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Miss Scarlett

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Everything posted by Miss Scarlett

  1. I'd have to agree with Cat on this one, as tempting as it sounds, there is such a thing as too good to be TRUE! In my personal experience is if it sounds too good to be true more often then not it is. There is always a BUT! No pun intended! :butt:
  2. I picked cherries cause I love everything about cherries, and they are RED! . The kiss is because I LOVE to kiss! :)
  3. I agree every woman is different, and some do like their clits sucked and some don't! But I know I speak for many when I say some guys suck on it WAY to hard. I think that was the original meaning of this thread, is that some guys take it tooo far. Amelia I am really sorry what happened and I have been there too. I hope you kicked him out on his ASS! I know I would have! All the best to you, you have many friends here! :smile:
  4. I agree the "customer is always right", but I do not think it is a good idea to have money laying around during an appointment. So as someone already said, give the client options. I will let them run down the street to the store. But I will not give them change. I will not pull out money or go into details about money! All my information is on my site clearly stated for all to see. Who he gives his money to is his right to decide. But who I show my money to, is my right to decide!
  5. Lucy is and always will be my IDOL! That and the original Annie!
  6. Everything in life has limits, and I am sure if they are duo partners, they would have no problem doing a duo with you. But you do need to be careful on what you discuss and how much you discuss it. As much as you guys like your privacy, so do we.
  7. Here is to MOD our oldest standing member. Also to all the other members who continue to make our lives on this board happy and insightful! May we learn from each other and continue to make each others lives a bit more bearable. I know when I am having a bad day I come here and read all the threads, and you guys always know how to make me laugh with your wits and your charm. Here is to all of our eldest most elite members! Hip Hip Horray! :bddog:
  8. I was out in the woods and did not feel it. But everyone in town was going NUTS about it. I am between Ottawa and TO.
  9. And he didn't notice??? I have only found the basics: watch, cell, change, etc... But, I have noticed my undies disappearing. :butt:
  10. Sorry I missed the party, but it looked like a blast. haha! :bddog: Hope you enjoy your ?0's and have a wonderful year.
  11. I see both sides of this debate. But I would have to agree with the fact that most of the hobbiests do their research based on the reco's for a lady. But when they see a lady they do no see the need to post a reco! This is just my opinion, but the newbies take the reco's from the long time members and do not post any new ones, how are the newer newbies supposed to know what that lady is like, if the only review for her is a year old? I am not say it is manditory for someone to write a reco, heck where I am there is not many on here I have seen. But I love being on this site because even though we are not close in location we all have a common goal. I think it would be bennificial for newer members to leave reco's for the ladies they see and like, because it is not only a reco for the lady, it is also a reco for himself. A lot of the lady's will look at you previous reco's for a reference for you. Just my 2 cents! Feel free to disagree, but this is how I feel about reco's.
  12. I love Lucy! Pogoballs! Popples strawberry shortcake (the original one) Rainbow brite beach boys cassette That's just off the top of my head!
  13. It's all natural, and will clear up dry scalp, and make your hair soft!
  14. It is, I wish they would make 1/2 cup sizes that would be AWSOME too. Like a B and a 1/2. haha Then I would not have over flowing issues or swimming issues.
  15. Actually it was a 32D, and if I put on any bra over a 34" rib cage I fall out! I have tiny ribs. I have settled between a 32B-32C depending on make.
  16. LOL, thanks I'll have to add that to my site! bra size: A generous handsize
  17. I followed the directions as stated earlier! I have a 32" ribs with 36" around the bust! Now according to the charts I would be a 32"D. But if I put on a D cup bra, I swim in it! I over fill a B cup, and just barely fit into a C. Please advise what size am I????? Thanks,
  18. Annessa, I think this is a wonderful thread. I am pretty much alone in my little city, but am very bi-sexual. If anyone is touring around my area and wanted to hook up, I would be more then happy to accommodate.
  19. I like clits of all different shapes and sizes. What makes a clit a good thing is how responsive it is, and if the girl likes it being stimulated. As for Spikes comment I think he was just saying that the original question should have been phrashed differently, that "some" may take offense to the way it was put out there. Even though this board is open to everyone, as well as thier opinions we must also consider same as in life that people do have feelings and react differently to different things. I think Spike is a great contributor to this site and to loose him would be an awful thing! Keep up the good work Spike!
  20. The one the pizza guy carries is a wireless debit and credit machine, supplied by the bank which uses a cell phone sim card. the machine gets a signal like a cell phone so it only works where cell phones work.
  21. I just started last year, and this has been a BLAST! Had a great year, and here is to many more!
  22. HAHA, I have not seen that in years!!!! Sorry, carry on!
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