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Everything posted by milfhunter1967

  1. I have to agree with you it's getting old! Putting to much effort and not getting much in return. Like you say maybe it's the age thing! lol
  2. I believe it's 35, not sure what the reasoning behind that number is!
  3. Daria K Morgan, Felina Rose both good choices, both have adds on EC
  4. Just keep in mind the RCMP watch the J like a hawk for all the drug trade going through there!
  5. I've seen Felina a few times now and I agree with everything said about her! It's hard to put into words Felina's Latina warmth and passion for life! Every time I see her the session gets more intense and enjoyable! That being said I suspect she also has the Latina temper as well, I pity the guy who pisses her off! lol
  6. If your into Latina women Felina Rose is a genuine Latina but she is not in her twentys if that's what your looking for. Seen her a few times, and always had a great time with her!
  7. The Westwood has a hot tub room, they'll take a cash deposit if you don't want use a CC and the room has door direct to the outside for privacy!
  8. Depends where your planning to travel, western Canada Telus is best. Eastern Canada Bell or Rogers and be prepares cell phone plans are really expensive compared to the US even pay as you go is twice as expensive up here!
  9. "her age" lol you make her sound like she's ancient!
  10. I saw her back in June, nice lady, lives up to her name. Some of her pictures aren't recent but there still accurate. Have to get around to repeating one of these days!
  11. Nope nothing, go south as fast as you can that's the best advice I can give you!
  12. Daria Kay Morgan is a very good choice! http://www.escorts-canada.com/vip/Winnipeg-MB/11909.html
  13. Once again the cream rises to the top, it's nice to have both sides of the storey!
  14. Good plan GB Soliel and Daria Kay Morgan would give you a birthday you wouldn't soon forget!:biggrin:
  15. DKM is an excellent provider, although you might want to quadruple you fun and do a duo with Daria and Soliel:biggrin:
  16. She's still around, just keep an eye on the advertising section
  17. Saw Melodi today, very enjoyable session! late thirtyish, non rushed, pictures on EC are accurate, prompt answer to e mail. Will be seeing her again! :biggrin:
  18. KZ Devil use to offer erotic maid service but she is long retired:icon_frown:
  19. First time I saw Sharla it was like taking a shower lol so yes Sharla is definitely a squirter !
  20. If clutter bothers them that much then they should go rent a hotel! lol:icon_razz: I haven't seen Raquel myself but I sure plan to!:tongue:
  21. People who still haven't got the message DRINKING AND DRIVING IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE! WTF!:vatefaire:
  22. Soliel would be a great choice, but if your looking a little older Daria Kay Morgan would be a good choice, a little younger Kaylee Kisses would be on the list! All three have long recommendations in that section:biggrin:
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