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Everything posted by livenudecats

  1. Thanks all for your kind words. I still have no problem with performance. I can easily achieve an erection and have no problem with MSOG as long as there is a little break ('15 -20 minutes) between rounds. I am not married or in a relationship so I don't think it is guilt. I do not date as it has been a negative experience for me. I have a 12 year old daughter who I am the primary caretaker of. She is my best buddy and #1 priority. Most women my age either don't have kids because they never wanted one or their kids are grown and gone from home so they want the freedom of no kids. A few times I've dated, it started out fine but at some point the lady became jealous or demanding of my time, at the expense of my daughter and I cut it off. I do take very good care of myself. I eat right, get my rest and work out regularly. Not to brag but most people don't believe I'm 50. It is interesting what Renegade said as I have been through a CRA audit last year and that was very stressful at times but that was over a 5 months ago. I won and am actually getting more back than I expected so that certainly should'nt be causing me any more stress. Anyway thanks for all your concern. :)
  2. I don't know why but it seems like in the past 6 months to a year I seem to be losing my desire to poon. I used to get very excited about my sessions and really looked forward to them. Now, even if I haven't had sex for a while I just don't seem to have the same level of excitement and I must admit, I've even cancelled sessions because the day of, I don't feel like it. As well, I used to, especially after seeing one of my ATF's, have this feeling of euphoria that would last for days. Now it seems I almost have a guilty feeling or feel empty after a session. Is it my libido? I can still perform well when I'm with a woman. No E.D. or performance problems. If I see a sexy lady I will still have sexy thoughts. It's more this empty, unfulfilled feeling after and at times despite the fact I am VERY financially secure, I'll even have regrets about the money I feel I just wasted. I did turn 50 this past year so maybe it's something metabolic. I do have my annual physical next week and I will mention it to my doc. Anyone else ever go through this?
  3. She just needs to get those "new" pics she's been promising us for over a year posted. ;)
  4. Last I saw, Oshean doesn't quite fit his criteria ("Luv them tiny boobs"), unless she had her implants removed. Besides I think she's out of the biz.
  5. Can't help you with a personal recommendation because I'm a big boob guy but you might want to check out Spinderella or Ms. Ashley. Do a search and I'm sure you'll find some info on all 3. Have fun. ;)
  6. A long and illustrious carreer which left many satisfied men in her wake. She"ll definitely get into the Hall of Fame on the first ballot. :)
  7. I haven't been to an MP in years but when I started in this hobby it was essentially a question of who is available right now. In my case my schedule has always been hectic and often unpredictable. Many times it was a matter of suddenly having a couple of hours to kill in the middle of the day and alot of Indies are just not available on short notice. Alot of guys won't even try because (and I've had this happen to me as well) in the past when they've called ladies for a "short notice" appt. they've gotten a lecture about how we can't expect them to be sitting around waiting for our call. Some guys will also say it's hard to schedule a few days ahead because they can't predict their "horniness". I've personally had a couple of occasions when I've been scheduled to see a lady a few days down the road. Then, WHAM!, the day of the appt. something happens to put me in a less than celebratory mood. The session has turns out to be very disappointing, no fault of the lady but because my mental state has hampered my performance. Now if your asking would we call you hoping you're available on short notice before we venture over to our favorite MP? If you are open to short notice appointments, Yes!
  8. LOL. If that was true, a dog we had when I was a kid was in great shape. ;)
  9. When I was a kid we would have to get up a 1/2 hour before we went to bed. ;)
  10. From my university days, 3 words...... Wiener Water Soup. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  11. When I was in university there were some pretty lean times, especially near the end of the year when the money had run out but looking back it was probably my childhood. One could say we were poor as kids but as kids I think you don't see yourself as poor because for the most part all of your friends/neighbors are in the same boat. This was before the days of 200 TV channels, reality shows, the internet, etc. so your frame of reference was your neighborhood and family. There were days when we had a small bit of cereal for breakfast with water because there was no milk. I'd go to the local Mom and Pop store and buy the old bread for 1/2 price. I didn't even own a pair of new jeans (always had hand-me-downs from family or neighbors) until I was 14. We all rode one bike. I shared a room with 2 brothers and a cousin who lived with us. My parents didn't own a car until I was 12 (a Ford stationwagon). Things that kids today would freak over but to us it ws the way it was. That's why when I see stories now about "poor" people I often don't feel sorry for them. Sure there are the single mom's some dirtbag left with 4 kids or a handicapped guy who can't get a break but today people think they're poor if they don't have a big screen TV or the newest IPhone. I take my daughter to voluteer at Wpg. Harvest once a month so she appreciates what she has. It makes me shake my head when someone comes in to pick up a hamper meanwhile they are wearing more expensive jeans than I am or talking on their cell phone (both things that they could give up if it mean't feeding their kids). I'll get people come into my business and whine they have no money to pay for services but they are covered with $5000.00 worth of piercings and tattoo's. Anyway I'm getting off topic.
  12. Hey Jughead, You better hide that picture of you and Betty. If Big Ethel sees it, you're toast. ;)
  13. As long as one isn't stupid or greedy it's unlikely to get caught. My annual expenses run just over $500K and employee wages/benefits/contracting fees are about $160K so I figure another $3-4 K or so wouldn't get noticed.
  14. I've been thinking about something for a while now and was wondering if any of you have ever tried this? I've always thought "Wouldn't it be nice if I could somehow 'write off' some of my pooning as a business expense." Have any of you ever approached a reliable, honest regular about setting up an arrangement where you pay her out of your business and claim it is for bookeeping, cleaning, administrative work, etc? Yes she would have to claim the income but I would compensate her above her normal rate for what ever tax liability would go along with this. I wouldn't put her on the payroll but rather pay her as a subcontractor. She wouldn't have to pay or collect GST as it would be less than $30,000.00 annually. I know there would be several pitfalls involved in such a scheme and that's why it wouldn't work in 99.99% of situations but this is a very rare case of a regular of mine who I have gotten to know well and I would trust her that it would work in this instance. Anyone ever done this?
  15. I personally object to the day on the basis that the government shoves these holidays upon us and then expects small business to pick up the tab by having to pay all of our employees to stay home. If the government wants to proclaim Louis Riel Day or Family Day or whatever other holiday they choose, then they should foot the bill and compensate the small businesses across the province for the 100's of thousands of dollars we end up paying out because some MLA (who likely has never had a real job) decided everybody needed another day off.
  16. "And now for something completely different."
  17. You won't be sorry. Stay horney my friends. ;)
  18. If anyone has seen Miss Ashley I would appreciate a PM. I have a few questions. Thank you
  19. I'm 50 but have alwasy seen myself as early 30's. While I've NEVER been one to put much stock in the number attached to one's age (except when I turned 18 and could get rid of my fake ID) I've alwasy had a theory about this. We at some point in our adult life we reach an age which we feel suits us best and we forever see ourselves as that age. For some it is 24 and for some it is 44. That's why we all know people who act either alot younger or older than they are. Ever wonder why it is some of the people you know seem to stay youthful (health, appearance, fashion, lifestyle) while others morph into their parents?
  20. Holy crap! How did you know that? Did I leave my web cam on again?
  21. If you are talking about the lady who is Kaylee's friend, she moved to Vancouver.
  22. Soleil was your first SP? Too bad dude. Now she's ruined you. That's like going to the best steak restaurant in the country for your first meal. As hard as you try you will NEVER find another woman who embodies everything a man could want from an SP or any woman. Brains/Beauty/Sexual Energy and a genuinely nice lady.
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