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Miss Scarlett

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Everything posted by Miss Scarlett

  1. I agree with what Emma said, the back is usually the most comfy for the guy, and usually with his knees bent! When you enter his anus towards the front you should feel a squishy spot, kinda sticking out (like Emma said, it feels like our G-spot). Just rub it soft and light as to not hurt them. If they are new to the PM thing, then make sure you use lots of lube and go REALLY slow! Wikipedia has lots of info about where the prostate is located! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostate_massage
  2. I love a "MAN", with or without the fur, the only area you may wanna trim is the private zone so she doesn't get a mouthful! haha
  3. HERE HERE!!! This is AWSOME, I wish EVERYONE was like this!!! Good for you ATH!!!
  4. As I have stated in the other thread all of my regulars take a piece of my heart, but I have never crossed that line into "love" I care very much for them, some of them more then others. But I would not say I have ever fallen in "love" with them! Now I am not saying it is impossible, nor am I saying it will never happen to me, just know it has not happened yet!
  5. Happy not the mama's DAY!!! haha, j/k Happy Daddy's day!!!
  6. I was not aware of the ignore button! This will help me with my issues in chat!
  7. Erin I listened to it last night after you gave me the link, I think you did an awsome job, and hope you keep up the good work!
  8. I work really hard on my photo's, and I like them just the way they are! I make sure I have new ones every month!
  9. And this is why I carry hand sanatizer in my purse!
  10. This brought me to tears, thank you for sharing this with us redstorm, you truely have a pure heart! I hope you live life to it's fullest and make sure every minute counts! Life is too short and we have to enjoy what we have been blessed with! Cherry
  11. I think a 5 minute timer is perfect, now if people want to chat they can, or if you are just checking to see if someone is there, it should not take more then 5 minutes! Also that is what shout is for. To let other people know you are going into chat! Wait a few minutes, no one comes then you can leave!!! Awsome IDEA!!! Good Job MOD! Cherry
  12. I agree fully that most of the guys in chat are GREAT guys! But the few who bug the girls tend to turn them off of coming in. For me it is I like to chat like you and get feed back from the guys, and get to know them. That way if someone does happen to be in my neck of the woods I already know them. And it is more like old friends meeting!
  13. Thank you to Antlerman! This has been an ongoing issue, and I do realize that we can not stop everyone, but if this thread will help guys understand what is acceptable chat behaviour then I am ALL FOR IT!! Keep up the good work my friend!!! Cherry
  14. I have not had any famous guys yet! I am from a small city so there aren't many around here! Hopefully soon I will get to meet one!!! And if it were Johnny Depp I would faint! HAHA Cheers! Cherry
  15. As Antler said mod created a poll and thread about the change, as well as options to let the site display normally! For those of us on wide screens it fits better!
  16. Can I change my vote???? I just had one of my regulars cancel another appointment, this time he did not bother to notify me until the next day, and did not have a good reason for the cancellation! If they have no intension on coming they should NOT book!
  17. I don't go in as much anymore, cause for me I like to CHAT, not go on cam and show my boobs, or anything else! I am not in OTTAWA, so for me it was more about making friends in the same line of work as myself, and chatting about the different experiences, and lifestyles! It got to the point, everytime I went into chat ALL I got was "Are you in Ottawa???" "turn on your cam" " when are you coming to Ottawa??" And the best one EVER " I'm going to spank you and beat you until you BEG me to stop" . This job is stressful enough, for me, and my time here was ment to have a break from all the NUT cases, and as chat progessed it got WORSE! So now I have my friends I chat with on messenger, and only do threads! IMHO Thanks for listening to my rant! Cherry Kiss
  18. Thank you! You took the words right out of my mouth!
  19. We are your family here and we are here for you if you need anything, even if it is just someone to listen.
  20. HAHA, I know, but I can't decide if I like the maid or naughty nurse better!
  21. Every girl is unique and can not be replaced, you will have those feelings for the rest of your life. But, we can look @ the brighter side which is the happyness that it brings you to remember your time spent with her! I know every guy I have been with has changed my life in some way! And I will hold a piece of them in my heart forever, but as in life all good things must come to an end at some point. I currently have one of my longest clients who has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and I am helping him live what time he has left to the fullest, and I do not regret a moment of time I have spent with him. Even when he gets too sick to see me, I will still remain friends with him. We have an everlasting bond that could never be broken even in death!
  22. AGREED THANK YOU MOD, for giving us a FUN and SAFE place to enjoy ourselves, and learn new things!!! I for one REALLY enjoy reading all the different opinions, and learning new and interesting things everyday on this site!!! Keep up the AWSOME work!!! We really appreciate it!!!
  23. Thank you very much there are many more just waiting for approval from "MOD", hope you enjoy all my NEW pix!!!
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