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Posts posted by masterowls

  1. I recently told someone via e-mail that they were not the kind of client I wished to see. A week later, he calls me and books an appointment. Of course I didn't know it was him. He shows up 20 minutes late, tries to underpay me, and of course I discovered he was the very person I had politely told that I will not see.


    I know it can be harsh to be on a lady's do-not-see list, especially when you haven't even met. But to be decietful and try to "sneak" in to see her by means of pretending to be someone else is just wrong.


    And before you think this wasn't a Cerb reader, he is. He mentioned that all the information he could find on my location was that it said "10 mins from downtown). That is solely on Cerb.


    So, while it may be a bit of a snub, or leave you feeling shot down, please respect a lady when she says she will not see you. There are many lovely ladies out there, and not all of the ladies will be comfortable with or willing to provide what you are seeking. If a lady - for whatever reason - chooses not to see you, think of it not as being shot down, but as getting that much closer to finding the lady that you will share great chemistry and fond memories with.

    Posted via Mobile Device

    I've been shot down by a lot of girls who are for whatever reason not ok seeing disabled men. I was somewhat hurt/disappointed until I realized 2 things about it... 1. I probably wouldn't have really had great fun with them anyhow if they're that uncomfortable, and 2. by them turning me away, some more tastefully than others btw, they forced me to keep looking and find Allie... Allie still rocks my world in ways I didn't think were possible 3 years later, so the way I figure it, they all did me a huge favor turning me down.

  2. so this month alone I have delt with Three different cases of SPs who choose to add their clients to their facebook....thats all fine if they decide to do so.


    my problem however? when I'm at a social and a male member makes a comment about MY facebook page because he has put 2 and 2 together with whoever was dumb enough to add him to her FB page. or a client blurts out that we have a similar last name and he did a google search after finding out my name to check out my artwork....ummmm...??????!


    Ladies...I know they you may feel comfortable with a client and on a friend basis with them but realize that when you add your clients to your page you are not only jeopardizing YOUR privacy...but the privacy of other SPs that you have on your facebook.


    I have NO wish to have clients rummage through my art pages or see what friends they have in common with me etc etc...and I certainly have a MASSIVE problem with people learning my full real name!


    whats annoying is that clients dont seem to realize that it is a HUGE blurring of boundaries when they "figure" out who we are and say so. to me, its like someone just drove up to my house, honked and said "hey you! [insert real name] i know where you live and hang out and I think I know your dad!"


    Ladies, you dont have to add EVERYONE to your facebook. I realize that clients can be friends...but blurring those lines makes drama for everyone involved...I have never encountered anyone adding a client to facebook that didnt end in some kind of messy drama...especially if she realizes she doesnt want them on her facebook anymore


    GUYS, just because someone doesn't add you to your facebook doesn't mean that they're not your friend...take whatever connection you have here on Cerb and in physical contact and treasure that....it doesnt need to go further than that.


    Today I have deleted 2 girls off my facebook who have chosen to add clients as friends. I admit that I have ONE client on my facebook but only because he was my friend on facebook through mutual friends before becoming a client....and I dont even see him anymore so I dont think that counts.


    To me adding anyone to facebook is like seeing someone off the clock 24/7...its extremely unprofessional and comparable to adding your boss to your FB...business and personal life should be separate. am I the only one who thinks like this?


    Privacy is important to everyone....blur the lines and things will only get more complicated.

    These Women should realize they risk exposing your personal info too,... What the hell went through their heads...?

  3. I totally understood the intent of the thread. I just wasn't sure if it was open to SP's to comment and I was simply just saying thank you for creating a thread like this for us. It's great to see and read that we are appreciated and that you have genuine affection for the SP's.


    The thread is open to anybody with a positive story to share about the relationship between a service provider and a client. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying the thread. It was kind of the whole idea of starting it.. :-)

  4. This is why we love our jobs because of gentlemen like you. You understand and respect us and we love you for that.



    I think you may slightly have misinterpreted the intent of the thread. It's here to show you and other SPs that some of us do have genuine affection for our service providers. By no means does this exclude service providers from participating or expressing opinions. In fact it would be nice to know the thread is having the desired effect. I know that there are days when some of you wonder why you bother working, this thread is intended as a little moral support. :-)


    Additional Comments:


    I think you may slightly have misinterpreted the intent of the thread. It's here to show you and other SPs that some of us do have genuine affection for our service providers. By no means does this exclude service providers from participating or expressing opinions. In fact it would be nice to know the thread is having the desired effect. I know that there are days when some of you wonder why you bother working, this thread is intended as a little moral support. :-)

    Sometimes the best thing in the world is to hear, "I'm here, I care, and what you're doing Matters in my life, so don't stop."

  5. This is a new one to me....


    You say you offer MSOG; if I only cum once is it cheaper?

    I have a question. What kind of complete moron would see Meg, and not take advantage of MSOG? Meg is one of the most beautiful girls, both inside and out that I have ever had the honor to associate with. I hope that if she ever comes my way, she'll save a session for me.


    Additional Comments:

    That's hilarious Meg. Then I guess in the same logic - if unable to cum at all, its on the house.


    Posted via Mobile Device

    If Meg can't get a guy to cum at least once an hour, she better call 911... The poor bastard must be dead... Hells bells man her pics are almoat enough for me, god knows how often I'd bust a nut if she were actually touching Me...lol

  6. I just can't understand the responses to this post. Why these guys are even curious about these things is beyond me, why some want to bring them up in the act of passion also twists my melon. Then again I can't understand why people eat while they're driving, maybe the two groups share a lot of common members.:confused:


    The answer to both questions is quite simple. A serious malfunction of the logic center of what passes for a brain. :-)

  7. Another question I was once asked recently... why was I only one of the rare few that one was charging $250/hr while all other SPs were charging $200/hour? Al while in an intimate position. WTF?? My response to him was that obviously he was out of touch with what other escorts were charging and that he should pay more attention to other sites rather than just CL. I also mentioned that if they were charging a lower rate then they might try to upsell when clients arrive or not even give them a full hour. $250/hr is not uncommon. Sure there are others offering lower but I couldn't believe it. He wasn't haggling me about my rate but most know that I have been around for a while now and it has always been $250/hr.



    And then of course, he proceeded to ask other questions and by this time I was really annoyed and just said that I'm not into discussing my personal business at a time like this. He backed off and apologized but come on, don't people realize this is a mood killer? So my for advice to those who are ignorant about this... if you want a good session with an SP, don't ruin it with these kinds of questions. You will either be told to mind your business or be told bs by SPs and they will think you're an idiot for asking. The guy above is off my repeat list even though he wanted and has contacted me to see me again.


    Sorry but this makes me very mad which is why I cut them off as soon as they ask it. There is a way to be friendly with SPs while not having to get personal. We as SPs would be told off if we asked these sorts of questions and I really don't care to know if you're married, children, etc, etc. It's none of my business and I expect the same in return. Just keep it light with general conversation and you will be fine. Over time if you get to know an SP, maybe you can exchange a few harmless personal details.




    I don't blame you for being angry at the money thing... Personally I'd have said, "I charge what I feel an hour of my company is worth. Obviously you agree because you are here." Personally, I don't even verbally discuss money at all during sessions, except to tell the lady where she can find her envelope. Both She and I already know her rate and what I booked, so discussion seems kinda pointless. You ladies charge what you think you're time's worth to perspective clients,we clients pay cause we want to see you... it ain't rocket science sheesh...:)

  8. Ok i was always wondering about what others though or others opinions where about what not to ask an sp? or maybe what to ask an sp is a better question. It seems that some sp's find something different then others so what is your thoughs and opinions on this?

    A good rule of thumb here, is, "I''f I were an sp, would I feel safe/happy answering that? " Try to remember especially at first, for all the SP knows, you could be some creepy stalker guy. If you wouldn't feel comfortable giving the info to a total stranger, don't ask an SP you just met. Good topics:1. Favorite music... 2 . Favoriite Wine, Victoria secret or La Senza, and what size... ? 4. Do you have the latest Ipod? 5. (And this always breaks the ice well) I just heard a funny joke, would you like to hear it?

  9. I'd say that chemistry is the deciding factor for me, since you can't predict it. It's either there or it isn't, and when it is you just know. It's more than just being a regular; it's the special bond you share with someone that just can't be duplicated with someone else. Encounters with such ladies are the ones I cherish most, since I don't take anything for granted. There are also a few that have gone above and beyond - there was one special SP who took me out for lunch on her time. She definitely didn't have to do it, but she wanted to. Add to that special perks recieved along the way (give and take - it works both ways since you get out what you put in) which creates the type of rapport that is akin to a real friendship in many ways, and it makes all the difference.


    Well said, for myself I would find it difficult at this point to see somebody other than my friend in Calgary. I say this because I feel connected to her in a way that would be hard for another provider to match. As long as she is willing to travel, I really don't see any need to experiment with others, even though she has said she would not be jealous. Why mess with a good thing?

  10. The no-show game has plagued us "forever" and even though common courtesy should prevail, it often doesn't. On the same note, I have had other SPs pull no-shows on me for duos, and these are supposedly reputable ladies - so it's not just clients who are doing this.


    I timed it - it takes less than 10 seconds to call and say, I can't make it. Plain and simple.

    It takes less than 20 seconds for me to send the same e-mail using my voice recognition software, and I don't even have to be at the computer to do it, so I really have no excuse. :-)

  11. Thanks Scott. Yeh I feel very fortunate.



    I think those of us that have found a special SP, who understands our needs, makes us laugh, or otherwise makes us feel special are all extremely lucky. I think we owe it to other friends in the hobby to make sure they know there is a special girl out there waiting to be found. Also make sure those we consider special are aware that they offer something unique. Encourage them to keep doing it.

  12. Masterowls:


    Clearly, this lovely lady has gone and continues to go above and beyond the call of duty as she is warm, kind, compassionate, accomodating and caring. I'm very glad to see that you are in good hands of this wonderful companion. I tend to gravitate towards those ladies who are overtly friendly, empathetic, good-natured and warm first and foremost with whom I can converse openly. Body type and physical characteristics are secondary, yet clean/hygienic conditions must prevail and do with those ladies I see on a regular basis. I'm always amazed by those ladies who can read me quite accurately on any given day. It goes beyond chemistry.

    This particular lady definitely does occupy a special place in my heart. She is everything you say, and much much more.

  13. As I said in the "why we love our job" thread, I really feel that we need to express the ladies that we appreciate everything they do for us. This thread is simply my way of doing that. I hope more guys would post stories about why they love being with SPs, so that if one of the ladies have a bad day, they can come here and see that some of us do actually care.

    Nice post, masterowls. Thanks for telling us about this.


    I love it when my sp really comes. It's gratifying beyond belief when I feel I've given her pleasure, and am appreciated. I like to start off my sessions doing oral on the woman, and I find that it's so arousing to please her.


    I've been having the time of my life since I started this hobby less than two years ago, and want to express my thanks again, though I've said it before, to all the incredible and beautiful women I've met. I'm having some of the best sex of my life, and I've made new friendships that I cherish. And more to come.

  14. There is a special lady in Calgary I see when I have the financial resources. I won't name names because she doesn't have a presence here, and I'm not sure how she would feel about having her name mentioned in public. If you want her name, feel free to contact me, and I'll give you the information.

    My friend in Calgary is not only beautiful, funny, and extremely sweet, but has a lot of class. She always brings a nice bottle of wine on our dates which we share together while we talk. She shows up in incredible looking outfits, and is usually mildly embarrassed when I tell her she looks incredible. Last time I saw her, I explained that because of my disability, seeing her was costing me approximately 3 times her donation in actual expenses (extra hotel room for caregiver, food expenses for caregiver, vehicle rental because I don't have a truck big enough for my equipment, etc. etc.) not to mention finding a hotel room in Calgary when you're in a wheelchair, is not as easy as you might think. When she heard this, she said, "I don't usually travel outside Calgary, but for you I'll make an exception to the rule, next time you want to see me, let me know and I'll come to you in Lethbridge.". I thought this was really sweet, because my financial issues are really none of her concern. As long as she is willing to travel and still wants to work, I'll probably keep going back. Especially since our dates tend to end with me physically exhausted... :-)

  15. That is just a wonderful post! Thank you for being such a sweet person!


    I'm glad you like the post. It has very little to do with being sweet however. I think most service providers, at least the ones who really enjoy the work are seriously under appreciated. We don't tell you enough just how much of a difference you make. I think I'm going to start a 'Things that make us love our Sp" thread, Just so when one of you ladies have a bad day and wonder why you bother... you can read a post or 2, and see that some of us do really care about you hard working SPs

  16. in a sea of what seems to be "dos and Do-not" threads that have lead to somewhat negative perceptions of some of us ladies on here, I would like to start a more positive thread directed towards the ladies about dates they've had recently that at the end of the day make us sigh a lovely sigh and make us say "gosh darn-it....i REALLY LOVE my job!" (this is not to say we dont love our jobs to begin with. I totally do! but what special things sometimes make you REALLY REALLY love it at the end of the day?




    One of my new favorites definitely loves to take his time, books at least two hours and is a wonderful dancer. He happens to share my love for Jazz and we spend almost the first hour talking, sipping wine and dancing. He literally sweeps me off my feet (and if I'm lucky, I get dipped too! lol)! Sometimes I have to admit that I've caught myself watching him leave through the peep-hole...that is where I sigh to myself and definitely the inner monologue plays saying "sigh...i love my job" ;-)


    Another client I have always books a very nice hotel suite for us and is insistent on asking what i feel like eating as a snack or drinking for a beverage...even if I say I'm not fussy. Just the idea that someone is being so considerate is very thoughtful and goes a long way...when I hang up the phone or fire of my reply email at home setting up our date with the possibility of shrimp and lobster I say to myself "sigh...I love my job"


    Ladies in the industry: what little extra things or recent fun perks on the day-to-day basis of your work-life make you pause and think to yourself the same? it could be luxurious or even something simple and kind, sexual or non-sexual


    I think it might be nice for us hobbiests to start a similar thread, as to some of our best experiences with service providers. I think it would be nice for you to understand the impact a good service provider can have on a clients outlook. There is a reason we treat you special. Because many of us actually feel you are extremely special to us. The girl I usually see in Calgary, has on many occasions unknowingly bought me out of pretty serious depression, just by being there with a smile a hug, and well lets face it, some mind blowingly good sex...lol. I don't know if she truly understands the impact she can have on my life at times. I wish I could let her know, but I don't think words are adequate. I think you girls need to hear things like this a little more often. There seems to be so much negativity lately. We need to refocus on the positive and just remember why we're all part of CERB to start with. On behalf of the guys... We love you Ladies... HUG

    For the record none of my friends understand my willingness to spend months saving every penny I can beg, borrow or steal just to give it to my friend in Calgary. My standard answer is, "1. for the duration of the date, I feel like a king, 2. Unlike the women I date, she has never misled, stolen or in any way promised me anything she didn't deliver beyond my wildest dreams and 3. Have you seen her?:)"

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  17. Cancellations are understandable, whether it be the hobbiest or the SP. Hopefully sufficient notice can be given, but like others have said, sometimes life gets in the way. Regardless of the amount of notice, a call or a text is always warranted. A no-show is unacceptable and clearly shows a total lack of respect. Unless there was a really great excuse, I would never see someone who no-showed.

    Agreed, life happens, and sometims 1 simply cannot be where 1 is supposed to, but in todays world of laptops pdas smartphones, internet caffe, mesage boards and gods know how mmany other ways to sltay connected, you cannot tell me there's no possible way you could somehow touch base if something comes up. A noshow is simply too lasy to make the required effort.

  18. At least you were respectful enough to show up:smile:. $hit happens that we can not for see.





    Sexy Lady Lexy




    Depending on the rate, it can take several months for me to save up enough cash to go see a provider. For instance, the lady I see in Calgary, can take me up to 10 months to save for a two-hour session. Unless I'm dying, there is no way I'm going to miss an appointment with her. (Aside from the fact that she is probably the most talented provider I've ever seen :-)) for me, I prefer my providers to consider me a friend with financial benefits. Wasting her time is not very friendly, so I don't do it. :-)

  19. I'll admit that the rating I propose would only cover ladies who have a presence here... but since it's most likely I'll try to date a lady I met, or saw reviewed here before surfing 30-40 other sites...(well maybe not literally but you get the point) some Idea who's reliable would be good, and like I say it might be useful to the ladies too.. No one system is going to be foolproof and at first there may be bugs, but judging from the size of this thread, noshows on both sides are an issue. All I'm proposing is 1 way to identify who is doing it regularly, so that both sides have all the info to make informed choices as to if they want to book or not I'm not proposing it be used to attack or impune anyone..

  20. To answer the question, the purpose of the thread MO was describing is not to "get back" at the SP. It's to advise potential clients of the situation the experienced, if enough of these threads arise then clients will start wondering if they should really book with the SP.


    Thank you for clarifying my point. I do not advocate, and never will support maliciously attacking an SP or anyone else. On the other hand, I do believe that potential clients have a right to all available information regarding the provider they are thinking about hiring, including whether or not they are known to cancel with no notice. For myself it takes several days trying to organize personal care around my appointments with service providers. This can include having to call the office and ask if they can send my care aides at different hours, or for more or less time. depending on what I've planned. If I'm hiring somebody new, I'd like to know, that they're going to be on time. You see not only does making these changes require effort on my part, but it also requires my case manager to make changes to her staffing plan for the whole day, which in turn inconveniences the caregivers. I'm fortunate in that my case manager is a sweetheart and will try very hard to give me what I want. However if I start changing times every other day to accommodate an SP who has chosen not to show up, eventually she is going to start saying no. Therefore I say again, even here, there should be at the very least a reliability index of some sort perhaps similar to reputation points like we have for the boards. No one needs to attack anyone that way, but it would rapidly show who has a tendancy to leave clients hanging. And the girls could use the same index to see if a guy is likely to noshow on them, before they book.

  21. MO, that would violate the rules and philosophy of Cerb. "No negative comments, reviews". What makes Cerb special is that it is a safe place for the ladies to participate. Like anything else, this involves some tradeoffs.

    Your point is well taken, however, it's my belief that by calling herself a service provider, and then not providing service over and over again, the lady in question has already violated the spirit of CERB. You're right in that this is a safe place for women to participate, however that keyword is missing in this lady's ethics. There should be a way in place for guys to inform other guys if a provider is bad;, just as there is a bad date list for providers. Again, this is only my opinion.

  22. this has happened to me once or twice...and i was a regular!! and she is a very reputable SP.

    I was actually at her door and she texted she wasn`t when I had texted to say I had arrived.

    An aplology or explanation would have been nice and would have been sufficient.


    Perhaps she has her own `issues`


    i would even understand that

    Okay guys, just my two cents here. This site is called the Canadian escort recommendation board. I would say that if somebody is ruining your experience by not showing up, the best way to prevent it from happening again is to start naming the person doing it. Maybe she's relying on people being too scared of ruining her reputation, and has got lazy. Not only do escorts and the other SPs need to stick together against bad clients, we clients need to start sticking together, and telling each other about the service or lack of service, so that only the professional, polite, and punctual get work. I'm sorry, but if some one stood me up, after I made firm plans, and didn't explain herself, the very first thing I would do is post her name, exactly what happened, and recommend that no one called her, because she is unreliable. That may sound extreme, but at least it saves the next guy some time. It does no good to post five 0pages of complaints if the girl is anonymous because she still out there, potentially pulling the same crap on other clients. Which only makes it more difficult for the girls who legitimately want work, because trust becomes eroded. Again this is only my opinion.

  23. I'm offering greek no YMMV, but as fingering and DATY, if your nails are not done properly, or if I suspect any kind of mouth problems (that can result from STD as chlamadia or not) I will not allow any kind of these services...


    And the last word belongs to ME.


    BTW, if you have read the newbies section, you would know that GFE is a kind of service, NOT THE OPTIONS THAT IT INCLUDES. A girl that's offering gfe as no obligation of any services you may take for granted. IT'S AN ATTITUDE, NOT A SERVICE...


    Additional Comments:



    One no, two no's, three no's... YOU'RE OUT!

    1 no should suffice if you say no once and the guy persists, he should be gone. your body, your rules... end discussion.:)


    Additional Comments:

    Guys, Lets try to remember here, when we pay for a GFE, what we're paying for for that session is a bit more intimacy in the experience. We want them to treat us less like clients and more like friends/boyfriends. Ok, but let's remember here that cuts both ways. If your girlfriend said "Don't do that, I'm not into it." you'd have to be pretty dense to keep it up right? Why therefore do we expect our lovely SP's to put up with acts they aren't into? Treat our GFE providers like the queens they are, and they'll treat us like Kings. What's so hard here?:)

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