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Posts posted by Kubrickfan

  1. Boy, that's hardly time to even get your pants on and off (smile). Maybe when I was a teenager that would work...


    I suspect the reason most would not want to offer this service is that you probably tend to attract the wrong element. Ths sounds a lot like street activity to me. Also, there's a certain amount of time a lady needs to put in to getting ready and cleaning up each time, and that seems to go up exponentially with 15 minute appointments.


    Maybe if its a lady you know well from prior visits and you're in the neighborhood?

  2. Just a slightly different view ... these ladies can very easily drop off the scene for many weeks of months and then come back. Unless you sense something unusual in her communications or behavior right before she stopped responding, there's an extremely strong liklihood that the lady in questions just needs space right now. This can be a bit of a shock is you are used to regular communication and suddenly that stops.


    Guy to guy, one thing to ask yourself just to make sure: are you asking because of a legitimate concern about her safety, or are you asking out of a sense of control or entitlement to a response? Its an important "reality check" question to regularly think about when you are engaged in hobbying.


    As to what to do, probably the best thing to do is to contact other members you believe to be her friends (respectfully, as suggested here) or post a "has anyone seen" message in the related area-specific portion of cerb.

  3. Its nice to have a list of ladies as I cant always easily plan ahead for my trip to Ottawa. One thing I have done before is to see who is "ON" cerb and send a PM as its not always easy to call ahead because of my situation.


    There is the list of daily announcements ... I hope the ladies are taking advantage of this as its the easiest way to determine who is available on relatively short notice.

  4. Getting a late start here, but:


    1. Have your own computer and use private browsing. Always clear cookies.


    2. Try to plan cash withdrawals to they are not big (better yet, just save some of your own cash on the side.


    3. Agreed as to using your own gmail (or similar internet based) address ... that you keep entirely personal and confidential.


    4. Get a pay as you go phone and figure out a way to pay for it without putting changes on your mutual credit card.

  5. To me, there's nothing sexier than a southern drawl.


    Being born and growing up early in my life in New Orleans, I had a pretty thick southern accent. When we moved to Chicago when I was 7, that wasn't helpful and I got hassled quite a bit ... I had to "unlearn" that quickly and get on the boring midwest accent bus.


    For me, its Russian and British, but especially Russian when it is spoken by a fellow female employee in my office who also happens to be a very pretty (and very married) ... boy, that's sexy! Has kind of a secret agent sound to it.

  6. I tend to agree with a lot of points raised in the movie ( I haven't seen it but I have seen numerous summaries). But here's the thing ... Any time the government subsidizes bad economic behavior ... be it a wall street bailout or a mortgage or other subsidy to someone who couldn't get it in the open market, you are going to get more of that bad behavior and a re-occurrence of the problem. and i dont agree things are rigged ... Exactly what is rigged? The only systems that are potentially rigged are the systems sponsored by governments where political power can be used to influence the result.


    And back to Occupy ...., I mean no disrespect, but to me it's just a bunch of whiners who can't even enunciate what they want, what they want "fixed," and why what they want will "fix" the "problem.". I agree with April ... Go occupy a job! (smile)

    • Like 1

  7. I think the whole occupy movement is completely goofy. No coherent message and no clue about economics.


    As long as its not gained by criminal activity, I have no issue whatsoever with people trying to make as much money as they can. Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's brought incredible weath and opportunity to most of the world, not to mention that it is a whole heckuva lot better than any of the alternatives.

    • Like 1

  8. When dealing with others, I think you're bang on!


    It's probably just me, but unless I'm really off in left field I would like my friends to stick up for me against others, but to me I want them to be true.


    I want to have the rose colour glasses ripped off my head, be called out on my BS, and made to realize it when I'm wrong, otherwise how would I ever know I was wrong, learn and grow.


    Absolutely. Being his friend requires you to tell him the truth when you think he's wrong, but that does't mean not standing up for him vis-a-vis other people.

  9. Yep. Select Apple Lossless Encoder when importing with iTunes. FLAC is another popular lossless format used by other ripper apps.


    But I defy anyone to hear the difference between lossless and mp3/aac/wav formats when listening directly on their iPod or through a Bose Wave or Tivoli. You'll need a higher end system for sure.


    Agreed. That's my point .... if drlove is going for a "compact" paradigm, using an iPod or streaming through iTunes or other application may be a good idea.

  10. As others have said, acting respectful, polite and interested, along with being clean and well dressed will address every concern.


    If you have a third eye in the middle of your head, or extra appendanges, or missing appendanges, or it you are extremely overweight ... well, you may want to mention something to the lady in advance to avoid any surprises.

    • Like 1

  11. There will now be a short pause for a thread hijack while we disparage the lossiness of the mp3 encoding :)


    Dont get me wrong, I keep my CDs, and I still have a small tube amp and my Stax headphones, but I gave my brother my good hifi system. I think you can set iTunes to encode at a higher rate, cant you? It will take up more space on your computer and iPod, but memory is cheap.


    My point is that for this sort of an application, an iPod with normal encoding would probably work fine and be more convenient. Or just go with the Bose or Tivoli to keep it simple... whatever turns your crank.

  12. This is one of the most interesting questions I have seen in quite a while on cerb. Its like an onion when you peel it back, there are more and more issues to consider.


    My answer is yes, but it would have to be for love and mutual interests, not sex per se. I have no idea how I would handle the issue of my partner continuing to have physical relationships with others, but if we are in love, I'd suspect we would find a way.

  13. This is a decision you have got to make for yourself. If you like the sound of the Bose, buy it. You are probably not going to be doing any critical listening in your bedroom anyways where projecting a soundstage is important or anything like that. Just enjoy the music.


    A more modern solution would probably include an ipod interface or an Apple airport or other wifi device to plug into your system to play music. That way, you could include your entire collection and not changes CDs once.

  14. It is comforting to know that there is at least one genuine conservative in Canada! (smile)


    Additional Comments:

    Also, one of my favorite Churchill Quotes:


    "Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

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