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Everything posted by CourtesanCassandra

  1. I'm actually quite curious about this method. A couple of girlfriends of mine had it done, they did have to go back more than once, but they were pretty happy with the results. The one gal told me that she waxed, but would get the ingrown hairs & little red bumps. Lasering seemed to clear it up. Myself, I tend to wax & leave a little patch that I trim. I do like a gal with a bit of a trimmed look, meself. Hairless looks clean, but I just find a little fur on the lady bits purdy! ;)
  2. Well the gal I'd mentioned works independently, but I'm pretty sure she has a few folks that do cover her back. Unfortunately, there are some pretty horrendous agencies out there that don't care for the lady's safety, only the cash they generate & they take advantage. If it's a good agency, I'm thinking yes. Speaking for myself, I've worked with a lovely woman who runs an escort agency. The ladies safety is definitely a big priority. If there is a shady client, & any of the gals are mistreated, he's asked not to do business again with them.
  3. I'm having issues with my touch pad mouse & accidentaly nominated one of your posts, Elle. Not that that's a bad thing, heh. Gawd I hate these touch pad mouse things....:-?
  4. I feel the same way about the incall situation. I've never entertained the idea of having a complete stranger in my home before we've set up a meeting or I've seen them a few times. There is also the risk of inviting the wrong person to your home & having them possibly stalk or harass you at your place of residence. As for meeting them on their turf, I know of a gal that will phone her safety contact infront of the client, letting them know she is there & should be done at such & such a time. She also has set up precautions that, for example, she calls her safety contact & doesn't use the right name, or talks in code, that the safety contact knows to call police.
  5. lovely bum & awesome stockings!
  6. Hear hear! :D I must say, I quite like the no husband part myself! To me, it seems many are miss-matched sexually, some folks ar monogamous. Some aren't. Unfortunately, some non-monogamous folks are married to monogamous ones. I can sympathize with the gents expressing this frustration because I was in a marriage quite similar. My ex husband had minimal sex drive & when it did happen, it was very vanilla & missionary position. Quite often with zero satisfaction on my part. I suggested opening the marriage up but he was quite taken aback & rather offended. So I told him if we didn't try & work something out, there were gonna be problems. And problems there were. I ended up having an affair about a little while later with a coworker in the same plight as mine. It was very brief, but I soon confessed to the husband & we decided to part ways. I'm so glad we did. I've been able to explore further sexually & open up. As a result, I feel like a more grounded & happy individual. Mind you, some folks do have children & don't want to rock the boat for the sake of the kids, so that's totally understandable. But if ever I do end up with a significant other, I would hope he would be open to exploring with me, & if he was visiting an sp, I'd be kinda pissed off I wasn't included in the fun! ;-)
  7. heheh, well I'll turn the tables a bit... I've often fantasized about a fellow I used to work with years ago, he was one of the techs. He was super shy when it came to women, but I had the hots for him pretty bad. Well I've quite often entertained the thought of opening the door & having him stand there. Oy! The fun I'd have with him...!
  8. On campus at UBC in a dark parking lot with a guy friend. Got busted by the campus cops :D
  9. That's awesome, I'm glad your first time was such a good experience! :-D 6' amazone beauty with a killer smile, eh? sounds heavenly!
  10. Nah, wasn't accusing you of that, just his hokie pokie site. And I think when someone does link to a site like his for the purpose of a debate, you kinda throw the baby out with the bath water, know what I mean? Even if there is tid bits of good info in amongst garbage, it's just simply not particularly a good idea to link to them, as the fact that they are wacky sites gets pointed out first & foremost. Apologies if I've strayed from topic... And no, I've never had a flu shot & rarely get sick. :)
  11. Oh I always love the look of a gal wearing a strap on. Very hot! :D
  12. I think it's very important to do research about anything that you take into your body. Personally, I'm not comfortable with the ingredients in the standard vaccines, so I choose a naturopathic alternative for me & my family. Again thats just my choice. And as for researching information like this, I tend to look at the source the information is coming from. I cringe whenever I see a link to Jeff 'the Jews are gonna get us' Rense, as not very many folk take him serious & well, there's some pretty offensive ideas spued there. Not at all slamming anyone for links to certain sites, but definitely check their source, especially when having a debate on a subject such as this. There are some pretty wild ideas out there, & some have their own agenda, too. I think there's some very good information to be had in US & Foreign sources myself. As for info available on Canadian sites, I did find this link. It can take a little digging sometimes. At least Health Canada is transparent with the ingredients used. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/cig-gci/p01-tab01-eng.php
  13. Nope! An ex used to steal mine all the time. :-D Never had a client steal a pair of mine, though. Not yet, anyway...!
  14. I tend to advertise on CL from time to time, as I've only discovered this site through a local courtesan's page. The gals advertising here do definitely seem to be of high calibre, which is awesome. And perusing here, I like the fact that there is more of a 'community' feel on this board, and a genuine friendliness, as I've not had any experience with any of the other boards. Most of my contacts & clients have been through CL & I must say, I have gotten some lovely clients from there. I also don't post my number right away, but will state that once arrangements have been made that I will offer my contact number.
  15. Thanks for providing that link, I signed myself. I was also wondering, December 17th seems to be an important date as well? I came across this link: http://sexworkers.ning.com/ Is there a correlation between any events on Deceember 17th & the march in February at all?
  16. Anything by Jeff Long. He does both fiction & non. Really liked The Descent (not really related to the movie) & The Reckoning. Year Zero looked really interesting, so that's on my 'to read' list. As for mags, I love Bon Appetit. I also like the one you get at the Liquor store called Taste. They've got some awesome drink recipes, as well as food recipes & what kinds of wine pairings go well with them. Best of all, that one is free. And I get the Georgia Straight solely for Tar Paper Town & Dan Savage. :)
  17. I'm fairly new on the board here but thought I'd chime in. Thanks for bringing this subject up. I tend to be a little on the shy side myself, but generally I do strive to exchange pleasantries with my client. I know that sometimes during a massage, I'm under the assumption that they aren't really wanting to chat much, just wanting to quietly enjoy the massage, so I don't speak much during. Maybe this is what the young lady you were with was thinking as well? But as you mentioned, you were genuinely interested in conversing with her, so she opened up & started talking. And I think that's wonderful that you have widened your perspective on new MPA's or SP's. With my very first client, I had a touch of nerves, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well everything went & how comfortable we were with each other. I think that it helped that I'm already inordinately fond of sex & really enjoy male company, heheh. :D
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