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Everything posted by sboudr

  1. I saw the other lexi tonight, the traveling one with the n.s area code....all I'll say is the pics are acurate, amazing body
  2. sboudr


    Next weekend, for sure
  3. Id like to know too if at all possible
  4. sboudr


    Very much looking forward seeing this first hand
  5. Hot!!!! Do you still have this outfit? I'd love to see you in it
  6. Anyone know if Brit Luv is still around. She had been planning a tour before Christmas visiting Moncton, St John and Fredericton, then changed a couple dates and vanished. I had been looking forward to meeting her :(
  7. Yes they do, they advertise on bp. ...correction I read that too quick before replying, I was thinking finesse
  8. Is she still around? I had texted her a few times beginning of december and she replied, but vanished a few days after that
  9. I've never seen her personally but there had been discussion about Nikki awhile ago. Here's a tread that may help http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=104283
  10. I've been on this site for quite some time, but don't really participate much. I've always been a lurker. There's one thing that I've noticed however over my time that has always remained consistent, and that's that Sophia from Suite Escapes and even before when she was Independent herself and not running the spa is always extremely helpful to anyone asking for advice or recommendations. It would be easy for her as a business owner, when someone asked for a recommendation for a specific in her area, to just recommend her business, but instead she leads them to the advertisement section and the reccommendation section to search out who will meet this persons needs. Compliments aren't given enough to people, and this isn't quite a reccommendation more of a thanks to Sophia for being a class act and a great member of this forum.
  11. Thank You Carley I may have to stop in for a show as well the "dance hall" is very close to where i live.:grin:
  12. yeah i saw summer as well, and have already repeated, she's a cutie
  13. I just met with Desiree from finesse. Have to say that I was very pleased. I called late at night and she was at my place within 30mins. She was tatooed on her back, one right below her belly button. I have to say that this girl was very enthusiastic about our time together. Now this was for straight full service, it cost extra for gfe, which I happily paid as she was very umm how shall i put it "tight" and "tasty". I haven't been a hobbiest for too long, in fact i don't think I've met with any of the fine women that grace this wonderful site as of yet, but I do definitely want to see Desiree again.
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