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Everything posted by Apex2006

  1. It wasn't too long ago that I found out that my son had special needs, and since then I have learned that you find support in the strangest places. Many of the people that I used to hang out with and go out for dinner with are now a little distant! I had a group of friends that I used to do everything with. Now it seems that they just don't understand what is involved when you are raising a child with special needs. As I keep repeating to them that I can't go to a restaurant with my son as he cannot eat 90% of foods that are found in restaurants, they seem the be blaming me for not being around like I used to. Of those friends there is less than a handful that I can count on. As I attend different social events for work or different organizations, I am meeting more and more people that are in similar situations as me. The biggest thing that I came to realize is that almost none of these people are complaining on how hard it is to deal with children?s special needs but more how proud they are of there children?s successes. That is cool! My friends with what you would consider ?normal? kids do nothing but complain on how hard it is to raise them. Even when talking to family members I find that they don't understand or don't want to understand the needs that these children have. It just makes it hard to try and talk to them especially when they think that the reason for his behaviour is because you can?t hit your kids these days. I have been a member here for quite some time and I found out that I can always count on having someone to talk to or hearing something good that happened in someone?s life here on CERB. I have had some long chats with some people on this site about anything and everything. Like I have said in the past, it?s sometimes easer to talk to a stranger then a close friend or relative. From reading the joke to reading the General section, there is always something good or something worth reading. I read a thread on ?our kids little giants? made me feel good, and I read the ?what have you learned here?, and it made me think. I read the ?5 freaking riddles? it made me feel less intelligent. (Thanks for that one) It just goes to show you that you can find support, friendship in the most unusual places. Apex
  2. You have no idea how much you will enjoy the little rug rates untill you have of your own!!!!! I also enjoyed making him too!!!! Little humor helps me deal with things.
  3. You can never go wrong with a spa pakage from "Le Spa Nordic" in Chelsae. Chelsae is about 10mins past Gatineau and is garenteed to rmove the panties of you SO! I have never herd of a woman having a bad time at this location. It is a huge log home in the woods with lots of different pampering options for a restful and relaxing day. They have everything you can think of when it comes to body treatments except the happy ending, you bring your girl here and she will give you the happy ending at home multiple times. Guy, they even have a bar with what ever game is playing on the TV if you don't like the spa.
  4. Well I know I need much more sex! Is there any bad side to a threesome? Really!
  5. The Usual suspect! When Kevin Spacey walks out of the police building and everyone finally realized he was Kiyzer Soze! Kind of a punch the cops in the face ending and finally a movie where the bad guy gets away and you are cheering for him! Great movie! And like that, his gone!
  6. just say "Sorry I don't do that!" That is the same as saying NO
  7. "If you don't eat it you don't need it!" In the righ location! lol
  8. I find that sometimes it is just easer to talk to a complete stranger than someone you have known for years! I found out that I am not as flexible is I should be! :p
  9. Hi Sabrina, I hope you enjoy these days I can only wish to be able to have the talk you did, my boy is three now and he is growing every day! I am still waiting for the day that I can speak to my son, but he has Autism and is going to take some time. But I know the feeling of happiness when your child says something to you that just makes it all go away. For the first time last week my son called me DADY! I wish I had it on camera! Even though he is growing up so fast I can't wait to see what he will accomplish in the future! I love my son!:grin:
  10. Aren't computors fun! I recomend you keep an old lap top near by so that when you get realy upset you smash it with a hammer! That's why I have two cell phones! Try it, it's fun!
  11. I almost never plan my visits, I usually get horny and have to have it right then! My name is Apex and I have a problem!
  12. I am finding it hard to find the DUO teams. As I am into duo's more and more, I would like to know if there are any DUO's out there that could PM me there information?
  13. I don't think it would be a problem for most married men! They haven't had sex for a long tiome and need to make up for lost time. When I was married, I used to got at it like I was never going to have sex again. Now that I am a single father I still find it hard to find the time. So when I do get the time I go all night and I don't quit. IMHO Apex
  14. I wake up every morning with a good stiffy! If she was my wife I am sure it would have ended by now! Hey sometimes the morning wood is the biggest and hardest of the day! She should be thankfull and take advantage of it! Apex
  15. DONT EVER CALL ME AGAIN! followed by a scream everyone can here, "NO MEANS NO YOU SICK FREEK!" That would do it for me. Did I help? :grin: Apex
  16. I have been shaving the play land from the time I was 15 for my own reasons, now I need to shave to be comfortable!
  17. I save some numbers on my phone, but for the most part I delete then after our meeting! As for my phone issues, I like to find a place that has no phone service and set up my office there! Apex
  18. I?m confused, you are advertizing for men to have continues sex with a long term partner right? Dose that not put a damper on your revenue? Lol Would it not make more sense to encourage all to have sex with as many poeple as possilbe? Just got out of a long term relationship! I am now testing the waters!!! I guess I still haven't found what I am looking for!!!!! Apex
  19. Ashley Judd! Wow she is hot! http://thenastyboys.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/ashley_judd_9.jpg Apex
  20. Sorry to say that I live a boring life! People I work with do not take well to pranks! :sad:
  21. Hey MOD, I don't see a problem with the 48hr idea if it is possible. But I think you should leave it for next weeks work load and go have a few drinks as it is now the weekend! Go have a drink! Drinking yet an other reason why you should have a 48hr window to change any threads! Some time when I've been drinking I like to say things that are not true! Too bad you can't edit what you say! Apex
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