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Everything posted by milfhunter1967

  1. Soliel has been one of my Winnipeg favorites, she always gives consistent service! From the first time I met her in the city where the Guess Who are always running back to our last get together a few weeks ago!
  2. People who drive with there high beams and or driving lights on blinding everyone around them! Winter storm warnings before Thanksgiving! (just noticed winter storm warning issued for SE Manitoba & NW Ontario)
  3. Good advice, it's better to have a bigger data plan than you need. If you go 1mb over the fees will scare you! I recommend at least 1GB depending on how much wifi you can use!
  4. I know lots of hot 50 year olds! and 50 is the new 40 lol:icon_mrgreen::icon_cool:
  5. I also have an iphone with rogers, the phone is user friendly and rogers has reasonable 3G service in most of Canada with the exception of Saskatchewan! If you go with the older model the phone is free and rogers does have some good plans for around $70
  6. If I won the 50 million I'd do all the usual stuff. retire,pay off debts, help out some close friends, take a world cruise with one or two or three SP's! The only really off the wall thing I would do is give a big chunk to the SETI organization because as I get closer to the end of my life I really want to know "are we alone?"
  7. Soliel would be a close match, not 100% but she has an incall location and is very well educated and good company! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15487
  8. Another reality show! http://www.geekinvaders.com/ae-network-to-premiere-new-original-real-life-series-barter-kings-summer-2012/
  9. All you had to do is scroll down the page http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=90095
  10. ZoeZee would also be a good choice, she advertises on here and EC:icon_mrgreen:
  11. Sort of like "the wife experience":icon_wink:
  12. Angela of Ottawa is offering good advice after reading Horndog66's post! Most of these BP girls think they work for Revenue Canada, where they can screw you over and take your money!:icon_rolleyes:
  13. I would love to meet beautiful Anna from Vancouver, just having no luck being in the same city as her at the same time! Perfect example I get home to Winnipeg last Friday, the same day as she leaves! lol Although I do believe she passed me last winter driving from Regina to Saskatoon :cool:
  14. I'd have walked away the first time! There's no excuse for that kind of behavior!
  15. This is great advice, once you fed your cats the first time you were being played ! lol cats are great but sometimes they are a major battle of wills! I had a long running one with my cat Spike for twenty four years, still not sure who won!
  16. The one realistic thing I would want to do is visit Dick Proenneke's cabin in Alaska, ever since I saw Alone in the Wilderness on PBS I've been fascinated by Proenneke! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Proenneke
  17. Always do some homework, lot's of recommendations on cerb and positive revues on other boards =good no recommendations on cerb and negative revues on other boards =bad :icon_cool:
  18. Raquel Welch still looks incredible! :icon_razz:
  19. I use to have the same problem, I solved it by getting a Rocket stick from Rogers! no more idiotic wifi problems!:biggrin:
  20. maybe he's just saying this board is for passing information! That's not particularly useful information! Just to get this thread back on track Soliel would be on my list but also Daria K Morgan she also gives a hell of a BJ :givemehead:
  21. Had a great time with DKM a while ago, not sure I would call her a spinner though. Never heard of Twyla!
  22. I guess I'm dating myself but yes I remember American Bandstand, watching the great acts and then buying the 45's! RIP Dick Clark
  23. A name change usually isn't a good sign :icon_cool:
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