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Everything posted by coachg

  1. How true.....she is a drop dead gorgeous beauty!!!
  2. Welcome Dollymopp.....pleasure to make your aquaintance. You will have a lot of fun on this board....excellent people.
  3. Excellent site full of wonderful people...very intelligent, humorous and a lot of fun. Welcome and enjoy.
  4. Well Pistol if you are hanging with Dumpy and matching him stroke for stroke...smile for smile then I too.....:bowdown: bow to you. You give us mere mortals a goal to aspire to.
  5. When encountering a close call......Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and shit fights. Nothing else really matters.
  6. Dumpy.....you wonderous little dwarf...you are a legend on here for all the obvious reasons....I bow to you.:bowdown:
  7. Just a question for the antlerman.....how many trucks will it take to carry 2 months of kleenex for you? Might get a little costly from what I see!!!!....you funny bastard!
  8. Ariane..you hit the nail on the head with you interpertation of GFE and PSE. As for me I like the 100% GFE with a touch of PSE. That is the only way to go.
  9. Job well done gentlemen.....very delicious pics.....I am inspired to have another asian day in the very near future.
  10. Good reco bud....she is as advertised for sure. Glad you enjoyed her.
  11. Hey G-man..do you mind PM'ing me her info...might have to check her out.
  12. This is an excellent topic for discussion...thru my experiences I have found that most of the SP's I have made some sort of connection with, will usually let the time extend because we get lost in the moment and lose track of time. When this happens, I always leave a very generous tip as my way of saying thanks. The other ladies, and I have found it to be a low percentage, play by the clock which is definately within their rights, but which of the above ladies will I repeat with? It makes for a very easy decision the next time I am looking for a little companionship.
  13. I had the pleasure to be Mandalay's final lover before she drifted off into retirement and omg what a send off! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be Mandalay, because once again you raised the bar another notch for me. Thank you for touching all of us with your wisdom and your inner beauty....we are all better people for having known you. Good luck in your future....with you new family and with you future projects....you will definately suceed, because that is who you are. Have a wonderful life. Always your friend.
  14. I am a 2 SOG in 2 hours kind of guy, but if I only have an hour I can usually have 2 SOG depending how rested I am...sometimes it is only 1. About a year ago I managed to have 3 SOG in a two hour session, but bless the determined SP who basically sucked that third one out of me...she was not giving up until the deed was done. For me though, it is not about how many times I get my rocks off, but all about the quality of the experience.
  15. All the very best in you future Mandalay....you deserve the best, so may all your dreams come true. You are a very beautiful women with a lot to offer and I am honored to have you as a close friend. You have a delightful insight on life and certainly added a breath of fresh air to those around you. Your imagination will certainly be missed on Cerb. May all the roses bloom in your future. You will be missed.
  16. Take a ride with me babe, and someday we will meet up with the incredible Mandalay.
  17. You better take advantage of that seat sale Monk...she is well worth the time!!
  18. Having experienced younger SP's as well as mature SP's, I have to say that I prefer the mature ladies because of the attitude and knowledge they offer.They know what it takes to please a man, how to make him feel comfortable and how to make the encounter a special, memorable experience. I'm not saying that some of the younger ladies don't have the same qualities, but it only happens with 1 out of 10, while with the mature women, more like 9 out of 10. I like the higher odds much more. God bless the mature ladies!!
  19. Thank you once again Seymour....very nice way to start a holiday Monday...coffee and some great pics.
  20. You had better hurry then...she is retiring on Wed Aug 5th....you will be sorry you missed her....she is a fabulous and special lady.
  21. Very, very interesting thread Cumquat....you do an amazing job of researching your material!! By the time you were finished detailing the perfect bj, most men could have already had 3 of those described bj's by some of these talented ladies of cerb. But I guess in school we always learned we had to show our work, right...so thanks for doing that for us...this is kind of like school..I always had someone doing my homework. No, but really...very educational, very humorous and a great read. Keep them coming.
  22. Sorry Mandalay..It would have been a blast to show Emma around Winnipeg....I know I will miss you when she is here...but maybe we can work something out down east sometime??
  23. Thanks, fellow puff...I will have a magical time with that beautiful lady guaranteed. My only fear is that I will heading east at least once a month after we spend some glorious moments together. :lol:
  24. I'm sure the city of Winnipeg can hardly wait for your arrival....I know I can't- just like a kid at Xmas!! Maddy would have thoroughly enjoyed a visit with you....we could have had some wild and crazy times. See you soon.
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