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Posts posted by masterowls

  1. Whenever I contact someone from here, whether it be a service provider or other friend, I always use my CERB handle at first. That way the person can decide whether or not they choose to connect back or not. It's only fair and safe for everyone.


    I had weird situations that I do not want to experience again, with people I did'nt knew...


    Drunk, punk, or junk, everything's out there for us... We need to protect ourselves, including refferences...


    Please, there's no such insult of being hung up after asking for a CERB handle...


    I need to know who you are, so I can feel safe and confident to offer you the best services...

  2. I don't understand how anyone thinks it's okay to directly question whether a given lady is worth the money. My attitude is, if you have doubts, you have probably arranged to see the wrong lady in the first place.

    If after a session you feel your money could have been better spent with another lady, simply don't go back. There is absolutely no call to be rude disrespect or crass on the phone.

    Especially to a sweetheart like Emma.

  3. I hate when we ladies put our time and energy into an appointment and people can't bother to show up or cancel...I verify this most recent gent with a lady here on cerb...I called him also to verify...then he doesn't show up...he's actually on cerb as i type...gentlemen please don't waist our time and please at least don't bother to book if you don't plan on coming...this is happening way to much in Halifax lately...your ruining for the good guys who actually keep appointments.


    I must add that when this happens and the guy is verified by another sp i feel very vulnerable because he now knows where i am...not good


    but on a good note...I look damn hot right now...lol


    I just don't get it at all. There really is no excuse. Here am I, trying desperately to get in a position to hobby again. Meanwhile, these jerks are wasting the time I'd kill to get... This really pisses me off.

  4. I couldn't agree more. If aything a provider should be mildly unavailable...lol Make us chase you a bit. That way, when you do see us, we feel spectacularly lucky...



    Yikes is right!!!! SERVICE PROVIDER's 101- YOU NEVER ASK your clients if they want to see you!!!!! :roll: They are completely capable of contacting you when they are ready to see you....I am surprised that some ladies do this, as this is the ultimate turn off for a hobbiest...it kind of defeats the purpose ..It also gives off the impression that you are desperate for business..:handjob:
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  5. I love this thread, looking forward to reading more replies! I have a pretty short list, by my standards, travelling was the biggest thing and I am nearly done with that for now... (I apologize to all my sexies for my travel addiction, all the farewell and welcome back sessions have been really fun though!!!)


    My list:

    1. Have sex in three oceans (0 for 3 now)

    2. Perfect my Bolognese sauce-from scratch

    3. Take a 1-2 month road trip across Western Canada

    4. Find my go-to Karaoke song(s)

    5. Figure out what I want to do when I grow up- if I ever do!

    6. Discover a Carribbean resort that I love so much I return every year

    7. Help to design and build my own waterfront home

    8. Learn and master Tantric sex and have sex for 8+ hours like Sting!

    9. Have some kids or a dog, I am not too picky, lol- (no dogs with my kitty right now, she is not friendly with non-humans...)



    Thinking of the Bucket List, have you seen the movie, it is awesome! Song from the movie, love John Mayer!


    I would like to volunteer for both items number three and number nine on your bucket list. I have friends and family you could probably stay with throughout most of BC and southern Alberta. As far as Item nine, I already have the dog. (His name is Tim) and would like kids. I'm quite sure that you'll be a beautiful mother.


  6. Well for an activity that is generally frowned upon by the public at large (or so it seems) and the public (or so it seems) looks down on both SP's/Hobbyiests alike, why is it then, from the posts in CERB (and setting up this group specifically, as an example) that there are alot of good people out here that show concern for one another

    Why should this activity be stigmitized...what consenting adults do in privacy is their own business.


    The answer to this question is actually fairly simple. The vast majority of the general public have never and unfortunately probably never will, actually bother to speak with a reputable service provider. They have no concept of how intelligent, kind, and caring most service providers actually are. If they did, prostitution would quickly become more socially accepted. I have yet to meet a lady here who fits what society generally thinks of as a prostitute/sex worker. There are all extremely sweet, intelligent, mostly well-educated women who just happen to keep men company for money. I personally don't see what the big deal is.

  7. Like most boys, I discovered sexual desire in my early teens. I think I was probably about 14 when I realized I really wanted sex for the first time. Unfortunately at the time I also realized that teenage girls can be extremely cruel creatures in fact in high school it used to be a game among my sisters friends, to see who could turn me on the most without actually doing anything to relieve the problem afterwards. My mother did her best to get me information on sex, but all that did was convince me I wanted it even more. Because of my disability masturbation is somewhat more difficult, and frankly it is more of a chore than a pleasure most of the time. I didn't even learn how until I was 17. I promised my mother I would not hire a prostitute until I was 21. By age 20 however I was absolutely crazy with physical need, so I went out and found a lady by the name of Jasmine, who had several regular clients in my apartment building, which ironically was entirely a disabled complex. She is the one who took my virginity. Since then, with the exception of two brief conventional relationships, almost all my physical experiences have been with various providers. I personally don't know if I'd still be sane without them. As I've said before, I think the ladies are very special people.

  8. Even thought I'm 29, I will take it for my self esteem!


    What a beautiful way to wake up!


    It is a simple truth... the older a woman gets the more beautiful she becomes, and the more talented she becomes as a lover. I'm 40 now, and with the possible exception of you, usually don't see ladies under 32... Too many guys don't realise that older/more mature SPs have probably picked up a thing or 3 that younger ones may not have had time to learn yet. Not to say younger girls aren't nice too, but in my opinion, every young hobbiest should experience someone over 30 at least once. (29 is close enough to 30 so as to be irrelevant experience wise lol)

    • Like 1

  9. Candy apples!!


    I like the games and the zipper ..weeeeeeeee (lol)


    Unfortunately I hate fall... because it means winter is coming, and winter means snow, which for all intents means unless I'm lucky enough to get access a ride to come get me... (which in winter is all but impossible cus they transport every disabled school kid in Lethbridge) I'm stuck for 3-4 months, so fall is kinda depressing. The only worse time foe me is Christmas eve/Christmas. My Grandppa died about 12 years ago sometime between 11:30pm Christmas eve and 2am Christmas Morning.


    My Favorite time of year is what I call "freedom week" The week the last snow melts. I can walk my dog Tim again. And since I Can actually get to the bus stops again I can go downtown and shop, or maybe see a movie.

  10. another thimg you an try doing... a little extreme is using a program called hidemyip. what it doies is tells your computer/router to send a fake ip to the net... (I had mine sending a us address for a while... to get a site that blocked canadian ips to lemme in...)I stopped using it when the ban was lifted... but it works...

  11. I can't believe anyone would have the gall to ask you that. How rude.
    It's almost as common as people who either talk slow or loud around me... the only difference being I might get a little revenge with the whole erection issue, when I show them a video of me being fucked by a porn star they can only jerk off to...lol can just see the shock...


    hmmm I wonder... maybe my former friend Misty Rain and Carrie could do a duio and really steam them up...lol

  12. @ masterowls - my comment got cut off in your post - LMAO! I literally sprayed coffee out my nose when I read #3. :lol:


    It may sound funny on the surface, but trust me when you've heard it as often as I do, it gets very old very quickly. Believe it or not, I get that question, on average, at least once a year. More if I am in the pub a lot. Just once, I'd like to see their reaction when I offer video evidence. :-)


    Additional Comments:

    It may sound funny on the surface, but trust me when you've heard it as often as I do, it gets very old very quickly. Believe it or not, I get that question, on average, at least once a year. More if I am in the pub a lot. Just once, I'd like to see their reaction when I offer video evidence. :-)


    This is one of the very few questions about my disability that actually is both annoying and a little hurtful to me. People may be genuinely curious, however in my mind there are two major problems with this particular question:

    1. Unless you're planning to have sex with me, it really is not any of your business if I can get it up or not.

    2. If you are planning to have sex with me... 1 would assume the answer would become self evident fairly shortly, and even if you do, for whatever screwed up reason need a verbal answer, the middle of a bar is to say the least not the place to ask fer godsakes!

    I went to my new home of the future when you


    Additional Comments:

    It may sound funny on the surface, but trust me when you've heard it as often as I do, it gets very old very quickly. Believe it or not, I get that question, on average, at least once a year. More if I am in the pub a lot. Just once, I'd like to see their reaction when I offer video evidence. :-)


    Additional Comments:



    This is one of the very few questions about my disability that actually is both annoying and a little hurtful to me. People may be genuinely curious, however in my mind there are two major problems with this particular question:

    1. Unless you're planning to have sex with me, it really is not any of your business if I can get it up or not.

    2. If you are planning to have sex with me... 1 would assume the answer would become self evident fairly shortly, and even if you do, for whatever screwed up reason need a verbal answer, the middle of a bar is to say the least not the place to ask fer godsakes!

    I went to my new home of the future when you


    Additional Comments:

    :cry:We had a Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.

  13. I had a strange event happen to me in the flamingo Hotel in Surrey BC a couple of years ago. (For those of you that don't know the flamingo Hotel is pretty well-known dancer bar in the area.) I had just taken an eight block trip or get from my house to the bar, went in, sat down (parked my wheelchair in the front row) and because I was thirsty, tried to order a drink. For some odd reason, the waiter refused to serve me based on the fact that I was in a wheelchair. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy, and asked to see the manager. When he arrived, he was very polite, and asked what exactly the problem was. I explained to him that I had just completed an eight block walk, and wanted a drink, and a couple shows before I turned around and went home. The manager then asked to see my ID, and asked if there was any medical reason why I shouldn't consume alcohol. When I said no, the manager turned around to the waiter, and said, "get this man his drink." The funny thing is for two years after that, I never once had a problem getting served, and actually became quite popular with almost everyone including the dancers. I guess the moral of the story is, don't be afraid to go and talk to management.

  14. Mr. Owl;


    I been told I read people well, and in your writing-

    I see honorable gentlemen.

    One day our paths may meet,

    I'd enjoy share a glass or two of wine with u .


    Sending Hugs & kisses your way

    I'm always available for a glass of wine with a beautiful woman. However, do be aware that in your case it might progress somewhat beyond that :-)

    By the way, I understand that voting opens today, how/where does 1 vote?

  15. Dear Cindy,

    it sounds like you have a serious spyware infection, and possibly a virus.

    What I recommend, and use myself is a combination of AVG antivirus, the free version, and spybot search and destroy. If you run the programs I mentioned two things will happen, first, I'm almost sure that your problem will completely disappear. Second, I guarantee it won't happen again.

  16. My bucket list is fairly short:


    1. Play in the world series of poker(please note I said play, not win... The odds of winning are hugely unlikely)


    2. Own a house.


    3. Have sex with a porn star and tape it, so I never have to answer the question "can you get it up?" at a bar again.


    4. have sex on my birthday, and actually wake up with her the day after.


    5. ride in a toyota I-unit...(not available outside Japan, and as far as I know, still in beta testing there) videos are available on google and utobe tho I don't remember the links)

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