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Everything posted by PistolPete

  1. Tandra is massaging erogenous zones to achieve or enhance their sexual excitation or arousal. Erogenous zones can be many other areas of the body, like nip ples, your an us... :) Edging- Is strictly mast ur bation org asm control...peaking...surfing a long and high level of ar ous al for a period of time without reaching or gasm but look out when you do.... :) BTW this can done or al too, if you find a sp that is very good at it. I separated letters to words in case of blockage. ;)
  2. PistolPete

    IMG 2033 (1)

    Sexy body Naomie :)
  3. PistolPete

    IMG 1834

    Love the view! Beautiful bum :)
  4. PistolPete

    IMG 2003

    Gorgeous lady!
  5. PistolPete

    Lovely body ;)
  6. I would not touch these questions with a ten foot pole, especially post C-36, that is just my opinion. Who knows who is reading this and who asked the question. Always best to stay clear to open questions like that. But that's just my humble opinion.
  7. PistolPete

    One of the sexiest views of a gorgeous bum! Thanks for sharing.... as I love this view :)
  8. PistolPete

    You have one very beautiful body!
  9. PistolPete

    Such amazingly sexy legs, and what a beautiful body! ;)
  10. And just to add....Russia no shots on goal in the 2nd held to only 5 shots total so far ;) I don't think the experience hockey players on Canada would get cocky. Too much at risk.
  11. 3-0 for Canada!!! In the 2nd!! Crosby scores!
  12. Today I'm cheering and will be watching of course ....Team Canada VS Russia in the Gold Medal game! Go Canada!
  13. Watched Team Canada ahead 2-0 over the Cze with 2 minutes left at the IIHF. :) then off to get some yard work done. Yeah Canada!
  14. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! :)
  15. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=119425 You just had to scroll down as there is a 7 page thread going on about the dollar. Read pages 4-7 for today's lesson on the Dollar :) :) j/k
  16. PistolPete


    A beautiful bum I'd love to worship.
  17. PistolPete


    I wanna explore your delicious sexy body ;)
  18. Waking up and in mood in the am is a great way to start any day :)
  19. Stunningly very sexy lady! ;)
  20. Not happening with 5 minutes left, it's over. As they said on TV Montreal looked tired, had no speed and TB just wanted it more. :) :)
  21. I find it very difficult to move away from Apple products when everything I own is Apple, I really do like what is out there in the market for Android phones. But when you can come home, turn on TV and receiver, play music from my Ipad or Iphone, (with over 700 song list) throughout the house ( ceiling speakers throughout ) How can you change... can you move your music purchases from your Apple products to a Android, such as the new galaxy 4-5...I'm asking...anyone know. Thanks
  22. I'm a gent in his mid fifties, and always with impeccable hygiene always, I was raised that way. SO please do not ever say " I'm sure every man does" because that sir, I find that very disturbing,don't lump myself into a comment like that. You can say whatever you like about yourself, but refrain lumping "every man". Your last comments as well, were way over the top. BTW if you participate in this lifestyle always go and get yourself checked at a clinic. I do that every 3 months, never had an issue, ever.
  23. PistolPete


    One very sweet,and sexy body! :)
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