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Everything posted by Apex2006

  1. This is where I tell you to BITE ME! With lots of love of course!
  2. If this story is true, this is the most ridicules thing I have ever heard of!
  3. This pole shows a minority gov so far! Wow, we are going to spend $375,000,000 to have the exact same out come. Here is what I have to say to all politicians! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  4. I have recently seen a lady for a service, and after the service she had asked me to post a review here for her. It is not the first time. It shows poor class and puts me in an uncomfortable position. Although the service was fantastic, I will not give this person a review now. I will never try to negotiate your rates, so please don't ask me to post a review. I will never see that person again!
  5. It is too late to be yesterday, but way too soon to be tomorrow. Shit I have a deadline today..... or tomorrow......What day is it......My head hurts!:icon_cry:
  6. I have been through that also, but you should see it as a form of flattery. If anyone ask you if what he is saying is true, then why did he employ you for 18 years. Sound to me that this former boss is threatened by you as he knows that you are capable of doing what he was doing and probably better. In my experience, the person doing the trash talking is usually not telling the truth. Remember, if you were that bad of an employee then why waste time on trashing you?
  7. I would feel really disappointed if a girl has posted a recommendation about me with a slightest bit of personal information. The system works right now, why change it? If you are having trouble seeing some of the girls, get more involved with the post and try and get peoples to know you on the site first! Some peoples have been on this site for years to build a reputation and it works. I now have no problems with the girls being comfortable to see me, but I have been here for a long time.
  8. Yes, the possibility that my e-mail and personal information going to some other person is not cool with me. One thing I can't stand is calling up a girl, and having a man answer the phone. It makes me feel like I am going to visit a puppy mill! I like to talk to the person I want to go see and not some guy who is setting up appointments so close together the girls can't even take a shower! That's just wrong. Personally, if I used an agency, I would only use one that is operated by women only. But I love my Indies!!!!!
  9. I think he means Crown Royal! With the amount of 40 Creek I put in my drink, it makes no diff for me!
  10. I agree MOD, but when it comes to DUO men are too dumbfound by the idea, that we could not come up with this thread! :dncdick:
  11. I am deeply offended by the title of this tread! For that reason I did not reed it! Do you not find it is a little cruel to step on your grand-children! hihi :icon_lol:
  12. "Procrastination is much like masturbation! In the end, you are only screwing yourself!" Unknown! One of my favs!
  13. A lack of organization on your part dose not consists of an emergency on my part! Unknown Men who sticks their dicks in jars of peanut butter and fucking nuts! Unknown I'm on the Charlei Sheen drug and it's a wild ride! (Duuuhhh!) Charlie Sheen
  14. I thought is was someone telling me I should TAG this persone! lol Just a joke!
  15. Just press the "ANY" key! :icon_razz:
  16. Hey MOD if you need any help, I can bring you my hammer! But that is only for fine tuning only! :razz:
  17. That's funny; I thought you banned a guy called GLITCH!!!! This is one of those stupid moments that I just had to share with you all!! :shock:
  18. Yes I watch the game and yes I cryed a little But these kids did an amazing job and they did play well! I just think that the OTHER guys had more energy in the third period. Other than the Olympics, this is the best hockey of the year!
  19. I chose not to take the vaccine as I think we all ingest or inhale enough chemicals every day! However, I do believe that the Flu vaccine is a vaccine to last year?s flu. It may not be the correct vaccine for the current year. (This is what I have been told, and if someone could confirm, please do) I have also been told that if we keep trying to engineer a vaccine, eventually we will have a superbug that we will not be able to defend ourselves against. I believe that the fighting off the flu naturally can help you immune system get stronger and be more efficient. (For younger healthy people) For those with compromised immune systems I totally agree with getting the vaccine. This year is the first year I ever got the flu and I think that is a good track record for a guy in his 30's. If I feel I am getting a little sick, I like to have alcohol in my system for 48 hrs!!!!! It's much more fun than getting pricked in the arm! lol I think the reason I got the flu this year, is because it is the first year I have not played any sports do to an injury! (I may be wrong)
  20. This is rather disturbing; I don't like the fact that these women are possibly force to be in this industry and do not want to do this. That to me should be considered human trafficking, if a person wants to be in the business and truly enjoys it, I don't see a problem with this. But forcing a woman to do it and making money from her discomfort, to me is worse than rape. But they may be coming here as it is a way to make money for themselves! :?:
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