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Everything posted by 747LeftSeat

  1. 777flyer, your post is not a rant - it's right on the money. Everything you say is correct. The FA is in no way a hero. I hope he gets the help he needs.
  2. I've always found the louder the person on the cellphone is talking the more self-important that person is. Nowhere is this more prevalent than airline lounges. But I agree with all - either turn the phone off during an appointment or leave it in your car if you don't want to turn it off. It's so very rude to be interrupted by a ringing/vibrating phone.
  3. Had lunch with Paul Newman on the beach in front of his house in Connecticut in the late 80s. I teach auto racing at a nearby race track and 2 summers ago I was humbled to have Jaques Villeneuve drive my car around the track MUCH quicker than I have ever been able to do it. Have taken John Travolta for a flight in my personal airplane.
  4. "The last cheque you write should be to the undertaker - and it should bounce"
  5. Damn. You had me going there - right up to the cash offer. Good one!
  6. I hear you. More than once I've sort of wished I flew through CB just to show these people why we have to divert. I do wish people were more tolerant of events outside the control of mere mortals. I recently had an appointment with a lady that had to be canceled by her due to events outside her control. No big deal - things happen. I can (and will) rebook when my schedule permits.
  7. My eyes have been really bad this year and the prescription eye drops Patanol helped a lot. As did Reactine 20mg daily. I also find rinsing my eyes with cold water several times a day helps. Washing my hands several times a day keeps irritation to a minimum when I accidentally touch my eyes with my hands. Showering and washing my face and hair before going to sleep helps keep my eyelids from seizing together overnight.
  8. One of three drinks: 1. The Macallan 25 year old single malt 2. Krug Champagne 3. Cold Stella Artois
  9. I find shampoo works great for cleaning under fingernails.
  10. I agree with the "trust no one" sentiment. The ONLY way to ensure total secrecy is to tell no one your secret. I learned this the hard way years ago. :(
  11. Bad people? Not at all, IMO. While I my be new to the hobby I have read most of the posts here on CERB and I have to point out just how friendly and caring SPs are, if their posts are anything to go by.
  12. It is in really poor taste, agreed. I hate commercials too - that's why I listen to XM radio. My car has XM and since the 3-month free trial period ended 12 months ago I've never been charged for XM and I'm still receiving it. Can't beat that deal!
  13. A couple of pranks I've pulled in days gone by: 1. Tied a Rainbow Trout (purchased at the supermarket) to the exhaust manifold of a friend's car just as he was heading out on a long trip. 2. Tied the fuse of a fire-cracker to the internal element of a toaster. When my room-mate was later making toast, his very last slice of bread blew up inside the toaster.
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