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Posts posted by masterowls

  1. The bottom line here (no pun intended) is that attempting to perform DATO, or any other act on any unwilling woman, regardless of whether she has been paid or not it is a form of rape. I would suggest, if you are not 100% sure something is okay, it should be confirmed before you attempt it. Not only could you find yourself without an SP, but at her discretion, you could face criminal charges, which would follow you for life. Just an observation.

  2. Master...as a parent I do realize that we THINK we always know best. There is a time to let your offspring venture out in the world and make their own decisions. Nice to see that you are a strong willed individual who can fight for his rights to be an adult!

    My rents think that they can walk in at any time and monopolize my life and I am over 40 LOL...Hope I can cut the apron strings poste haste!


    it really isn't a matter of my father trying to monopolize my life so much as it is his concern about my being so far in a financial hole. I can definitely understand his point of view. He even understands my point of view. The problem is, we both believe that we are right, and we are extremely stubborn. LOL that's why we agreed to disagree. I'm very fortunate actually, in that my dad is also currently my best friend in the world. I just wanted him to see that there is some reasonable logic to my position.

  3. Thanks for all the responses. It's nice to be able to show people, (especially my dad) who see the money I spend on the hobby as, "More than half your month's income for 2 hours of fun when you could use the cash paying bills" that there is some logical reason I have to use the money in a way they may not always think is smart. And before I get bombarded with "don't go into debt to support your hobbying" posts, I actually don't. Every month after my bills get paid, I'm left with about %10 cash. I bank that until sufficient money is on hand to pay for a session.My dad, who just happens to be my roommate and knows I owe several thousand in cc debt, simply sees the saving for sessions as money I ccould reporpose to getting debt free faster. Which I admit from his POV is true, but then HE isn't the one dealing with my body, and frankly if being pain free for a number of weeks means I'm out of debt in August instead of June 2012.. I can live with that.:) We've agreed to disagree on the whole hobbying vs paying debt thing because I'll never get him to see past the cash and he'll never convince me that being pain free isn't worth 2 lousy cc paynents...lol

  4. I agree. The 1 and only time I was ever even late to an appointment the skytrain I was on broke down and my cell died. I still showed up, and paid for the full hour even tho it actually ended up being a quickie cause she'd booked a guy right behind me Not her fault I was late, she booked the time I asked, it's just fairI paid.

    Hi everyone,


    It took me a long time to even consider posting this but I think it must be brought to everyone?s attention. It may have been posted before but I think it needs to be brought up again if it already hasn?t. This is not a rant, just some friendly advice.


    I understand that work and personal life issues come up; they do for me, other SP?s and Hobbyist.


    For me as an SP?s and others hopefully agree it takes a lot of time with emails and booking appointments and it is greatly appreciated to notify an SP as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment, usually an hour to two in advance even 24hrs is appreciated by some. This gives us the opportunity and the time to book another appointment. I know and understand that you may have to cancel closer to the appointment time because you never know what the day will bring. I have had to do so myself.


    The real big issue is ?no shows?, I find this very disrespectful to the SP who has taken the time to book the appointments and to get ready and prepare. It only takes a simple phone call, email or text instead of not just showing up. Not showing up does not inspire trust and I or another SP may never book another appointment with someone who is a ?no show?.


    I understand that you may be nervous or a first timer but to just not show up and have an SP waiting is truly inconsiderate. Just notify us ASAP. I never get upset and I am very understanding but a ?no show? is a no no.


    Additional Comments:

    Very unprofessional. Atleast now you know what to do about it. Find another there are plenty.
    That depends where you're from Lexxy, I've lived damn near 3 years in Lethbridge and unless you're willing to go agency, which I don't do for a few reasons, there isn't anyone any closer than Calgary that I've found ("bout 4 hours by car, which I don't have) FORTUNATELY there's a girl I know from Calgary who's willing to plan weekend trips here around when I want dates. She's a sweetie and I just might have to stuff the envelope some, And get her wine and flowers ta boot...:)

  5. Wouldn't it be awesome if sex therapy was covered by OHIP?

    Actually, that is one reason why I am a big believer in legalized, or at least decriminalized prostitution. If it weren't illegal, I could then push for prostitution as a treatment strategy for my pain. In the Netherlands they actually have government programs to pay prostitutes to see severely disabled men. They do this because studies have shown that having access to regular sex is both a physical benefit, and in some cases therapeutic for behavioral and mental problems as well. I don't see why we couldn't have similar programs except that prostitution is still illegal (or a least solicitation is). My next question is how long does the government plan to waste valuable resources trying to enforce laws that obviously don't work? I think as stated in another thread that government should be regulating the industry rather than suppressing it.

    • Like 1

  6. I have lower back pain and it is relieved when I orgasm - it's the release of endorphins (natural painkillers) in your system.


    Some people experience the same sensation after an exercise session.


    If you can't afford an SP, then just masterbate - it might not be the same, but it will help.


    It does help for a few weeks after a session, you're right... that's why I can last 8 weeks between sessions. Unfortunately it's a bit like taking Tylonol to replace Morphine... eventually the body notices the difference, so what I do is save a few bucks in what I refer to as a project fund each month... then when I can afford some time, I find some kindly SP and then have her restore my pain relief...:)

  7. I can't profess to have the same experience in relation to pain as I am fortunate enough to not have to deal with any chronic ailments at this point in my journey.


    I do however note the presence of a big dumb grin on my face for days after each session.


    EDIT: Just read your signature for the first time masterowls. You officially rule.

    Thank you for the compliment Jasper. I have also noted said big dumb grin on my face after a session. If you ever get to Calgary, check out Allie Huggins, you won't stop grinning for weeks :-).


    Additional Comments:

    Sex and intimacy are well known as stress relief...


    I don't know if your on a specific treatment such as cortisone or Botox infiltration, but visiting an SP COULD be a pain relief, as it's a stress relief... If you receive such infiltrations or suffer from sort of ataxy, sex is known to be better then morphine, in certain cases...


    Unfortunately, due to things like muscle spasms, old surgeries that didn't work out right, and certain physical deformities botox and cortisone injections are not real options, and to top it all, I'm immune to almost all prescription pain medications, as well as all over-the-counter pain medications. The funny thing is, as I said in the original post, a session with an SP can relieve my pain for up to three weeks. And by relieve, I mean completely eliminate. I thought I was completely crazy, it's nice to know that it's not my imagination.

    By the way, my disability is severe cerebral palsy, which over the years has been aggravated by well-meaning, but unfortunately incompetent doctors. My last surgery was actually to have my en tire hip joint on both sides, as well as about 6 inches of femur (the bone between the hip and knee) permanently removed. This was done to correct a problem I had for 25 years before I could get anyone to acknowledge that there was a problem. I apologize to any doctors out there that may be offended by me calling members of your profession incompetent, however I'm sure you can understand my frustration.

  8. I'm just wondering, if I'm the only one who's had this experience. Many of you who have read my previous posts will know that I'm physically disabled. What you may not know is that there is a significant amount of pain involved. (Muscle pain, joint aches, missing joints etc. etc...)

    Over the years I have found that visiting an SP for two hours every 6 to 8 weeks can eliminate all the above mentioned pain completely. My question is am I a unique case, or has anybody else heard of, or experienced something similar themselves?

  9. Hey everyone...

    Im having some virus problems...Im sure its easy to fix but I cant get them to be gone lol...I have avast 5.0, but I can't get threw a quick scan or a normal full scan without my conputer freezing. So now that I have tried what I can to rid of them, I ask my fellow cerb pals for any reasonably prices place in Ottawa to get a quick 'clean' done to my laptop??

    I know a friend of mine had almost the same occurance and went to best buy for repair and paid alot & warned me lol


    Thanks all for any imput...



    I'm not sure if the particular service that I use has a branch office in the Ottawa, but there are usually mobile computer repair services either in the yellow pages, or online. They usually charge between 60 and $80 an hour. The advantage to this is that you can supervise the work and make sure they don't mess up your computer, or do extra work you didn't ask for and then charge extra. Most of the mobile service technicians are required to have at least Microsoft certification, and usually have a degree in information-technology, or electronics. Some of them actually used to work for a major computer manufacturer. They might be a good bet.

  10. well put megan

    Speaking for myself here. I would actually consider it a backhanded compliment to be the SO of an SP, for a few reasons. Not the least of which is, after an appointment she chooses to come home, or go out with me. I mean other guys pay her to spend time with them and here she is willingly spending valuable personal time with me... That would be a rather large ego boost. Secondly, lets face it there's more to a relationship than sex. To have an emotional connection with someone is the most valuable thing in the world, For an SP to give access to her emotions to me, that right there would be a high compliment. However, I must state here for the record, I have an ex, who dated me for 4 months before confessing she was a retired street level sexworker, who han't used protection, or been tested. I feel that any SP who has an SO, and doesn't give that person the option _right away_ to decide if they can deal with the SPs work has committed the ultimate breach of trust.

  11. That's actually kind of surprising to me, if you can tolerate greek, wouldn't it be much easier to tolerate digits?

    From what I understand, never having had it, the provider has some to most of the control over how deep, how fast and how hard penetration gets during greek. It's a bit different when she's trusting some guy to stick 1 or more fingers in there. Ask anyone who's ever had tp endure digital rectal stim in hospital or a rehab center how unpleasant it gets if dpne badly.


    Additional Comments:

    Just a comment on spontaneity, or the lack thereof. If you're going to break down every single act you do in private into a distinct action that requires discussion ahead of time, then you're just going to ruin the moment. If a girl doesn't want you to do something, then she'll let you know verbally or non-verbally when the moment comes.

    Just curious, how long have you been hobbying? Because in my 20 + years. I've met a lot of providers, and they have all had rules. Some have more rules than others, some relax rules as trust increases. I've never had a no rules date though. As a general rule, my approach to anything new with my regular SP is something like, "hey sexy, I've never done ____. would you mind if we try?" Asking never hurts, the worst she'll do is say no. Incorrect assumptions can wreck moods fast.

  12. That is so weird to me.


    I mean, you're charging 80, it's not like it's hard to wrangle up four 20's.


    Seriously, who goes to an SP with a bill and asks for change? I'm so baffled by this.


    Do I look like a bank?


    Maybe a bank for sexiness...yeah, but you certainly don't look like any RBC I'VE ever seen...lol xxxooo

  13. I have a question. Most women I see, (escort, MA or what ever) keep their numbers nice and round to avoid all that mess in the first place. If that is the case, and the guy can't be bothered to bring the correct amount, does he really deserve change to begin with? I actually find it sort of disrespectful that he would even ask.

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  14. I can think of an idea... maybe, for the pants problem...


    What about those tear-away sport pants, that do up the side...? Would that work better than having to pull them down?


    Ooh and as for hiding the evidence... haha, flashback to my childhood...


    I used to make homemade pocket pussies for my guy friends when I was a kid. A plastic bag with lube (vaseline or hand cream when we were kids) in a warm rolled up washcloth... maybe the bag idea can work for you too...

    All in all though, I think that the aides that take care of you totally whack it as well, so talking to them is a good idea, as suggested by others.


    the tear away jogging pants idea is good in principle. They are easier to undo in order to get access, however there is one problem. Speaking as a guy in almost the exact position as Al, including having the same disability, they are unfortunately extremely difficult if not impossible for us to close after we are finished, which would make for some pretty embarrassing moments. LOL

  15. Ok, so you hire SP's expecting at minimum hugging, cuddling and kissing. I believe that the vast majority of other hobbyists hire them expecting FS sex. Thus I have found that SP's view the offering of FS sex to be the cornerstone of their job and as such make it a practice to ensure they offer it to clients. The vast majority of ladies I've met in fact take great pride in their job. Thus I would expect that most will follow you into the bedroom as they view it as part of the job.

    I tend to agree with you. The vast majority of clients do expect sex. However, I find at least for myself, sex without kissing and cuddling, purely mechanical and largely unsatisfying, so I would say that a little cuddling is also part of the job. At least in my case. I also agree that most paid companions do take pride in providing excellent service, and will do almost anything they consider reasonable to make the client happy. That's how a client become a regular client.

  16. I am fairly new to the board and for what it is worth I will throw my 2 cents in. This is what I think and I know for sure that not everyone will agree with me.


    Sex is never free (at least for males lol). You always pay for it. It has never happened to me that a woman has walked up to me and said lets go have sex. Whether you are dating someone, married to someone, or calling a sp. There is always a cost. Either dinner/gifts/movies/drinks ect..... for girls you are dating. Even if you are married and she makes more money than you there will always be spending money on her to keep her happy trips/gifts/date night ect... Now I know that saying this is probably going to catch a little backlash here but before you let loose on me just think first. If you were married/dating a guy and he just wanted to sit at home and do nothing all day every day how long would you stay with him honestly?!? After all this like it has been stated before you might get lucky you might not (prob not if your married lol). So I see no prob cutting out the middle men and giving a donation to a sp. I am happy they are happy it is a win win for everyone involved. I would say that this is true 99.5% of the time. I am stating this because I know someone is going to say something about a one night stand that they had 1 time where they picked up someone at the end of the night and had not paid a cent to entertain them. Even then I say you paid money to go out yourself taxi/gas/cover/drinks in order to pick up, so I say you still paid to have sex. The only diff is that you are not giving the money to the girl as you would with a sp.


    Ok now all the people I pissed off can have at the lighter boy lol.


    I don't think anyone who has been married would deny that there is always a cost to sex. (Although in my case I never got any anyway) my wife used to only hold my hand if she wanted me to do something in return. Never once, not even on the wedding night did she even offer me a hand job let alone anything else. If I wanted to touch her, it was on her terms. I can categorically say that there is some cost for every act, especially sex. The only difference is that we hobbiests , prefer to pay up front. LOL :-)

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  17. Thanks everyone for your time, comments and participation so far. I can see that the first two respondents are at least partially agree with me and after reading the comments I do agree to an extend that this question is not a black and white thing as first it appears (to me) to be.


    Outforfun, of course you are entitled to your view by all means and I sincerely thank you for your participation but I beg to differ for the following reasons:


    As I mentioned I have had nude dancers, private dancing with no sex that I had as guests and we both had great time with wine and chocolate and music and flashing lights, really partying with lots of hugs and kisses. They have been invited back too. This means I paid for their companionship and NOT sex. The reason I did not recommend them because almost all dancer strongly prefer to remain anonymous however I have recommended many dancers I have seen in the clubs.


    My point is that if the lady visits you as a guest and is treated as a guest (or you are in her place as a guest) and the choice is all hers as what to provide and not to provide based on many factors, including the hobbyist's looks and hygiene (that is why most of us use the term YMMV when recommending) and she equally enjoys her time and we reward them for their time and companionship, then what is the difference between this and dating which we take our date to a dinner or bars or buy her expensive jewelry or gifts on a regular basis to reward our GF for being there and joy she provides us with her companionship?.


    I do agree that this may not apply to those ladies who work for agencies as some (likely most) of those ladies are under pressure and would be hard for them to refuse a client or services as they would likely get into trouble with their boss. That is likely why I have strong preference for independents who are on their own, In particular cerb indies lol.


    To answer SmartnSexy's question, yes I used to spend a larger percentage of my income (as graduate student I was earning some) on girlfriends that I used to have while in Montreal than now I spend on hobbying lol.


    Thanks eveyone again for your contributions and participations so far and future posts as well. It is becoming an interesting thread thanks to all of you.

    I personally think that whether you consider a session with a Paid companion a date, depends on the connection you feel with the lady. For me, the first session _is_ usually about the sex. After that, if I feel a connection with her on more than a sexual level, I tend to refer to her as a friend with mutual benefits, and call future sessions dates. I'm actually just getting back into the hobby after a two-year break for medical reasons. (I had a rare operation called a bilateral hip resection, and because of a mistake, I had to have the same operation redone) when I have the financial resources, I plan to make this session the best "date" I can. I think I've earned it.

    Those of you who are interested in learning exactly what the operation entails, can send me a private message.

  18. I have some experience with street walkers. As to why they are considered a nuisance, it's generally the owners of the property the girls are working in front of Who consider them to be a problem. Imagine for instance that you were trying to run a bar, in general street walkers are hostile to women, as they consider them competition. Eventually women who are not working, will stop attending your bar because they don't want to deal with the abuse from the prostitute outside. This means that the number of men attending your bar goes down by a proportionate number as well. Eventually causing the bar to become unprofitable. Unfortunately, the same principle translates very well into other areas.

    I tend to agree with mod, street-level prostitution needs to be decriminalized and properly regulated and policed.

  19. I agree with Meg, chemistry always plays a part.I would however, also like to point out that ejaculation, and orgasm do not necessarily occur simultaneously even for men. I'm sure many professional companions do become excited with some clients whether or not that excitement becomes a real orgasm is probably dependent on the exact situation.

  20. Here Here Encore!


    Additional Comments:

    The crux of the matter is public solicitation for the purposes of paid sex is illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada.


    I must admit my ignorance and state that I'm not sure what happen to the ladies who are caught if they are provided health and social aid after the fact.


    As much as I hate to disagree, the crux of the matter, is that rather than making public solicitation for the purposes of sex illegal, and attempting to enforce a law that is for all intents and purposes completely unenforceable, that money, which is publically funded, would be better spent catching people who rape someone, or abuse children. Even the police themselves publicly admit they will never completely stop prostitution. Therefore the logical question, is "if we can't stop it, how can we make it safer for everyone in all aspects of sex work?" Don't get me wrong, I don't like seeing women walking the street. I think it shows very little pride, and does attract other problems, but there are appropriate solutions.. These may include brothels, a legal red light district, or providing some form of financial aide to women who want to move from street work to escorting.

    As far as I know, at least in BC a woman who gets arrested for solicitation of prostitution for the first time usually gets about six months probation, most of them are usually back on the same street within two weeks of sentencing. The penalties for subsequent offenses do tend to get a little more serious. Of course my information might be out of date now.

  21. As usual Mr. Owls...very astute


    I'm glad you agree with my opinion. I tend to try and look at it from the point of view of the Lady involved. Twice the clients equals a more intense session, therefore logically the donation would go up. Nobody wants to do more work for less cash after all. :-)

  22. Hi everyone i have a question, i wanted to plan something with my friend with a escort does the escort charge extra for the session with two guys ????


    A good rule of thumb here is, if it involves more of anything, except MSOG, i.e. more time, more people, more travel, more expense... etc. etc. you're probably looking at more money because it's a more complex session.

  23. Al,

    I am in your exact predicament. I am 40 years old, and was.born disabled. It sounds like your disability is fairly recent. Unfortunately, as far as privacy issues around masturbation, if you want to do it you're probably going to have to accept the fact that your staff have to help you. In my experience, most caregivers, as long as you don't ask them to actually perform the stimulation don't mind helping you get set up. As far as a mess in the morning, I have you considered a supply of blue incontinence pads? They are cheap, and disposable. Just lay one on top of the sheets, masturbate, and then throw the evidence in the trash in the morning, by which time the pad will have absorbed said evidence anyway. Please remember, that masturbation is a perfectly normal and natural desire, and I bet that 90% of your caregivers do it at least once a week, and in your situation would probably want help too.

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  24. What are some of the things you have forgotten when visiting an SP or she has forgotten while visiting you...same question to the ladies.

    I have quite the collection of sunglasses and clip on sunglasses LOL. The most surprising find was a gentleman's boxers :)

    As far as I know, I never forgot anything. I have however had a lady forget a very expensive bouquet of flowers that I got her.

    Mind you, I was too tired to care at the time. :-)

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