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Everything posted by dunkinsailor

  1. This is a SERIOUS post, and would be specially interested in any feedback Mod might want to give. I'm one step short of doing this. I'd like to make a video montage, tentatively called "Breasts in Orgasm". I'd need to compile a list of anyone in the sex industry that would like to be part, and their hourly acting rates. They would self-film using smartphones (or their sex partner could hold the phone at the applicable time). All I'd need is a few seconds for each segment. (Their partners wouldn't be videod at all). I would think the actresses SHOULD be able to lawfully, openly and graphically post their resumes, pics, etc. And that other sites could lawfully link to their resumes. We'd use the crowdfunding model - anyone contributing would be able to direct and participate in an applicable sequence with the actress of their choice. I'm not ready to launch this yet, but am VERY tempted to start. Be interested in feedback. On a lighter note, I once tried out on a porn video as a cast member, but they said I was too hard to work with.:)
  2. on a more serious side, I'm going to ask any lawyers out there to see if this makes any sense: it's NOT illegal to make porn videos, or engage in the profession thereof. if a group of canadian providers produced a video called, for eg., "hands in extasy", where the video was a montage of hands only while people were engaged "in the act", providers could become acting coaches, with applicable coaching fees. Whether or not a client or ........ chose to have their hand in the montage would be entirely voluntary, as long as the intent was to seriously contribute in the creation of a real production for resale. I, for one, would like to see some collective brains put their minds together to beat these utterly stupid politicians at their own game. Better still, let's get some McKay masks made up, and make some MK porn spoofs. Piss them off, but there's no law against pissing off politicians. Just like there's no law about politicians pissing off citizens.
  3. thanks to seinfeld, we have a great way of saying, without saying: "I saw Tracie, and we yadda-yadda-yadda'd like rabbits. She was terrific!"
  4. some relationships DO survive, and get better. The things that change include: - a core belief change that dishonesty is destructive to MY soul, let alone hers - an active desire (and followthru) to really explore the sexual playground INSIDE the relationship. (when the playground is completely explored, then it's time to look outside. Similar to if I can explore all the stars in the universe in my lifetime, it will be time to check out another universe). - a redefinition of trust - a grey scale, instead of an absolute. Each person reclaims ownership of the level of trust they choose to have about the other. - instead of needing the other partner to be/do what one wants/needs, we free the other to be who they really are, warts and all, and make our choices about whether to stay or leave based on listening to our soul's guidance (intuition, gut feeling, whatever you name it). It's not an inclusive list, but in my experiences down this road, these points seem to follow a common thread in couples that do stay together and thrive.
  5. been there, done that. Your outcome is likely to be improved immeasurably if you can wade these waters together with a good relationship counsellor you're BOTH comfortable with. Re: details - the hunger to know has less to do with knowing what happened, but why - and what questions about herself and you she has burning inside. She uses the details to try and piece together answers to her internal questions. I'd suggest answering truthfully and with as much/little detail as she asks for. Be honest when you're not sure, and say so. If there's something you're not ready to divulge yet, say so, and ask if you can come back to it in a few days. If she'll agree to share her thoughts on what you say, repeat back what she says (to help her judge whether you really heard what she meant), and ask her to tell you more. Listen WITHOUT defending. It's learning time for both of you. You may be surprised that, when this long road is behind you, BOTH of you love the idea of outside sexual exploration (or you might not). If you do, finding ways to explore it (often couples do so together) opens up new possibilities that don't destroy trust. If you end up not seeing eye to eye, the loving thing for both of you is to find partners that share your core values.
  6. reality check here: getting better at hiding activities is almost certainly doomed to fail. Like jumping higher in an attempt to fly - gravity has a way of reminding us. Us guys "don't get" the betrayal of trust. It may help to have a female perspective from a member to give insight on just how this works, and why it is so earth shattering.
  7. as someone who has been thru the "caught wringer" (not with an sp, but RL cheating decades ago), I may have a few insights. The desire to go outside is a combo of evolution, biology, culture, and personal value set. There's sides of our sexuality we can only touch in the excitement of a different person than our SO. But like a buffet, we can't eat everything without a bad hurt after. To get to some sort of resolution that brings you both to the closest win/win, my hunch is that you likely need to dig a lot more into why the craving is so strong. I saw a great therapist for a number of years after, which helped me bring out what I really wanted in life a lot more than I had wanted to dig earlier. I was afraid of knowing, but found it isn't the knowing that's dangerous; it's the choices that were hitting me like 2x4's. More self-awareness helps me make more concious choices, and it becomes easier to give up $5 bills to get $10 ones in return. Or at least be ok with wanting toonies instead, cause they're just so shiny! Hope this helps a bit.
  8. I'd consider photos outdated by 10 years to be B&S, as well as significant age misrepresentation. Dunno what guidelines, if any, cerb has on these 2 issues. If an auto dealer advertised a 2003 Honda, and actually had a 1993 on the lot, most people would growl "scam"
  9. in any profession starting out, a mentor is invaluable. Maybe ask some of the more experienced sps if any would be willing to take you under their wing starting out? Scuba divers always swim with a buddy for safety; seems like a sound principle.
  10. it's fake. I did the verification thing outta curiosity, and got sucked into putting a few $$ down for a short subscription. justhookup.com has tons of complaints on the web, they flood their female profiles with fake accounts (they call them vritual cupids). I'm getting ready to send a refund demand, and failing that, institute a chargeback. BBB gives them an F rating. Scam bigtime.
  11. I do the same backrubman. When an sp whispers she's in love with me as we're in the throes, it makes the experience so much more delicious. We both know its fantasy, but it makes gfe ..GFE!
  12. it's a combination of brain chemicals, the newness, feeling magic, and the "if" syndrome - all part of our brain's hard wiring + cultural upbringing to help us find a mate. A bit like going to disneyworld as a kid, and wishing you could live there. Recognize it as a deliciousness, and temporary, and part fantasy. Enjoy the swim, just be careful about going out too deep, too long. Reality can be kind, but can also come crashing painfully in.
  13. Been meaning to post this for a while. A lot of sp ads (especially on BP and other ad sites) include the phrase "open minded" - some "VERY open minded". Is there a general consensus in the industry on what this means, or what it entails? Or is it a bit like saying "don't be afraid of asking for kinky stuff or fetish desires"?
  14. would this be the first time either of you has seen an sp? If so, I'd suggest making your "wish list", and don't be reticent about putting down your preferences. For eg., Which of the following services would be important for the sp to offer: - french kissing - oral (giving and/or receiving) - role play - shower/bath play - etc., etc. Also, some may have a different donation for session with a couple (compared to a 1-on-1), while others may not. I'd also suggest narrowing down your possibles to a short list, BEFORE you make any decisions based on donation amounts. The $$ should be the last consideration - give yourself the best chance for a magical experience. Read and reread all the Halifax reviews over the past year. Hope this helps somewhat.
  15. her ads share the same bp account as chelsea luv, who's been well reviewed on cerb. I'd suggest calling chelsea and see if she can shed some light.
  16. just wondering if the Halifax social happened yet, and if so, how did things go? Enquiring minds wanna know:)
  17. Agree. First time of most things is a calculated guess of how things will turn out on a scale of 0-10. Even a few ppl showing is a start, and gets easier to build on from there.
  18. mod has pm'd me that the particular thread has been moved and closed. Thanks mod!
  19. Originally, I was going to pm mod on this, but then thought it might be worth a bit of discussion, to help if a similar situation came up in the future. To start, I don't have any affiliation with Cristy. Whenever I go to the NS forum, the Cristy thread title shows up as the latest post in the NS Warnings subforum, and often I wonder what effect it has with newer users. In the spirit of cerb, mod - if you (or someobe) inserted a new thread (eg. on info that would be useful in avoiding the types of problems that forum section covers), it would push the Cristy thread down one, and off the main NS page. She's a member in good standing, and seems a bit unfair to have it continued to be displayed where it is. My thoughts anyway.
  20. I look at gfe as a starting point; there's a whole range of quality going from basic gfe to ultimate. I look for: - dfk, and especially if the provider mentions they love kissing. - any statements such us "you'll FEEL like I'm really your girlfriend" - any info on what "sensual" things they like, such as skin stroking, sudsing together. I absolutely love touch, having my hair stroked, eye contact, and exploring the whole range of kissing (those sweet soft lips on lips, the slow deep kiss that makes you gasp inside at the anticipation of each next moment). There's so many areas of the body and mind that can be part of the experience. Someday, I'll be able to put aside enough cash, and hopefully find the right sp, to be able to have the ultimate gfe date. At my age, fs just isn't enough by itself anymore.
  21. to best of my knowledge, Brandy is "handled" by bustykellie. Use due diligence.
  22. Her ad in SEA is a bit misleading when it says she has a private residence - she has a room in an agency house (other girl is a Spanish one). I had a session with another girl in this agency last year, and found out the manager answers most emails, not the girls themselves. I had booked summer, but in third phone call to confirm details, found out that gfe rate was $200 (her page has her rate as $140), she didn't have a private residence, and she was in this particular agency house. I cancelled - too many red flags, plus memories from my last dealings with the agency. If she was independent, I likely would have seen her - she seems like a nice girl
  23. gentleman11 has expressed a lot of my sentiments about Cathy well. Had the opportunity to see her and explore one of my fetishes, and she just makes you so at ease and welcome. Was tons of fun, and definitely unrushed. She's a genuinely caring human being, which made the encounter all the more special. Thanks Cathy for a wonderful time.
  24. Had the luck to meet up with Karlie, and it was a wow experience. She's a fantastic kisser, and did some roleplay with me that was passionate, sweet, and left me drained. I'm sooo glad I met up with her, and hope I gave her back some of the enjoyment she gave me. Thanks Karlie, it was a treasured experience.
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