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Everything posted by Jolie

  1. To be honest I didn't even know it was ok to post adds on CL at all anymore but some basic words may be the issue like sensual or exotic or the donations put into the add not sure. Back when I did do cl adds I had a annoying person that liked to flag all my adds but I was pretty sure it was another gal. Lol not sure if this helped at all but most I have written in awhile.
  2. Happy birthday my dear I hope its a sexy drunk fun fair hehe XoX
  3. So I have never hosted something like this BUT my 40th birthday is around the corner and I want to bring it in with a BANG heh I am thinking lets have a group help me bring my birthday in right. It will either be the 19th of Oct this is a Sunday and my actualy day or if people cant make for that date we can do it on the 25th which is a Sat. Send me a pm if you are interested and we can talk details then. Please only confirm on something like this if you can for sure make it as no one likes a no show birthday party lol
  4. We are creatures that crave touch for me its all about that moment ,when you walk through my door at that moment I am your gf and I want and need the touching, kissing and feeling wanted and needed and making someone feel the same in return. Some days I wonder what happened to good old fashion foreplay that's the real ingredient that makes the magic happen. A deep sensual kiss that starts at your lips but you feel it in all the warm places it should be felt. And after the build up that you ride to a shivery end its nice to land in a warm embrace and just snuggle till your heart beat slow back down heh.
  5. I did not see any listed for Ottawa so I sent one in, not sure if it worded right but we will hope it works for the best :) thank you for making this available . Oh also I wasn't sure about picture feature.
  6. I am so sorry to hear these things happen and sadly it happens more and more now I hope your friend is ok.
  7. Jolie


    Mmm kisses
  8. Jolie


    From the album: Invitation

  9. I would pay off my debts,get my doggie her much needed surgery,buy a house with some land and start a dog rescue home for mutts,strays and the unwanted. Give some to each of my family members making sure my kids will be set up nicely and invest a little. Try to live life comfortably without over indulging myself heh.
  10. Happy bday and hope you have a wonderfull one and many many more to come. Jolie XoX
  11. Same here I am a morning person like Sara but if you ever need someone to talk to again you feel free to wake me up anytime it is girl :) I am glad you found someone you could talk to.
  12. The first few pm's are great to break the ice and clear any doubts either you or the lady in question may have but I agree the follow through is very important and of course you want to leave a bit of suspence for the time when you get to meet and truly get to know eachother's likes or dislikes. For now worry less about being a newbie here --hugs welcome aboard-- and spend time enjoying the adventures this place will offer you. Jolie XoX
  13. Well now if its an attraction to a man the first thing that strikes me is the eyes,the soul of the person the rest can follow,if it is a woman I am attracted to its the curves ,its that handful of hip to hold and carress.
  14. Happy happy Bday darlin and wishing you many more to ..... come ;)
  15. I hope everything goes smoothly for you for the next while and if you need anything that I can help with let me know.
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