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Posts posted by Kubrickfan

  1. You're on the right track Hard!


    To Oscar, Hard, and Melly:


    Welcome to CERB. Have some fun on the forums, there's pretty much something for everybody! Don't see a topic that piques your interest? Start your own thread!





    Welcome to cerb Oscar, hard and Melly ... to have fun, you have to jump in the pool and post! It can take a short time for your posts to appear at first, but that ends pretty quickly once the Mod is comfortable that you're not a spammer, etc..


    Also, there is a "New to this" section ... be sure to check that out as well.

  2. My biggy...lose weight. ... I'm going to take my coffee black instead of with cream as I do now

    Exercise, well walking, starting small, 1/2 mile, then up it to 1 mile, then 2 miles.



    RG --


    I'm by no means an expert, but that's exactly how you do it ... not to exxagerate, but even if its to the first corner of the block and back ... then a little more in a day or two, etc., etc.. A lot of people stop exercising because its uncomfortable ... put on your iPod and make it more enjoyable. That's how I do it. Even walking around more at work and not plopping back into a seat at the first opportunity.


    Alternately, you can exercise by lifting up some of our wonderful spinner ladies here!

  3. emb -- I agree fully with your post ... great job! I had similar thoughts as well but you did a great job organizing things.


    Just one possible additional point: The ladies/agencies add, among many other things, the advertising revenue to help support this site, as you stated, and who knows if the site would be nearly as full featured if it wasn't for that. I would only add, to either your point 3 or 5, that the clients/hoobyists provide the recommendations that are one of the cornerstones of this site. By no means the only cornerstone as this has evolved into a really interesting online community of sorts, but guys are contributing that voluntarily.


    By the way, Amen as well on the civility. We can have dust-ups ... actually those can be kind of fun ... as long as everyone remains civil.

  4. As Cato has correctly pointed out, it could be of interest to other members of this board from a general interest standpoint, and there is no other portion of the public boards that is available for this sort of thing. I think it needs to be searchable to be valuable, and there aren't a lot of these threads as Cato pointed out. WIT pointed out that there once was a portion of the board for this sort of thing, and maybe the Mod will decide we dont want to set that up (maybe it is too much of a hassle), and thats fine I guess, but I suspect Cato and the other guys will just post those sort of recommendations somewhere else off cerb.


    I guess can understand the concern about the location of the recommendation, but I dont think I'd ever live to see the day when the guys this forum are criticizing another member for posting an otherwise "legal" recommendation on cerb, or any other recommendation/review forum.

  5. Given the fact that people haven't been doing much talking about anything around here lately I think it's more relevant than posting videos of cats from youtube and our favorite songs or the latest viral videos.



    ROFL x 1000!


    CK is wise and funny at the same time!!


    To Charlotte's and Berlin's point, if it becomes a trend, maybe the Mod. will accomodate us with and international review section or something like that (or at least a category devoted to that that can be searched).

  6. Isabella --


    Really sorry to hear this happened. I am not approving of his behaviour (nor apparently did he since he called to apologize), and if that happened to me, I would likely offer the full contribution. I cant imagine ever physically pushing anyone ... that's really bad. And I agree with your advice to this guy ... geez, this is suppossed to be fun, and if he's that nervous, maybe he needs to re-consider his hobbying activities.


    Lets assume for the moment that this guy sincerely was expecting something else, and that it happened within the first few minutes of the visit before any "activity" started. Its a bit different as this was an incall, but there are a lot of postings about outcalls where ladies show up and are rejected, for whatever reason, and the guys offer a portion of the fee for the ladies efforts. That seems to be somewhat diplomatic if not perfectly acceptable to either party. Just something to maybe think about that in a situation like that.


    Issy, I think its something that you can also directly address on your website, one way or the other, and I know that some of the ladies here have done that ... just cant think of any off the top of my head.

  7. I'm really glad to see people chiming in here and hopefully hb will chime in here soon to see if we are heading in the right direction vis-a-vis his question. I think Emily and blueeyes56 represent the two points of view, but I respecfully assert that they are both right ... from their point of view. And, after thinking about this issue a lot today, I think that's the only way to consider the issue.


    From Emily's point of view (and probably that of many of the SPs that have posted on this topic), she is going to be wary of a guy trying to taking advantage of her. From blueeyes point of view (and mine), these encounters serve as a physical release but even more so as an emotional release, so we are looking to do whatever we can to increase the possibilty of making a connection.


    And so I want to update my response to hb -- there are many things you can do to mess up your chances for creating "chemistry," but its highly unlikely to have that until you establish a rapport by having multiple meetings with a lady and getting to know her. And then its not about extras or YMMV or anything like that (I dont think hb ever asked that anyways), its simply about getting to know someone on an intimate level ... those are going to be the best encounters if you give them the time to develop.

    • Like 1

  8. Agreed completely! I still have my sense of humor too, but now we've got a guy here (hbonthedl) who, as best I can tell, did nothing more than ask a question in an enthusiastic, fun way, and now apparently someone reported him for God only knows what and now he has his posting privileges under review. I will obviously defer to the Mod on all things, but I went back and looked at hb's prior posts and they seem ... well ... very normal and he seems to be trying to contribute where he can. All we are doing is scaring away posters who are trying to contribute.


    I always want to be sensitive to the ladies concerns here, but ... unless there is more to this than meets the eye ... someone owes this guy an apology.

  9. I think this is a GREAT topic and I see nothing about it whatsoever that should give anyone the creeps or anything else. The OP is asking a very timeless question that a lot of clients have: what are some of the factors that help to have a really noteworthy experience. Its certainly a question I ask myself all the time, not that I'm expecting anything special from the lady ... nor did the OP if you read his post carefully. On a larger scale, its a question about what what makes ladies "tick" ... a subject that has been on guys minds since the beginning of time (and will probably remain unresolved until the end of time ... smile).


    hbonthedl, I'm definitely not a female, but my advice to you is that you simply have good communications ahead of time, you show up clean, well-dressed and very, very polite and otherwise do everything you can to help that lady feel comfortable with you. That's going to be hard to do on a first visit, and I'm a big believer in seeing ladies more than once. If its an outcall, have a selection of drinks, from water to stronger stuff, available (ask her ahead of time what she likes), maybe some background music and turn the TV off. Nothing goofy. Try to find some things in common that you share with the lady and that helps a lot as well. As human beings, we are most likely to be open and share, whether its thoughts or actions, with people we feel comfortable with.


    And I see you're pretty new with cerb and thanks for your posts and contributions to date.

  10. OMG,seriously, like cat said, go eat some gummy worms ,who's handle was discussed,NO ones names were or have been mentioned,would they have been well that would have been all up to all of you!!!!This is crazy to say that this is inappropriate that shame on me I should respect discreetion again,DO ANY OF YOU KNOW MY CLIENTS!!!!! and to roger doger if reading anothers opinion of a lady helps you decide if you will see her,then I suggest you ask them how to dress that day to!!!lol,lol. Again to those who are offened ,this went way over your heads,but thats ok, it got you all talking,know we can see who has a sense of humor and who needs to show case their I'll stand up for you side!!I will leave this as I have to go get a bigger ruler I have a client coming!!!


    Cristy --


    I get it and I would speculate most of the guys here get it too. Thanks for trying. Everybody should lighten up a lot.


    Personally I think Cato has the best package ... at least that's what I have heard (smile).

  11. I had a chance to re-acquaint myself with Miss Class/Courtney recently and she is as wonderful as ever. An extremely attractive, very, very bright young lady. I will be seeing her again the next time I am in town next month.


    I understand from speaking with her that she might be making a rare public appearance via cerb in the next couple days (I assume via Ottawa announcements). She usually limits her appointments to a very small, established group of clients, so this might be a very rare chance to meet up with a really wonderful lady.

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