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Everything posted by crankF

  1. I know several Pits, and they are sweeties. The only scary ones I've ever seen had scumbaggy masters.
  2. Met with an old friend for an early birthday/Valentine celebration. A wonderful multi hour session of sexing,cuddling, and catching up was just the ticket for a mid winter pick me up. Birthday bonuses were a massage with home made cherry lotion, experiencing a certain act for the first time, an excellent birthday gift to take home, and a small gift for my elderly Dad. I knew my friend had many talents but learned of another new one: she makes maple syrup. That means she's even sweeter than before! If You read this hun, thanks for making me feel special;)
  3. Booked for tomorrow with an old friend I haven't seen in way too long, and I am super excited!!!
  4. Phew!! Sure glad I don't live in Papua, New Guinea Holy Crap, 18ft splooge! When I was a teenager living at home with parents, I would stroke it at the bathroom sink and shoot jets about 3ft to the top of the bathroom mirror. I didn't clean up good enough though, cause Mom told me I owed her a bottle of Windex! lol Wish I still had that much jizz power. Additional Comments: Wouldn't that be called "Dink Eye"?
  5. I am not afraid to say that I am a Christian, albeit a bit of a backsliding one, lol. That being said, I don't mean to suggest or participate in a theological debate. In dealing with others and general administration of one's own life, I feel belief in a Higher Power is required. Reverence to someone, something, he, she, it, whatever your belief system is fine with me. Even if you are guided by the pine tree in your backyard, it will help keep you grounded. Humanism is not enough. Peace, cF
  6. A concert of baroque music that i had been counting on yesterday was put off due to weather. Then, while plowing last night, my truck baroque down.(pun intended) I was consoled a bit by a late night chat session with a fave sp pal, so at least I had pleasant dreams!
  7. I am not a geek nor nerd. I have however, been told that I am a tool.
  8. crankF

    I think you're about the cutest t girl ever!
  9. The only thing better than fake jeans is------no pants at all!!
  10. Death by pussy poisoning makes think next she'll try the "venus fly trap", by which I mean razor blades in vagina to cause bleeding to death.
  11. My dear sainted mom used to say "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". Must be everyone wasn't always taught that? We must be about due to revisit the topic of bush barbering! Geez
  12. Glad I'm not selling cars anymore. No more used special of the week:$9999. Now It would be $9998.95 Additional Comments: New saying to encourage frugality: "Every time you save a nickel. it can go toward more action for your pickle!".
  13. I only had the pleasure of hearing p. farts on ,I believe, two occasions. Standard farts are a completely different matter, in fact I hold an MAF, or Master's in Ass Flatulency. Over a lifetime of practice. I have fine tuned the technique of SilentButDeadly: the ability to emit sneaky scent clouds with no sound after looking all around the grocery aisle, then escaping to another aisle without being busted. My dad sometimes walks up to me seated, aims his butt at me and blasts one, calling it "his revenge". It seems a little odd that any sexual extroverts would be butt fart reticent. My advice,"Let 'er rip!".lol
  14. Frying up some red and green peppers for an egg and pepper sandwich on fresh Italian bread. Oven baked french fries and frying an extra egg to dip fries in yolk, maybe 2 extra eggs lol. Simple but very yummy.
  15. My Mom's family came from Preble, Scotland so it is natural for me to squeeze my bag and skirl my pipe.
  16. Such nice sentiments, you must be a very thoughtful and caring provider!
  17. B for Bartholin's Gland -- These important little glands help produce fun juice for the vajayjay!!
  18. Think positive and things will go the way they're meant to. A thought from experience: Folks who are very sick can say some off-putting things, just remember that your presence is beneficial, no matter what.
  19. Afraid this will demonstrate my total unhipness and advanced age, but here goes. WTF is up with guys wearing shorts in dead of winter? I've pondered this since I first observed it when I was at college,(as a non-traditional student) during the grunge era. I just came from the grocery store where I saw a dude with Red Army fur headgear, North Face jacket with sweatshirts underneath, big mittens, shorts, sneakers and white ankle socks. He wasn't jogging, he was parked next to my car. Where I live it's well below freezing with a brisk breeze, so if that attire is meant to prove big cajones, it's more likely his sack is shriveled high and tight.
  20. Kraft mac and cheese with kielbasa sausage pieces, garden salad with oil and balsamic vin.
  21. I is for indecent exposure
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