work, heavens knows I'm not sure one could last long in this business if you didn't.


    Having said that if you're like me one thing always lurks at the back of your mind to put a dose of reality into one of the very real risks we all run in the course of our pursuits. That is the spectre of STI/STDs.


    To me its important to act responsibly for yourselves, and your (clients, colleagues, fellow hobbiests, etc) and get tested on a regular basis.


    For those who are interested and I hope that is everyone I have included two links.


    This is an excellent article about the importance of getting tested, I encourage all to read it.


    The second link is a directory of sorts for testing clinics and policies for each of the provinces and territories. All of the provincial links seem current save SK so I have provided a seperate link for SK here.


    All of the provinces from what I can see offer toll free helplines (anonymous) where you can get information, but not all of the provinces offer anonymous testing.


    Please when commenting on this thread do not feel the need to state "I've been tested and I'm fine". I wouldn't want everyone to feel the need to use this thread as a way of broadcasting their purity or to mistakenly draw conclusions from those who do not comment on it.

  17. All you have to do is come down to Lethbridge hon... I GUARANTEE you will get more attention to your needs than you can handle... 1 of my major turnons is the look on a ladies ' face when she's having a mind blowing orgazm, which means I take the time to ask you what you like, and do my best within my physical limits(I can't move that much) to provide what you ask for.




    Originally Posted by Amanda Bella viewpost.gif

    Angela i respect your constructive criticism thus thank you for

    taking the time to teach me. Although i dont understand why is it wrong to say.

    I dislike mechanic sex under the cathegory of 'service', i wish someone would explain it.


    I hear clients tell me

    very often ''the ladies in the industry are not interested in

    having sexual fun''. But if if i have a chance i would why not?


    I think sex it is luxury and luxuries should be enjoyed!

    But for sure when i notice that a gentleman

    does not have my best erotic interest in mind i just make sure to

    give him the service for i understand that he is not in love with me

    thus he does not have the obligation to please me. And like you said

    I am getting paid! But i wish erotic sensual generosity was

    also in their agenda, in Brazil we love to party and have fun!



    Angela i allways love reading your posts, you are gem!


    Dear Amanda,

    I can to a certain extent I understand your problem. However I must state again, that your comments regarding Canadian men in general are in my opinion inaccurate, unjust, and unfair to men like me, who take great pride in making every effort to please their partner. I'm sorry you haven't had the great experiences you wish you had, but please don't blame the rest of us for the sins of a few.



    Dear Masterowls


    You are absolutely right, however in my posts i had said

    "most of the time" gents are self serving.


    But i understand i think most of you

    are paying not to care.

    Not u per se, i am sure that you are the nicest guy.


    Yes there has been few generous fellows, in fact only 2 but i wish they the sexually generous were majority not a minority.



    I have been unfair and unjust and innacurate, from the perspective that the donations have allow me to fullfill some of my goals.


    Given there is a conflict of interest here for the ladies, they are not gone come here and say what we have to endure. In fact i know in Canada you guys expect us to be polite all the time and never say what it is in our mind. Unfortunately as a Brazilian i have to say the truth.

    I will pray that some of you will show off to me that i am so wrong.

    I want to be wrong and have a great fun f:lol:

  18. Angela i respect your constructive criticism thus thank you for

    taking the time to teach me. Although i dont understand why is it wrong to say.

    I dislike mechanic sex under the cathegory of 'service', i wish someone would explain it.


    I hear clients tell me

    very often ''the ladies in the industry are not interested in

    having sexual fun''. But if if i have a chance i would why not?


    I think sex it is luxury and luxuries should be enjoyed!

    But for sure when i notice that a gentleman

    does not have my best erotic interest in mind i just make sure to

    give him the service for i understand that he is not in love with me

    thus he does not have the obligation to please me. And like you said

    I am getting paid! But i wish erotic sensual generosity was

    also in their agenda, in Brazil we love to party and have fun!



    Angela i allways love reading your posts, you are gem!

    Dear Amanda,

    I can to a certain extent I understand your problem. However I must state again, that your comments regarding Canadian men in general are in my opinion inaccurate, unjust, and unfair to men like me, who take great pride in making every effort to please their partner. I'm sorry you haven't had the great experiences you wish you had, but please don't blame the rest of us for the sins of a few.

  19. Amanda,

    I usually agree with most of what you ladies say about us men, however in this case I have to say that you're wrong about Canadian men in general. I myself try really hard to do my best to make sure my partner actually has more fun than I did, simply because that is part of what gives me pleasure. I sort of resent being included in this "narcissistic" male culture you claim exists here in Canada. Maybe you are simply seeing the wrong men.

    Most of us cannot spend

    $300.00 for 1.5 hours of pleasure, especially if the extra money is for your pleasure.


    This sentence indicates to me what my instincs had already observed when you guys are paying you dont care about pleasing us.


    I am from Rio de Janeiro where we have something called

    joie de vivre donc, i am usually ready for a good time.

    I thought i was gone be a

    sex worker and have loads of erotic fun.



    However in reality i find myself most of the time

    with very narcisistic guys who think like your frase.

    "Me I and Myself"



    ...especially if the extra money is for your pleasure.


    I particularly despise if guys are narcisistic when i give them discounts.

    I am gone stop doing that! Most of you sound very sweet on the phone and way sweeter once you meet me and way nicer when you write on Cerb and then in bed you change drastically.


    Not all of us is trying to get rid of you.

    I am here to enjoy myself but your narcisisit approach sucks.

    I think i have to get my s together build my web site get better photos and raise my prices for 2 hours mininum and hope the very

    well to do will be more willing to be the spoilling type!


    I make as a mandate, my obligation to educate myself

    in the arts of erotics to

    give you the best of my abilities,

    the best fellatio in a foreign tongue u ever got!


    However been

    a gentleman means not just having good manners

    it also means you give

    to a girl the way she enjoys getting it!


    Do not come to see me if you want to f rape style.


    Common guys!

    Make Canada proud, the bed should be a place from which we

    get up from it empowered from withtin.


    Sorry if this post sound rude but i had to say it.


  20. Most of you ladies do it for the money and don't really enjoy having sex with the ''gent'' who's with you so that's where the time frame comes. If I knew in advance that you enjoyed sex as much as I do, of course I would do everything to please you. But the thing is, when I'm with a woman and her phone rings and she answers while we're doing it, it kind of frustrates me. Especially when she tells the guy on the phone that she'll be available in 30 minutes or so... I'm a very gentle man during foreplay and most women I have sex with (no escorts) has her orgasm before I penetrate her. I love doing oral as much as I love to get it. But most escorts won't let the ''gent'' go near them... I'm not ugly and I'm always clean, I have all my teeth and they're white... So why? Breasts, I could play with breasts for an hour nonstop and I'm always gentle because I know that some women loves it when we're gentle at first... One thing I love to do to a woman is to make her have a nipple orgasm... Most women never had one and never will either because it's not something you get in 5 minutes. It takes time, sometimes over 30 minutes but because we only get to spend one hour with you, it's pretty hard to please you. If we want more time, well it's an extra fee and it's not all men who can afford to spend $300.00 for 1.5 hours of pleasure, especially if the extra money is for your pleasure... When I arrive, I'm always respectful, we talk and do everything to make us both comfortable. I have good manners and respect the woman I meet. I respect you laddies for what you do, I'm sure you must live situations with men that's not exactly wonderful.


    Just wanted to say that if some of you didn't make us feel in a rush, it might be more pleasurable for both parties...


    I find your entire argument both flawed and offensive. I have been in the hobby for 20 years. In that time I have seen many many many different ladies, and only ever had one who made me feel at all like was in a hurry to have me gone. It's utterly ridiculous to assume that these ladies aren't enjoying their work. Some of them in fact have left very profitable careers in order to provide entertainment and company for us. If in fact a lady has made you feel like she doesn't want to spend extra time with you, I submit that there may be some underlying reason. Maybe talking to the lady about this situation might be in order?

  21. I agree. Ads that say they are the #1 and only best. Every lady has something unique and special to offer and all are #1 and the best in my opinion.:)
    There are obviously women who specialize, or have 1 particular talent of which they may be proud. In general however I agree, saying you are "the best" at anything just comes off cocky. A wise friend once told me, "you might be damn good at something, but there's always someone somewhere just that little bit better." I also agree that the term #1 is misused. How is this determined, and by whom? Do ladies keep scorecards? LOL Last time I checked the hobby was about consenting adults having fun together, not some teenage competition over who has more clients, or who's better at what service. In my opinion the #1 best escort at any one given moment is the one a client chose to spend his time and money with, at least in his opinion. If not he wouldn't be with her.

  22. For me, basically it comes down to 4 criteria:


    1. do I find her physically attractive. I've been in the hobby long enough to know exactly what I like physically, so I rate the girl in my head.. if she scores less than 7.5 out of 10 on my scale, i generally tend not to contact her.


    2. if I contact her does she respond within a reasonable time(I generally think 24/48 hours is pretty good)


    3. how much do we have in common... I find that unless I'm in the mood for a quickie, I need to be able to TALK to her, so I do like to flirt by email or pm and find out a bit, even before I book.


    4. rates... I'm on government disability, so for me cash is hard to come by.

  23. Is there a quick way a newbee can make friends ?

    Another quick way to make friends, is to join a social group. I belong to two. lonely, and special needs cerbites. Generally, people in these groups have something in common already, so it's easier to make friends. I find that generally if you make a friendship request, most people will, by default accept it.

  24. Okay, maybe I'm just being picky, but please, try to keep information on websites up to date. For example, if your website says you have long dark hair, and you show up with platinum blonde, shoulder length (or shorter) hair, I'm probably not going to be impressed. I tend to try to avoid blondes, because for the most part, it just doesn't do anything for me, with a very few exceptions. If you change your appearance, please please please update the information.


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