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Posts posted by masterowls

  1. I have to agree with you Antlerman. I too cringe at the word 'use'. To me it is very disrespectful and the lovely ladies of CERB deserve much better.

    I am also in agreement. I consider a number of these ladies friends, even though I haven't, and realistically probably never will meet most of them. The idea of somebody "using" one of them, actually made me mildly angry. I prefer to say, "went on a date with", or "had fun with "

  2. I like that!


    I happen to believe that when a person hires a "escort or service provider"we are actually purchasing companionship for a period of time (whether or not anything else happens or not). Therefore the term, "professional companion" actually is a more accurate description of your profession. I'm glad you agree. :-)

  3. I just woke up my bestest friend from a nap. I honestly CANNOT nap! I lay down and the next thing I know I have missed a whole afternoon! Please, there must be some pointers out there for successful napping. Give me the secret...please!


    Here is a few tips that work for me. I don't guarantee results for you.

    1. Do not for goodness sake go to bed, that never works. Find yourself a comfortable chair or couch. Anywhere but the bed.

    2. I know some people like to read before bed, however when napping I find that thinking about anything is counter productive. I do however recommend what ever music you find most relaxing.

    Tip number three most important. Make sure your warm (almost hot)

    in my experience these tips never fail but then I'm kind of strange :-)

  4. Myself, if I were curious as to whether somebody had experienced a certain lady which I believe was the intent of the original question. I would have probably asked, "have you been on a date with...?" As to Ava's assertion that the term service provider is mildly offensive, I can see her point. I think it could be changed to professional companion. This is more accurate, and also I believe a much more pleasant term. These are however only my opinions.

  5. After reading a few posts about common decency and how people don't show the smallest amount of appreciation for each other and the complete lack of respect, it made me stop and think.......


    Are we as a society forgetting our manners, or just simply being unreasonable. ?


    A recent event really caused me to shake my head in bewilderment, and reflect on how day to day as we go about our jobs, we often don't get credit or the least amount of respect for what we do for others.....


    Recently, flying back to Toronto, we were forced to divert in mid flight because of a NASTY line of thunderstorms across the US Midwest. I can assure you, this is no easy task in mid flight, but after a bit of adjustment, we diverted and although almost an hour late, landed safely in Toronto......


    As we thanked passengers while they departed, a blustery 'texan' proceeded to berate me, rather loudly, for how late we were and how he may miss his connecting flight and how he may NEVER fly with us again.....


    It took all of my good manners to smile and thank him for flying with us......perhaps i should have just flown into the storm and shook the bad manners out this pompous ass......but of course that is not an option...


    which leads me to this.....


    Regardless of what we do, should we not at least expect the least amount of courtesy and understanding from each other ?


    Should we not give each other the benefit of the doubt ?


    Because we pay someone for a service, regardless of what that service is, does that grant us the right to be complete and utter fools and treat the person giving us the service grief because the service wasn't exactly what we had expected ?


    I would hope that we all stop and realize that for the most part, people WILL try their best to deliver as advertised.....sometimes, in spite of all good intentions, we fall short....even though of our best efforts....


    There....I feel MUCH better.......forgive my rant...but I thought it appropriate in light of some recent posts !



    I'm afraid I would have been a little more direct. I would have said something to the effect of, "I'm sorry you may miss your flight. Perhaps you would rather I risk your life and the lives of everybody else on the plane just to get you here on time?" Of course I would say it with a big smile on my face. Especially when he realizes how stupid he sounded. Of course nobody thinks that you're the one they're going to blame if you fly through the storm and somebody gets hurt or killed. That makes me really angry.

  6. That has also happened to me in the past. Although thankfully I landed sideways. The worst that ever happened from an accident like that, was a concussion and some memory loss both immediately before, and about two days after the accident. Because of that I used to wear a helmet to prevent future accidents from damaging my brain. I probably still should, but I don't.

  7. In another thread, Sara confessed that she is prone to tripping. I too have that problem. I can trip over a line in the floor for crying out loud!

    I have had many fantabulous (yes, I like to make up words) falls but my most recent trip was very sad indeed.

    Those of you who have been to my incall location may be able to visualize the scenario. As I was exiting the master bedroom, with my much loved camera in my hands, I stumbled and it flew out of my hand and right over the railing. It smashed into pieces at the bottom of the stairs!

    I really do need to learn how to walk :)

    Are there any other poor souls out there with this affliction?

    Dear Meg,

    because I'm in a wheelchair I can't exactly trip. I do however have a story that may make you feel a little less clumsy. I used to live in Kimberly, which has an open air shopping area paved with bricks. My wheelchair is controlled by a joystick which is mounted on an arm which swings away to allow a caregiver to transfer me. One day I was driving my wheelchair in the shopping area, and I hit a large bump. The swing arm accidentally disengaged, causing me to make an instant left hand turn, right into a concrete building. Since I was traveling at about 8.5 miles an hour, the net result was a broken leg in pretty serious damage to my wheelchair. I spent the next six weeks trying to explain how a person in a wheelchair winds up with a broken leg. Talk about embarrassing. LOL

  8. Mine might tho yours was pretty chuckle worthy. I was living in Surrey at the time, and decided to see a girl who worked in downtown Vancouver incall only.

    so I get everything set(fees, directions so I didn''t get lost etc) and set off in my electric wheelchair via public transit. After an hour travelling by public transit and wheeling about 24 blocks I arrived right on timw and was met in the lobby by this stunning girl. I'm thinking jackpot, until she opens the door to her place. The shelf where she kept her oils and other goodies was partly blocking the entry hallaw and I couldn't get my chair in. Poor girl ended up carrying me about 20 feet, then packing me out after. Mood killer lol

  9. Does anybody know any good adult personals websites.


    My girlfriend was wondering about websites to looking for other girls and couples to play with or a girl for a 3some.


    Most like adultfriendfinder really dont let you do anything unless you pay.


    Thanks for your help.


    Speaking from Vast experience, most adult dating sites, even the ones that guarantee the result don't actually work. In fact most of them wind up costing more issues than they solve. What I would recommend, is suggesting that you both make friends here. I'm sure among the numerous members here both of you will find what ever you need. Not only are the people here real, but they all know how to be discreet too. That's just my opinion, and you're welcome to discard it, but you did ask. Good luck, and I hope you find what you want.

  10. Do you get wet dreams inspired by your fave CERB ladies? Do you also get the resultant nocturnal emission? How do you explain that to your significant other?


    I'm sure there are a few stories there, humorous and otherwise ... all responses welcome and encouraged.


    The short answer is yes. I have had wet dreams about a number of the ladies on CERB. Five so far. And yes a number of them have resulted in extra laundry :-)

  11. Just wondering if any out there have been "caught in the act" while viewing CERB either at work, by a SO or any other n'ar do well that wants to spoil our fun.



    I get busted at least once a day by caregivers. The fact is, that I'm fairly open about my sexuality, and about the fact that I see Sps, and that I consider afew of them my friends. For that reason I don't really care who sees me on this site.


  12. I will admit. I used to negotiate when I was younger, and newer to the hobby. A practice I quit years ago when I met a girl who expressed opinions similar to yours. I now consider the practice both rude, classless, and pointless. If I really want a specific lady, and can't afford her at the moment, I simply contact her and tell her that I'm interested but may require more time. I think that sometimes waiting for an encounter can make it even more sweet, because you get to anticipate the result.


    Here, Here! cowboy.


    I also find it annoying.. but I find that saying good bye and hanging up on them right away is my best response.


    The less I decide to lecture them and just cut them off the better for my mood :) Same goes for those trying to negotiate other acts I don't perform.


    RESPECT is the key here.. and no respect = no conversation never mind service.

  13. Agree with your statement, though its positive that you haven't given up on the idea. Thanks for sharing a very personal story with the whole community and thanks to all the SP's who are able to meet with clients that have special needs. It is a part of our industry that the public is completely ignorant of and is never considered by those who go crusading against the escort buisess.


    I agree.These women should be applauded, not persecuted by government and a public who have never even met an escort, and have 0 clue what actually happens.I think I've seen 10 industry related documenteries but only 1 has mentioned any positive aspects of the industry.I think if the general public actually understood the true nature of escorting there'd be much less negatie attitude.


    I share my story for 2 reasons. 1. to try to explain to people that it isn't a case of my not wanting a gitlriend, but that there are still barriers, some physical others mental, that need to be addressed. The other to try to encourage the ladies who do see disabled clients to keep it up, and those who don't to think about at least giving it a shot.

  14. Dear secret,


    I have not given up the idea of a relationship. However in my experience if you and I were to attempt to pick up women in a bar, even one with a reputation for being a pickup spot I'd be willing to bet your bill for sp's for a year, that you wind up taking home a girl, while I go home alone. Most women looking to date, unfortunately are either unable or unwilling to deal with the restrictive nature of dating somebody in a wheelchair. For instance I require personal care, which causes two or 3 major problems. The first one is scheduled care. (The agency I deal with won't send staff members to a client if the care would involve being out past 10pm, so I have to be in bed for the night no later than 9:30 PM every night of the week. That makes planning dates rather difficult)

    There are many other problems, and/or misperceptions which makes finding a woman rather difficult. By the way, both of my other relationships were with women who were also disabled, which creates a whole other level of issues. I'm not saying there aren't women out there who would be happy dating me. My claim is, that getting a girlfriend, while it sounds simple on the surface, and would be preferable, is not quite as easy as you make it seem.


    Thank you all for responses. It is now clearer to me as why a single person may prefer to repeat with an SP many times rather than having a GF. Lack of time and the baggage that may come with a GF were noted as the main reasons. I can understand and may be even able to relate to both reasons somewhat. Just a comment on the post by masterrowls. You did say that you love to have a GF and you have had two relationships that did not work out (most of us have had relationships likely more than two that did not work out either) and that is unfortunate that those two relationships did not work out however, I think that there are many ladies out there that can easily see beyond the wheelchair and establish a lasting relationship regardless. I know I would, if I see a lady that I love, the wheelchair will not get into my way and same will be true for many ladies. I do realize however, that I may not be in the right position to say this, however, I just express what is my view that the majority of people in our society would see the person with good heart and soul only and nothing more. If however, you feel more comfortable in seeing SPs for whatever reason (like myself) by all means please do so, but at the same time please do not feel the other option is a no option just because you are in a wheelchair. Just my view.

  15. As I mentioned before, I like change and variety and this is basically the reason as why I hobby and though I fully respect the individuals' decision for the repeats with same lady as the choice and preference but can"t really fully understand the logic behind it for those who may be single. So the unresolved question in my mind is if a single person in no relationship prefers so strongly to repeat with the same lady again and again, then why not just find a GF and I am sure in most cases it would be a lot less expensive. I used to do this 12-15 years ago when I was student with little money (each relationship lasted a few months at the most) and the cost of taking the lady to the dinner or a dance bar in a month was significantly less than what I spend now on hobby in a week.


    In my case the answer is simple. I would love a girlfriend, however as any quadriplegic will tell you, it's a lot harder to get noticed when you're in a wheelchair. I have been in the hobby about 19 years, in that time I have had exactly 2 relationships that were not with service providers. Both of those ended horribly. For me, it's much less frustrating to make a phone call, and know exactly where I stand.


    Additional Comments:

    PSat one point I even had a girl I'd known 2 years actually laugh in my face at the idea of simply goiung to a movie. I find going to a sp who at the very least grows to value me as a client, much less emotionally damaging than either being ignored, laughed at, or politely refused in the dating world

  16. Jim, you said in your post that you were afraid to establish a relationship with a service provider for fear of affecting your career, or home life. What you need to remember, is that these women are professionals. It would not be to their advantage to interfere in your life. You would very quickly find that their client base would disappear. Further more the type of relationship is different. A relationship with an sp, while it may be affectionate (and it's nice when it is) is not and has never been intended to be permanent. I think if you enjoy the variety, then you should continue playing the field, but don't let fear stop you from repeating if you find some one you're particularly attracted to. For myself, mostly because I have special needs due to disability, if I find some one I like I tend to be a repeat client.

    • Like 2

  17. I have said before, and I'll say it again this in my opinion is actually the primary difference between an SP, and a street level sex worker in my opinion. SPS provide a much more sensual relaxed and enjoyable experience. As several of the ladies have said, in my experience an appointment with a service provider is much less about sex than it is about spending time with a lady who you actually enjoy being around. If all you want to do is cuddle, I'm quite sure most ladies would not have much of a problem at all accommodating that request. I usually spend at least half an hour just cuddling with the lady in every appointment I have ever booked.

    PS: take some time to get to know the service provider, and bring her favorite flower, or a nice bottle of wine. It generally enhances the mood if they see you put in some thought before the date. We are lucky in that we have some cool extras in terms of communication with these ladies provided by the website. Choose a lady, read her posts, flirt, ask questions, tell her jokes, even exchange pet stories. That way when you meet, you already have things in common..

  18. I had a colleague over this afternoon in the backyard enjoying a bit of sun. She had a client call while here so I told her to use my room. After she came out (it was her first time using my place) she said she needed to bring her own music if she were to use it again. The cuban music I like to play during appts was too distracting for clients to blow their load..


    It had never occured to me.. I said I don't have issues when music is playing to cum. Oh no.. she said.. women are different. Men get distracted when certain types of music are playing as they have to concentrate on cumming.


    I'm not sure she's right.. but thought who to ask better than the guys! Does certain types of music distract you from cumming?


    Now that I think about it.. I have had the occasional guy ask me to turn it down or off.


    btw.. how do you create a poll?

    Dear Carrie,

    I think that anybody who is distracted by music, probably isn't all that into the girl he's with. In fact I find the right music actually helps my concentration.



  19. Currently, I've got the following on the go:


    Rent Boys: The World of Male Sex Workers-Michel Dorais

    -this is a study that was the result of interviews with forty male sex workers in Montreal.


    Leaves of Grass-Walt Whitman

    -I've always loved Whitman and when I learned that Leaves of Grass was banned in some states because of the gratuitous sex, well I went out and got my own copy :)


    Anyone reading anything good? I'm always on the prowl for new reads.

    Dear Erin,

    I don't so much read as listen, because of my physical disability I have difficulty holding a book, so I belong to audible.com here are a few of my favorite listens.

    1. The inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini (still waiting for the final book)

    2. Anything by Karen Marie Morning

    3. The Magic Kingdom of Landover series by Terry Brooks

    also any of the Chronicles of Counter Earth novels by John Norman. There are at present 26 of them at least at last count. One word of warning, they are extremely kinky, so if you happen to have nieces and nephews or other small children around where you read, I'd be careful where you leave the book.

  20. Hi MO, don't know if you can see them with your set-up, but there are "Font" and "Font Size" drop-down lists just above the body of a post when it is in the process of being composed or edited on Cerb.


    Dear Wrinkled,

    The problem as I suspected was actually in my software. In Dragon NaturallySpeaking, there is a feature called a dictation box. What it does, is to allow a person to dictate a large amount of text, and translate it from the box directly into a webpage or other program. Unfortunately, it appears that the dictation box also overrides the font settings for the original program in this case the CERB text editor. In order to fix the problem, I had to locate and adjust the font settings for the box. I think I have it fixed now. Thanks for the information though. :-) MO


    PS: thanks for the help finding the right setting Ava :-)

  21. Okay I know I'm getting a little older:rolleyes:, but your font size is really hard to read.:-|


    Hi Pete,

    The problem is fixed now. As I was explaining to Ava in another thread, I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to dictate some of my posts. The font in the dictation box feature was set a little too small. Sorry about that. Hopefully it won't happen again. I'm getting a little old myself LOL.

    PS the reason I use voice recognition software is that a post of this size would take me about 45 minutes to type manually. Being disabled is sometimes a big pain in the ass.


    Have a good day.



  22. Dogs are GREAT for cheering us up! I have 2 big goofs of my own. They always put a smile on my face :mrgreen:.



    Dear Ava, I don't know if I could handle two dogs like mine. As you may know from some of my previous postings, I am in a wheelchair. My dog, practically all on his own has learned to put his front legs in my lap to make it easier for me to reach to pet him. The only unfortunate problem with this, is that he is now doing it without being asked, and sometimes when it is inconvenient. LOL I also have to run him every day after lunch for about 4 miles, which would not be bad except Lethbridge is quite often affected by a strong north wind, which can make walking (or in my case wheeling) somewhat less than pleasant. I think having one dog like mine is more than enough LOL



    Additional Comments:

    PS the last post:

    I think I may have found the problem with my font. I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to compose my posts. Sometimes if it's a longer post I will use the dictation box feature so that if the software makes an error it doesn't affect Internet explorer accidentally. I think the problem is the font size in the dictation box transferred directly into the website Post editor. I will try and find a solution to this problem. But in the meantime you'll have to bear with me.

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