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Everything posted by heatwave2000

  1. Totally random, and only slightly related, but this thread, especially its title reminded me of this:
  2. I suspect it may just be a fantasy for many guys. There is a strong car culture in North America going back to the 50's. A lot of young men were first liberated by having a car allowing them to escape with their parents, maybe to meet with their girlfriends. I'll bet a lot of people had their first sexual experience in a car with their girlfriends, or at least "made out" with them there. So, many guys want to relive that I suppose.
  3. She was at Barbs on Saturday night. She gave a guy having his bachelor party who laid down on the stage quite a funny show/dance.
  4. I was about to mention her, but you beat me to it. I haven't seen her in about 10 years, I often wondered what happened to her. About 10 years ago I had a friend who worked in a store on Bank St. and she'd always walk by. My friend told me that one year one of her co-workers dressed up as her for Halloween. :)
  5. I once tried to have sex with a girlfriend in the change rooms at The Bay at Rideau. I tried to sneak in but this old lady that worked there stopped me from going in.
  6. About 10 years ago I saw a clip with this girl, another girl and those Shane and Seymour guys shot in a room at the Chateau Laurier. In the clip they're filming themselves driving from the airport and when they pass the Peace Tower one of them makes some comment like "I bet there's some hot pussy in there" and then the other one says something like "Yeah, some really old Grandma pussy". :roll: Sometimes when I look at the Peace Tower I remember that and how stupid it was. Then they meet her in front of Bare Fax and head over to the Chateau Laurier.
  7. When I was a teenager my brother, who is a few years older than me, told me that every time he went to the local strip club near where we grew up he ran in to girls he went to high school with who were dancing. So, the first time I went to that SC was shortly after I was of age, which was less than a year after I graduated from high school. I went with a buddy of mine and a mutual girl friend of ours. My buddy went to a different high school than I did in the same area. As were were going in I told him about what my brother told me. After sitting down for about 10 minutes, sure enough my buddy sees a girl he went to high school with who was dancing. As she was walking by my buddy calls out her name. The girl looked really surprised and some awkward chit chat ensued. Within half an hour I saw two girls I went to high school with who were dancing. I wasn't really friends with them, so it wasn't terribly awkward. So, my brother was right. It's not like this was a really small town. There were about 40,000 people in that area. When I was in high school I had some naive sense that everyone was in the same boat, so I guess it was somewhat of a shock to see how much people's paths diverged in the short time since we graduated.
  8. I will second Charlotte's recommendations. I visit Montreal frequently and used to live there and as a vegetarian I often end up eating at Le Commensal when I'm downtown. Aux Vivres has great food and a more "homey" atmosphere, whereas Le Commensal has a cafeteria vibe.
  9. When I moved to Montreal for a couple of years I went on Lavalife, mostly just to meet people to hang out with and maybe more if something "sparked". I met up with a few girls. They were all really nice, cool and attractive. But after a few dates we mutually agreed that it would not go anywhere. Concerning Adult Friend Finder: I once met a stripper (in a regular bar, not a strip club) who told me her and her boyfriend frequently met up with men and women on that site for 3-ways. I was surprised by this because I always assumed that site was total BS considering how many sleazy ads they have all over net. After that conversation it occurred to me that I should have asked her about getting in on one of those 3-ways!:pimp: But, it was a random 10 minute conversation in a crammed bar, so I didn't get the chance.
  10. OMG, don't get me started on this topic. I have too many stories to contribute about things students have said and written on assignments. Although I have lots of funnier stories, there is one that always sticks in my mind as indicative of today's youth. At the end of the first day of Political Science seminar I taught, a student came up to me and asked "So, it seems like this course covers a lot of stuff from before 1980, is that true"? Umm, yes, because a lot of important political "stuff" happened before 1980", I replied. He then said he was going to immediately drop the course because he found anything from the past boring. Right then and there I became convinced that humanity is doomed.
  11. Suri, that's a really hot fantasy, no doubt. However, you might want to think twice about making it a reality. Not only could you damage the Profs career if he went for it, but you could damage your own academic career. I worked with a Professor who was forced to take an unpaid leave of absence for just dating a student (apparently there was never sex, but who knows). The student was also put on probation. When I was teaching some university courses on a couple of occasions I had students come to my office and heavily flirt with me in an effort to get a better mark on their assignments (although in once case the student already had a really good mark, so I was never sure what her deal was). My immediate reaction when this happened was fear. I knew even the slightest suggestion that I was "interested" could be used against me and seriously put my job on the line. In both cases they were standing over me, beside me making little cute comments. I asked them to sit across the desk from me, I talked about their assignments briefly and then got them out the door ASAP. I've never been certain if these girls would have actually followed through with anything, or if it was just a cute ploy, but I was never dumb enough to find out. Of course, if your desires don't fade away, you could wait until after you are no longer his student to even suggest anything, but even then you'd have to be careful. :wink:
  12. Massive Attack "Angel": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaef2NgwqHY The build up of this song matches the build up of sex (except I usually like sex to last longer than 5 mins. 25 secs!). Almost any Massive Attack song is great to fuck to!
  13. [OK after reading the post below I realized how long it had become...apparently I was in a sharing mood. I seriously have never told a single soul this story before, so everyone in CERBland should feel special I guess...lol] I was fortunate enough a few years ago to have a really cute skinny dancer in Montreal at L'Axe on St. Denis offer to come home with me during a private dance. I could tell she was really in to me in a sincere way, not in a "I want to keep you here and make more money from you" way. So sensing an opportunity, I made some comment about how I wasn't doing anything for the rest of the evening and the SHE said we should meet after her shift (the implication being that it was for sex). So, we exchanged numbers and left the club. After waiting up until after 3 AM for her to call I figured it was not going to happen so I went to bed. Sure enough after 4 AM my phone rang and it was her: "Can I still come over"? "Why, yes you can!", I replied. (Better than any 4AM call Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama ever got! :lol: ) I wiped the sleep from my eyes, jumped in the shower and she arrived (it's about 4:30AM at this point). The thing I found really endearing is that she went through the effort of putting on nice jeans and a top and did her hair up nicely and put on make up. At the club she just had straight hair and no make up. It was kind of cute that she dropped her stripper look and was actually trying to look pretty for me (she was really pretty, although a little too skinny for my liking). Anyway after chatting we had a nice little romp. She was great and suggested making use of the mirrors beside the bed, which I love (how did she know?). Afterwards we were chatting and she told me she had broken up with her boyfriend 2 months before after being with him for several years. This was the first time she had sex since the break up so she had a lot of penned up energy she said (and it showed when we were doing it!). She told me this experience helped with her healing process. "Happy to help you out", I replied. 8-) At this point I was still thinking that perhaps she was expecting money although we had never talked about it. When she said she had to take a cab home (it's about 5:30 AM at this point) I gave her 20 bucks for the fare and she was on her way. Never saw or heard from her again. I went back to L'Axe once after that but she wasn't there. Although I've had my share of one night stands in my life, there was something really hot about that experience and that girl that makes me pull that memory out of the ol' Jerk Bank quite often! :handjob: I have not taken a stripper home since and have not seriously considered it, so I don't have any tips for doing this. I guess it's a "right time, right place" type of deal.
  14. It's no different than picking up a girl in a club. When she walks by, smile and nod at her and she'll probably come over. As was mentioned, looking nice and like you have money probably helps. I usually just walk up to a girl I think is hot and ask for a dance. I'm really not looking for friends and conversation in a strip club. (That's just me) Posted via Mobile Device
  15. Saying "I'm waiting for someone else" is kind of a bruise to their ego. These girls are often really competitive with each other. They may interpret it as "I'm waiting for that girl that's hotter than you". If I'm really not interested, before they even sit down I'll say "Thanks, but I'm enjoying my drink with my friends or by myself" whatever the case may be. If I do chat with them for a bit and then turn them down I say "You're very beautiful and I'd love to have a dance with you, but I think I'll just hang out and enjoy the show". The key is just not to make it seem personal. Although these girls are getting paid for this, they still have an ego.
  16. Wow, looks like I missed some interesting discussion today. I think that anyone who thinks they are entitled to have an opinion about what an SP does, especially outside of the "paid time", has some control issues. Of course anyone is entitled to not see an SP again for any reason, but for the reasons others have cited, participating in a poly event is a pretty dubious reason.
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